Chapter 53

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I'm trying so hard to not read his mind. But I want to know so bad. He said he is alright, but he is still in the bathroom. I was about to walk away, when I heard it. 'Why does she have to be so sexy.' Rang in my head. My face turns red. Ok. So he plays both fields, and that just confirmed everything I ever thought! I run to my second bedroom, and look in the mirror. Ok. It's so obvious I'm not wearing a bra, and my shorts are up to high... I hope he doesn't think I'm trying to subdues him! I quickly grabbed a pair of sweatpants. Putting them on. And I even added a bra. I hope he didn't go to the bathroom because of me. I don't want to get All Might in trouble. My face burns. I hope... I hope... I didn't affect his man brain.... It's All Might tho. He has a boyfriend, he must have been with way sexier people in the past. Yet he thinks I'm sexy! Am I a magnet for older men! I shake my head. I can't have Toshinori and All Might. I have to tell him I'm not interested... I-I'm not sure what to do. I walk back out to the living room and sit down. I was so nervous about the question I didn't even think of what I was doing. I drop the cap, and made All Might panic. I need to claim down. And just give him the answer so he can leave. The sooner he is gone... Kimberly. I quickly pull out my phone and text her not to come over. I heard the bathroom door open, so I turned to him. He looks normal... I really hope he didn't jack off in my bathroom...
"Sorry about that. You were about to tell me about your dream." He smiles. He then sits back down next to me. He looked at my sweatpants, and let out a breath. I might of been the cause...
My heart starts to race. "Umm, welllll. You see, I don't have control over it. It was a dream. Or so I thought."
He turn to me. "You know more then you are saying. If you don't tell me now, the police will find out."
Shit, my heart stops. He knows, and is giving me a chance to tell him. I take a deep breath. "Ok. So this one night. I go to bed, kinda upset. Over a guy." I mumble that last part. "In my dream I'm on the highway. I start walking, and I find houses. The bulbs in the street light were breaking.  I couldn't stop. This car was driving and he slammed on the breaks. He didn't see me. He almost hit me. I couldn't control my actions. I levitated his car over my head. And let it fall. The second it did. I woke up in a sweat. I try to turn on my lamp, but no lamp. I make it to my big door, opening it, and letting light in. My room was a mess. Then I heard the sirens. I look out my window and saw half of the town was black. I was so scared. I hid it. I wish I could take it all back." I felt tears rolling down my face. "My Aunt told me once that my mother alway said my father was a vile man. I'm convinced I can't be good. That I'm going to be a villain even if I don't want to be. I don't want to hurt people. But I just wish I could die! I can't do it myself, but I think subconsciously  I want to have it someone else's fault. I want someone to murder me! And that day the man I started to really like pushed me away because he was bleeding! I thought he hated me. I saw myself as this monster that no one could love!" I just said so much to All Might. Stuff I didn't even realize I was feeling.
"I promise Y/N, you will not get in trouble for this. I will do all I can to keep you safe." He spoke softly, and it sounded like my story hurt him.
"Thanks you." Without thinking, I sat up on my knees, and swung one of my legs over one of his legs. I then wrapped my arms around his neck. I was hugging him. I was pressed right up to him. He was very stiff. But, this made it all better. Until, something poked me...... My eyes go big. My face turns red. I quickly peel off of him. And stumbled across the room. Trying not to look at him. "Shit shit shit!" At that second a wave of energy came from me, knocking out all the lights. We sat in the dark. The street lights were out too.
"I-I'm sorry Y/N, I didn't mean that." He sound petrified. Like he can't believe that he aloud it to happen. He most be embarrassed, I know I am.
Say something. Do something. It's obvious that the number 1 hero likes you. "I-I guess what they say about foot size is true." I give an awkward chuckle. I take a few steps towards him. It's dark. And I'm crazy. 'Tell her.' Rang in my head.
"That was very inappropriate of me. Can you ever forgive me."
Is a rebound ok right now. I man I did have a break up, can I go after him now? Maybe he will take my mind off of Toshinori. I take a step closer again. "Only if you can forgive me." I go back on the couch. I get on my knees, and lean in. I kiss him. After a second of shock. He kisses me back. His kisses seem almost thirsty. Like he has been craving to kiss me. I felt his hands move along my back. One lands on my ass. Shit why does this feel so right!

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