Chapter 30

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I move fast to the locker room, moving past and around people. I normally wait a little bit before going in, because it's normal full. But today is the exception. I moved to my locker. I grab my gym clothes, then wait for an open stall. I hear some girls talking. Saying how they wish All Might was their teacher. I roll me eyes. He is a normal man, not a god. Finally a stall opened, and I took it before someone else did.  Once I was fully changed, I  made my way to the weight room...... All Might was surrounded by a bunch of people.
"Your classes will be starting soon." He smiles.
"One more autograph please!" A girl begged.
"Could we stay and work out with you?" Another asked.
Why do I feel jealous? "I'm sorry it's a closed training today." He laughs.
"I like your yellow suit, but your superhero suit is just amazing." One girl put her hand on his arm! I never really thought about it, but he works out with me in his superhero suit.... But why is she touching him! Breath! All Might is a grown man, he can do what he wants. Fan girls are part of that. At least I know no one will come after Toshinori. He is mine, and I will fight anyone that comes between us. Ok, I'm not that strong, but I'll try.
The bell rang. "Saved by the bell. Now go to your classes. You shouldn't be late because of me." He smiles. They all say goodbye and leave. Somehow none of them noticed me over here! I can make fun of him for this.
I walk over, and stand next to him, he didn't notice me still. "Oh All Might, your yellow suit is so cool, but your superhero suit is amazing." I tried copying that one girl.
He coughed. "Y/N, you saw that?"
"Being the Number 1 hero mean I get a lot of attention."
"Yup, that's why I can use it against you. Now can I join the closed training, or is that reserved for someone else." I smirk.
"Haha." He obviously didn't find that funny.
"Well you skipped out on me this morning, so I figured you found another to train."
"I didn't skip out on you."
"Really, because I was at the park at 6:35, and you never showed up. I thought hero's were always on time."
"I have a reason..." He turned away.
"You want to tell me this reason?"
"How about we go and train?"
"No oh, take that back."
"You had the mystery girl over. Meaning you didn't show up because of her."
"No." He was shaking his head.
"If you were gone most of the morning, must of been a wild time. She still at your place."
"You have an over active imagination."
"That's not denying it. So you got some."
He coughed... wow reminding me of Toshinori now. "I'm not talking about this with you, and no. None of what you said is true."
Maybe Kimberly is right, they could be twins... they sound alike, sometimes, they have the blond hair, and blue eyes. "Do you have a brother?"
"What? No."
"Oh, are you sure? You don't have a fraternal twin perhaps."
He face palms. "I'm sure I know my family, no brothers, or sister."
"Why do you ask?"
"Something Kimberly said. It's nothing." I looked at him. He seemed nervous. 'Did Kimberly figure it out?' Rang in my head.
"Let's do the stretches." He walked away.
He has a Secret and he won't tell me. "Hey, when do I get to do combat training?"
"No? I need to know how to fight."
"Your not ready for combat training."
"I think I am."
"Well I don't think you are."
"Why not. Learning to fight hand on hand is the next step, then I can work on adding my quirks to the mix."
"Yes, but combat training could lead to you getting hurt."
"Well no pain no gain."
"Why do you care so much if I get hurt?"
"Maybe next week we will work on it. For now we will stay with trying to master your quirks, and make your body ready for them."
"Well then, time we workout then."
"Really? You are willing going to workout?"
"Well let's get started."
Working out went fine.  Normally at the end of working out, he leaves fast or I do. Because I don't have Kimberly to eat with, I wasn't moving fast. "So your going to be at training tomorrow, or should we just skip the mornings?" I noticed this steam was rolling off of him. Which was strange.
"Maybe we could skip the morning training." He smiles.
"Ok. See ya tomorrow." I decided that was my cue to leave. I waved, and exit fast. I decided to skip lunch too. I didn't see Toshinori before I left for the day. I figured I would see him later at work. I hop on the bus to go see my aunt. Halfway there, I started to get a headache. I tried resting my eyes, but was to scared someone would try something. Once I made it to the hospital, one of the nurses stopped me.
"Are you feeling alright?" She asked.
"Yes. I'm fine." I was staring to get dizzy. The nurse seemed worried.
"Would you like to sit down?"
"N-No t-thank you. I j-just want to see my aunt." She took my hand, and walked me over to her room. She help me sit down across from my aunt.
"Page me if something goes wrong." The nurse said as she leaves.
"Y/N, are you ok?" My aunt asks.
"Just a a headache and a b-bit dizzy."
"Look at me." I try to look up. Suddenly we lock eyes. "Your eye...."
This weight suddenly hits me. And I lunge forwarded. Falling to the ground. I hear a voice yell nurse, and this small light of colors, before it all goes away....

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