Chapter 32

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I have to think of a way to keep everyone away from me. I put some snickers in there home. I have kept Kimberly away before, but whose to say she will listen this time. Then there is Toshinori. We just started dating. Hanging out is necessary. Not to mention I want to hangout with him. If only I knew what caused it, then I could take the steps needed for it not to happen again. This might be stupid, but I need to talk with All Might. He seems to know more about my quirks then he tells. Do I want to wait until tomorrow? Or should I try to find him tonight? He might still be at the school, but the chances of that are slim. I don't even know much about him. Like what does he do when he isn't teaching or saving someone. Does he go home, and not leave? I would think someone would notice him food shopping or just out for a walk. The press would never leave him alone then. Hmmmmm. I hear the chime of the door. I look up, and saw Toshinori there. Think quick! "I have strep throat!"
"Ummm, ok."
"I'm contagious for 48 hour." Wow pulling out all the facts.
"How did you get strep? You didn't have it last night."
"My aunt has it. I accidentally drank after her, now I have it." Why am I so good at lying? Forgive my Toshinori.
"Well I guess I won't kiss you then."
"It's for the best. It would look weird if a teacher and a student both had it. So yeah." Wow, this hurts. I can only imagine how this feels for him.
"I need a few things for Billie Jean. Wanna help pick them out?"
"Sure." We walk over to the pet aisle. I stayed a few feet away from him. Hopefully he believes it's for the strep. "Oh that bell would be so cute around her neck."
"I'm not listening to a bell at all hours of the night."
"Right. Well you will want a cat tree."
"A cat tree?"
"Yeah, otherwise your furniture is toast."
"Ok. Which one is better?"
"I would say get them both. Then have one in your living room, and one in like your bedroom."
"This kitten is costing a lot of money. These trees are $15 a piece."
"You will also want the big bag of kitten food. It will last longer. Then by the time it's gone you can switch her to cat food."
"Next time I go to the big pet store. Everything is so expensive, and there are little options here."
"You know what. That's a great idea. I'll text ya a list of everything you will want and or need. You go over to the Pet store, and buy it all."
"Well I kinda wanted to be able to see ya."
My Heart! I can die now a happy woman.... "Well you saw. I'm great, just a little sick. I'll text ya."
"Why are you pushing me out?"
"I'm not. I just don't want you to get sick." Shit shit shit!
"I'll text you then."
"Oh! Before you go." I'm want him to leave, yet I want him to stay! This is so hard!
"Could you buy me some soba. I forgot my wallet, and I'm getting hungry."
"Sure." He goes over and gets two soba made. I hear the microwave beep.
I wait behind the register. He comes back over with two. I ring them in. "That will be $13.45."
"So it's cheaper to buy two."
"Yes." He hands me $20. I make up the change and hand it to him. He then starts to eat his soba. He isn't leaving anytime soon. "How was work?"
"I was late this morning. Didn't have my alarm going off to wake me."
"Sorry. I should of woke you before I left. You just looked so cute..." My face goes red.
"So now I'm cute when I sleep?"
"Well I've never seen you sleep before."
"It's funny, because when you where falling asleep, I was going to send you home.... But you looked so beautiful I couldn't bring myself to do it."
"I am not a beautiful sleeper!"
"You were so peaceful."
"So there wasn't anything unusual when I was asleep?" Now that I think of it, I didn't sleep in my freezer!
So today was triggered because I slept next to him. Because I felt safe in his arms. "My aunt is nervous about me being in a relationship. She wants me to call her before bed to make sure I'm home."
"I understand that. It was wrong of me to let you stay the night."
"Oh, did I leave my clothes at your house?"
He chuckles. "You did, but you also took my shirt and belt home."
"Sorry. I can return th..."
"No. I like the idea of you in them." His face was red now.
I could tell him what happened today, but I feel like I should only tell that to All Might. He is the one working on my quirks with me. I quickly finished my soba. "I like wearing them you know.... But I need to get back to work now. I'll text you."
"Ok. I'll text you too." I took his empty container and mine, and throw them out.
I wave, as he leave. I have to keep him away. I don't want to hurt him. Would he be able to forgive me if I took him quirk?

It was probably around 8 o'clock, when Kimberly popped over. "Hey girl. Your aunt said you where having a bad day."
"You are breaking your own rule again. And you know, you shouldn't even be near me right now."
"Why is that?"
"I don't want to take your quirk."
"This again. I told you thousands of time. I don't care if you take it."
"If I take it, then I might take others too."
"Nope. Your scared you will take Toshinori quirk."
Toshinori. Would he be able to forgive me? Would he still love me if he knew I'm a monster? Kimberly comes over and hugs me. Toshinori.... Suddenly I wasn't at work. I was staring at Toshinori back.... He was getting in his bath. I'm glade I'm hugging Kimberly, because otherwise she would see his ass! Oh wow his ass! I tighten the hug. Suddenly we where back at the store. How did he not notice us! Kimberly ended the hug. "Can you tell me how we blinked over to Toshinori bathroom."
She was looking me in the eyes.  "You didn't do that?" I gave a weak smile.
"No, but I did bring us back here."
"I was thinking of him, when you hugged me. But I can't blink so."
"Well unless my quirk got stronger, I can't have others pick the location."
"I'm thinking you wanted to go there, and you dragged me along."
"Why would I want to go to your boyfriends bathroom?"
"I don't know, you wanted to test out his tub?"
"Y/N, what happened today?"
"I-I took someone's quirk."
"What! Do you know what the quirk even is?"
"No, I have been avoiding everyone, and waiting to us it."
"Hmm? This is strange. You didn't force my quirk... Wait here!" With that she was gone.
"Where do you think I could go? Timbuktu!?" Now I'm just talking to myself.
Suddenly Kimberly was back, with some girl... "Y/N, this is Miley, Miley this is Y/N."
"Hi." Miley smiles.
"Hi... Why did you bring her here?"
"Oh! Miley, tell Y/N your quirk."
"I can turn things into rock, but only for a certain amount of time."
"Oh that's so cool!"
"Show her." Kimberly grabs one of the All Might Hats.
Miley grabs it. I waited, then suddenly it was a dark brown. She handed it to me. "See, it's a rock now."
I take the hat. What was once light was now heavy. "Woah! Now how long will it stay this way?" I put the hat on the counter.
"Probably 10- 15 minutes. It depends on how much energy I put into it. It actually can be draining to do a lot of items in a short time."
"Ok! Now the reason I brought her." Kimberly has a very creepy smile right now. She takes my  right hand and puts it on Miley's shoulder. "Y/N, can you hold this pen."
"Sure?" I reach out with my left hand. She dropped the pen into my hand......

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