Chapter 24

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Is that Mr. Aizawa! "Oh, Miss L/N. I didn't know you worked here."
Oh really! "Did you come here to buy something?" I'm so awkward. I got down off the second register, and went around the counter. What if he saw Toshinori with me. He must have seen him in the aisle by now.
"I was actually looking for my co worker. He left work so fast, he left his bag of papers."
Finally Toshinori came back over to save me. "Hello there." He had a can of cat food, window cleaner, and some Soba. What is he doing.
"I knew I saw you come in here. Either way here is your bag." Mr. Aizawa hands over the bed. "Do you have a cat?"
Toshinori looks down at his hands. Cat food. "Oh ummmm, I'm getting one."
"He is going to name it Billie Jean." I add.
"I am not."
"I'm pretty sure you are."
"Is this where you use to go for lunch? Is that how she knows your new cats name?"
"Yes. I quite enjoyed the soba here."
"So wait, you work at UA? I haven't seen you there." I asked.
"Yes, I didn't know you go there."
"She is actually my student. You probably would have noticed if you weren't so focused on class 1A." Mr. Aizawa stares at Toshinori.
Oh man this is so awkward. "Hey, if you done shopping, maybe we could have a talk real quick."
Did Mr. Aizawa see us! Is he going to confront Toshinori! "Sure." Toshinori goes to the register.
I quickly ring him out. "$16.35 is you total." He hands me $20. I make his change, and hand it over. Mr. Aizawa is starring at us! "Have a nice day."
"Yes, you too."
With that they left. I'm just going to die in a hole now....

POV: Toshinori

Once we where away from the store. Mr. Aizawa stopped me. He stared at me.... "So.."
"Your stupid."
Wow, hurtful. "Care to tell more?"
"Your teaching her as All Might, and you talk to her as yourself. She will figure it out. She read minds ya dumb ass."
I think I just died. This is what he wanted to talk about. "Well.."
"Oh did you tell her. In that case then hanging out like this is very inappropriate."
"I haven't.."
"As a teacher you need to be more responsible. You know she goes to UA as a part timer, yet you decided to come here and continue to talk and buy stuff..... I'm not your boss, but this is ridiculous."
He turns to walk away. Then stops. "Billie Jean would be a perfect name for your cat." Then he left.
I definitely can't go back to store now. I also guess I have to go get a cat.....



Toshinori ended up texting me until I got off of work. Then when I was walking home he called me. He told me how Mr Aizawa though it was inappropriate to interact with the students like were are friends. Then he reassured him that we are not friends. He just shops there a lot. He also sent me over a thousand kitten pictures through email. Asking me which one looked like a Billie Jean. I'm eating breakfast now, looking through the pictures. My laptop in front of me. I think number 6 looking like a mittens, while number 13 looks like a chuck. I'm not sure if any look like a Billie Jean. I look the clock, and it's getting late. I quickly close my laptop and put my bowl in the sink. I grabbed my bag and ran out the door. I make it to the park, and saw All Might texting. His phone is so small compared to him. My phone then buzzed. I kinda ducked behind a tree so All Might wouldn't see me. I would like to reply to a text before the workout not after. I flip my phone open, and see it's from Toshinori. I instantly smile.
T- 'Good morning Beautiful. Have you picked out a kitten?'
Y/N- 'Good Morning! I'm not sure if any of them look like a Billie Jean.'
T- 'I can continue to look. I'm surprised your up this early.'
Y/N- 'I have to train in the morning.'
T- 'Wow, that's some dedication.'
Y/N- 'Can I come when you pick up Billie Jean.'
T- 'I might need you to come over and help take care of Her.'
Y/N- 'I could do that. But I don't know how much taking care of her will get done.'
T- 'We will have to discuss this more later.'
Y/N- 'Ok. I have to go anyway.'
T- 'Ill see you later.'

