Chapter 58

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POV: Toshinori

I left the weight room as a chance to not be All Might. Only I have to continue my job, and watch them. Of course they immediately start to play different music. I'm not ready to be All Might again, so I'll wait. Also Y/N is enjoying herself, and she really can dance. So I'm not going to stop them just yet, and I'll enjoy the show. Ima terrible teacher.


After a few songs, Kimberly goes over to the laptop. She must of thought of another song she wants to hear.
"What about this one?" She said. I walk over. She didn't have a song, she had a message in the search bar. Don't be mad. I have to do something weird. Also I don't feel this way.
"Oh. Ok. Sure." I'm so lost.
She bites her bottom lip. "I can't." She finally said.
"What's going on?"
"I have a major confession. And I don't want you to hate me."
"Confession???" This sounds bad. Kimberly what are you planing!
"Y/N.... Remember how I'm always saying I Ship you with people."
"Yeah. I'm almost positive you wrote a fanfic about it."
"I don't actually ship you with them. Your my best friend. You know me, you get me. Seeing you with others make me jealous."
"Kimberly... What are you saying?"
She looks down. "Words can't really help me."
She brings her hands up, and leans in. One hand holds my face, while the other is covering my mouth.... She is kissing her the back of her own hand. Suddenly I hear a cough behind us. There was also a spray sound. I quickly turned around, and saw Toshinori ducking out of the doorway. DID HE SEE THAT?! AND DOES HE ACTUALLY THINK WE KISSED?!
"Toshinori!" I say, as I take a few steps towards the doorway.
I hear him mumble "Shit." He pops his head back into the door way. "All Might asked me to keep an eye on you while he went to the bathroom. Also, kissing is not school appropriate."
"Someone is jealous." Kimberly smirks.
"Kimberly, I'm going to ask you go and write your fanfics now." I turn to her.
"Fine." She then popped away.
I turned back to Toshinori. "You don't have to stand over there. I'm not going to bite." I take a few more steps towards him.
Suddenly his arm came out. He held his hand up. "Don't!"
The blue and yellow sleeve looks familiar... Where is his yellow suit? "What are you wearing?" It looks to big for his arm.
"Shit!" He pulls his arm back. "It's nothing."
"Your acting weird."
"I'm acting weird, you just kissed your best friend."
"Actually she kissed me, and it wasn't actually a kiss. She had her hand over my mouth. So it's just you."
"Oh, All Mights back. Goodbye." He then disappeared.
"Wait!" Suddenly All Might entered the room.
He turns his head towards the door, and shout. "Thank you Mr. Yagi for your help!" He then turns to me. "I'm assuming Kimberly left. Are you going to finish training?" That's sleeve looked just like All Mights... Maybe his hero suit is just similar?  "Y/N? You there?"
"Oh! Right. Training." I head back over to the treadmill. For the most part the rest of the day was normal. All Might left a few more times, and Kimberly texted me when her tests were done. Just several more days of this. Yay.

Now that's it's 10pm, I'm ready for bed. I did a lot today. And of course from 3-8 Kimberly had me training for both my physical and mental tests. I'm just done. Sleep. I need sleep. I open my freezer door, and walk in. I set my alarms. Then I get changed. I'm the worst at break ups! I've been wearing his shirt to bed every night now! It still kinda smells like him. New subject, sleep. I crawled into bed, and turned off the lights.

Everything is black. I don't see anything. I spin around, then I saw it. This neon glow. I walk towards it. I see this big Tree? But is it a tree? It doesn't look right, it's made of lights. Each branch is different. Each branch is like a mini river. I reach my hand out, and it almost as if I hit the zoom in button. Now the river is huge. I see random stuff? No, it's a persons life. Wait. Half of this river is dried up? That's strange. I turn around, and see a different branch river. This is someone else's life. But it's small. I turn around again. That's when I saw it. A face. It was just for a second. But I know that face. Toshinori. I look around again. His face is appearing in all of these rivers. Why? Why.... Everything goes black again. My entire left side is cold. I open my eyes. I'm on the floor? I look around. I'm in a kitchen... Is this Toshinori Kitchen? I stand up. I'm glade this shirt is so big. I walk across the room. And I sit on the couch. Something soft touches my hand. I look down. "Billie Jean." I pick her up. She meows. I pet her for a few minutes, when I start to hear snoring come from upstairs. I look over at the clock. It's 1am. It makes sense, most people are sleep. Hell, I'm asleep. I put her down, and make my way up the stairs. I got to the top, and saw his bedroom door open. I then noticed the other door. He didn't like me going upstairs, and he never really said what this door was. I take a step towards it. The floor creek, but that didn't stop me. For all I know, there could be Narnia in there. And it's a dream. So it's whatever my mind makes up. I grab the door hand. I start to pull the door towards me, when suddenly a large hand slam it closed. I jumped back, and saw Toshinori next to me.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
If this is a dream, I can control him. "I'm looking for Narnia."
He shakes his head. Obviously still waking up. "Why would Narnia be in my house?"
"Why does Billie Jean like spaghetti? The world may never know."
"New question. Why are you in my house at this ungodly hour?" He rubs his face.
"I'm not sure. I saw this hippie tree and river. Then I was here."
"Are you an astral projection?"
"Technically this is my dream, so wouldn't that make you the projection?"
He shakes his head again. "I need coffee before I can deal with all of this."

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