Chapter 27

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POV: Toshinori

Y/N picked out a movie, and sat down next to me on the couch. She leans over. Resting her head on me. She was hugging my from the side. I like this, but I'm so nervous. I need to focus on the movie and not her legs. I think I'm watching her more. She looks so calm. She wore that dress for a reason. She looks so fine in it. I need to stop with the bad thoughts. I can't be thinking this type of stuff. Why did I let her come over?! I shouldn't be getting attached. Yet every time I see her, I love her more. I hated when we fight, it kills me. I need my daily dose of her. "Are you going to watch the movie, or continue to stare at me?" She never took her eyes off the TV.
"I've seen it a thousand times, but this is something I don't get to see very often."
Her face goes red. She turns and looks at me.
"You know, we could do something else. I could cook you dinner."
"I couldn't make you do that."
"Why not. I'm not to bad in the kitchen."
"As long as I can watch you."
"I could make the show better." She smirks.
"You clothes stay on."
"Are you reading minds now?"
"Fine, my dress will stay on. But I'm cooking."
She got up from the couch. Making my side cold. I get up to follow. "Why are your cupboards empty?"
"I'm not a very good cook."
"Do you have any paper and a pen."
"Yeah." I go and grab it, bring it back. "Here."
She takes it, and starts to write down a few things. She then hands me the paper. "Go to the store and get this."
"What? Why do I have to?"
"It's your money and food."
"I'm not leaving you alone in my house."
"Oh please. What I'm going to do rob ya. I don't even know where I am. I would get lost trying to head down the road."
"Why aren't you coming?"
"I don't want people seeing us food shopping. So I'll stay here and play with the kitten."
"Fine, just don't go upstairs." I don't need her going that room...I can have her find out. Not like that anyway.
"Ok I promise."
"I'll be right back.... what are you even making?" I look at the list.
"Not telling you. Now go."


Once Toshinori left, I had to call Kimberly.
"Ok. So I know you said not until chapter 35, but I'm in his house."
'You are where?! Can I come over?!' She shouts.
"I'm at Toshinori house, and I have no idea where it is. But only if your quick. I don't know how long he will be gone."
Suddenly Kimberly was next to me. "Is that my dress?!"
"Yes. Now look around." I was still in the kitchen.
"There is no need to shout."
"What's in that room."
"It's either the guest room or the downstairs bathroom."
"Wait there's an upstairs?"
"Yes but I said I wouldn't go up there."
"Ok. So I paused the wait for chapter 35, and your telling me I can't go upstairs."
"You only paused it because you want to be noisy! Also, if you have never been here.."
"I used you as a point to blink. Now I'm going upstairs!"
"Are you going to stop me?" She smirks.
"Well then, catch me if you can." She started to run towards the stairs.
"KIMBERLY!" I chase after her. She was halfway up the stairs when I grabbed her foot and pulled her down.
She started to kick me. I let go, which she used to run up. "Haha." She laughed.
I run up next. "Next time I won't tell you anything!" I saw her run into the first room. I quickly followed. I stopped, and face palmed. She was jumping on his bed. "What are you doing!"
"Seeing if the bed will make noise when ya hook up. So far it's pretty quiet."
"Really! Get down." She throw a pillow at me.
"Does it smell like him?"
"I'm not smelling his pillow!"
"You should. Oh!" She jumps down. I try to remake his bed.
"Was this nice before you started to jump on it." I turn around, and saw her holding his T-Shirt.  "What are you doing now?!"
"Well you are going to need to take some of these, so pick what ya like."
"I don't need to take his shirts."
"Yes, but the feeling of wearing them to bed will be so nice. I think you need at least 5 of them." She throw one at me.
"Answer my first question, and put those back."
"Yes it was made. But you are just going to mess it up later so leave it. Also put on his shirt now. Be all sexy for when he gets home."
I take the shirt, and walk over to her. "You can take one back to my house, if you promise to leave now."
"Ok. But if I leave the chapter 35 rule is back on."
"Yes. Please go. I have to fix this before he gets home."
"Ok. But if you need anything I'll come again."
"Ok. I'll keep ya updated to."
"Bye." With that she was gone. I turn back to the room. Wow, it's so big. Is this a California king bed! It's so soft. His closet is so big. He has a lot of yellow suits. I then open another door, and saw his bathroom. That's a nice soaker tub, and look at that shower! Ok. Kimberly broke me. I ran back to his bed, and just laid there. It smells like him! I'm fucking crazy. Ok. Back to reality. I finish making the bed, and put all the clothes back. I then go back downstairs, and saw Toshinori just opening the door from the garage. Before he saw me, I dove to the couch. "Oh, back so soon."
"I was gone for over an hour."
"No you weren't."
"Yeah, everyone was at the store, and of course traffic at this time."
"Well then."
"Why do you look exhausted?"
Oh you know just chased Kimberly throughout your house,  laid on your bed, smelled your fucking pillow, had Kimberly steal a fucking shirt, and also you almost caught me coming down the stairs. "Oh, the kitten really can make you tired." I stood up, and straighten out my dress. "Did you get everything?"
"Good." I walk over to his kitchen, and start looking for a pan. I hear him chuckles. "Instead of letting me struggle, tell me where your pots and pans are."
"I enjoy watching you struggle."
"Not nice."
"Over there." He points.
"Thanks you." I walk over, and pull out a pot, and then a pan. Putting the pan on the stove, then taking the pot, and filling it with water. I return to the stove, and turn on the water. "Are you enjoying this?"
"A little."
"Fine, pass the hamburger."
I hear the bags crinkle, as he digs in them. "Here."
I open the package, and drop it in the pan. Then turn on the heat. I then turn to him. "Bags."
He passes the bags over. I start to go through them. Pulling everything out. "So what are you making."
"Nope." I take the spices and put them by the stove. I start to add some to the meat.
We talk about a few different things. Within no time dinner was done. I start my quest for the plates. Checking everywhere.
"Over there."
"Thank you." I open the cupboard, and start to look.... cups? I go up... bowls... on the top shelf was the fucking plates. "Sir, your cupboards need help."
I point at how high the plates are, then at my height. There is no way I can reach those. Sure he can, but I can not. "See a problem here."
He chuckles. "Yeah, an elf is lose in my kitchen."
"Mean giant needs to help."
"Fine." He gets up, and grabs the plates without a problem. "Happy."
"Yes." I go over to the stove, and start to make the plates. Spaghetti!
"I could of made my own plate."
"I got it." I pass him the plate. I then make mine. I turn, I start to slide. Shit! Suddenly, my plate was in the air, and I was on the floor. I wasn't fast enough... I have spaghetti on my head, and down my dress.
"Y/N! Are you... Whoa!" Toshinori rushes to my side, which just made him fall too. Only when he went down, his hand hit the sauce pan, making it spill on both of us.
I start to laugh. "Look at you."
"Look at me, look at you."
I grab a handful of noodles from my lap, and throw them at him. He threw some back at me. Oh course he was laughing now too. I try to stand up, but instead, I fell again.... Right on top of Toshinori. His back was on the ground. My hands were on both sides of him. Some sauce dripped off of me. "So much for dinner."
"You mean your dinner. Mine is still fine."
Suddenly we heard a small meow. We both sat up, and looked over. "How!?" Little Billie Jean was on the countertop, eating Toshinori dinner.
"Haha, now your dinner is ruined too." I laughed. I was close to Toshinori, siting next to him. He then grabs my chin, and licks my cheek. My face goes instantly goes red.
"Well the sauce tastes great." He says.

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