I finally come around the tree. All Might was just starring at his phone smiling. I quickly sneak up to him. He still hasn't noticed me. I take a deep. "GOOOOOOD MORNING VIETNAM!" Was my impression of Robin Williams good?
I watch him jump, then his phone was jumping in the air. He was trying to catch it. Right before it fell to the ground, I levitated it up. "Y/N! Your here early!"
"No actually I'm a little late."
"Yeah, so who you texting?" I poke his arm.
"No one."
"Yes because no one can make you smile like that."
"I-I always smile."
"Oh my. You got a girlfriend!"
"No." He face was red.
"You do! Who is it!?"
"I do not."
"Is it Martha? She seemed to really like ya."
"Oh I see, it's a man."
"No it not."
"I think Mr Aizawa and ya would make a cute couple."
"Never in a million years."
"So after the million years its ok."
"It's not a man, and I don't have a girlfriend."
"Right. I think you don't want me to know who it is."
"Who about we discussed the fact there's a hickey on your neck." He points out.
"Your just jealous."
"Of a 17 year old."
"Someone has a big head."
"Let's start the workout now." He rolled his eyes.
The day went by like normal. Nothing strange happened. We worked out, I had Midnights class then Mr. Aizawa's class. Mr. Aizawa did ask me about my job a few times. Other then that it was normal. I was on my way to the locker room when I got a text from Toshinori. He wants me to met him in class room number 218. Good thing it's on the way to locker room. I checked and made sure no one was following me, then I quickly snuck into the room. There was Toshinori, siting at the teachers desk. I smiled, then walked over and sat on his lap. He wasn't expecting that. But I'm sure he liked it. I take my fingers, and have them walk up his arm. "Is there any Extra Credit work I could do. I really don't want to fail this class."
Of course that made him cough. "Sorry." He grabbed his napkin.
I take it from his hands. And start to dab his face. "No need to apologize." I smile. Once he was all cleaned up. I leaned over and whispered in his ear. "So about that Extra Credit? I'll do anything."
"I have a few idea."
"You name it."
He smirked. "Well you could start by giving me a kiss."
I smile. Then lean over, and kiss his lips. It was quick, but still had passion. "How much did that help my grade?"
"I think your at a B+ now."
"Oh, what can I do to get an A."
"You could go to class." He chuckles.
I grab his hand, and put it on my leg. His hand is warm. "Is that it?" His hand was slowly moving up my leg.
"It should be for now..." He looks down at his hand.
"I don't mind if you go higher." I could feel his member getting harder. He was hesitant. I lean over to his ear. "I'm wearing my red thong today."
I heard him cough. "It's probably best if you go to class now." Only his finger tips were under the hem of my skirt. He slowly removes his hand.
"It's probably for the best." I got up, and straighten out my skirt. "I'll see ya later ok." I lean over and give him a kiss."
"I'll see ya later."
I exit the room, and ran right into Mr. Aizawa! Shit! "I'm so sorry."
"What where you doing in there?"
"Oh um well."
"Is there someone else in there?"
"No, just me." I gave a smile.
"Where you trying to skip out on All Might?"
"I had a phone call from the hospital. The hall was loud so I went in there to take it."
"Ok, I have to go now." I quickly walked away. I look back, and saw him go into the class room. Shit did Toshinori get out in time? I turned the corner and peeked over again. I saw Mr Aizawa exit, and start heading this way. 'No one was there.' Rang in my head. I let out a deep breath. I then quickly made it to the locker room. Once in, I sent Toshinori a text.
Y/N- 'I ran into Mr Aizawa in the hall. I'm surprised you got out in time.'
T- 'The second I heard you say sorry I quickly left. I definitely don't want to get caught by a co worker.'
Y/N- 'We probably should be more careful.'
T- 'Definitely. Now do your work.'
Y/N- 'Can I tell you something dirty.'
T- 'Should you?'
Y/N- 'Sitting on your lap, I could feel you getting hard.'
T- 'I'm Sorry about that.'
Y/N- 'It turned me on.'

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