Chapter 19.5

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I couldn't help but use that picture.

POV: Y/Aunts/N

I look at the envelope that holds my letter to Y/N. Will it do justice. Kimberly said she will stop by tomorrow to get it. She is to bring it straight to her mother. Lele, she definitely seen Y/N the most. She understands the situation the best. There was a knock at the door. A young nurse came in. "I have your medicine. Would you like me to get you a drink?"
"I still have some from earlier Yukino. Thank you tho."
"So I know it's early afternoon, but the doctor wants you to sleep. You haven't been lately."
"I'll sleep when I'm dead."
"He knew you would say that. That's why he added a low dose sleep aid to your medicine."
"Fine. I'll take a nap. But that's it." I take the pills from the tray. "I expect pie with my dinner tho."
"I'll see what I can do." She smiles. "Would you like me to hit the lights?"
"Yes, if you could."
With that she left me in the dark. I put the envelope down, and grab my drink. I take my pills, then I get comfortable.

Dream/ memory

The sun was bright, and the trees were turning a bright Orange. It was a great time for a walk.
"Why are we walking to the supplier." A little girls voice said next to me.
"Because it is beautiful out."
"Why did we volunteer to go get it. I hate traveling to other towns."
"Now Y/N, it's a nice adventure."
"But we will get back in time for Lele 8th birthday. Right?"
"Yes. We will."
"Ok fine. I have to teacher her a bunch of stuff."
"You love being older don't you."
"Yeah. It's pretty cool. She is like a little sister."
"Oh isn't that a beautiful park?" I point over to it.
"Wow!" Her eyes how big.
"What?" I look again.
"Is he a super hero?" She points to a man in yellow. He was actually beating up a kid.
"That is so cool! Our town doesn't have any!"
"Hey! You know I use to kick butt."
"Yeah but your my aunt."
"Can we go over there. Please!"
"Sure. But we can only stay for a second. No need to bother them."
We make our way over. The poor kid looked like he has seen better day.  "Hello."
The man in yellow kicked the kid once more before stopping to look at us. "Why hello there ladies."
"I'm sorry to bug, but my Niece here has never met a hero. She would like to say hi."
I look behind me, and see Y/N hugging my leg. She is scared! "Oh come on out now."
She slowly came out. "H-Hi."
"Hello there! I'm Gran Torino. This is my student."
The boy had a blood nose waved. Y/N smiled. "Why you beating him up then?" She asked
"I'm teaching him how to fight."
"Cool." She was still looking at the blond boy.
"Are you two new to town?" Grab Torino asked.
"We are just passing through."
"Oh. Well if you ever need a tour, I could show ya around."
Oh, well if your offering."
"Gross!" Y/n shouts. "Don't make him lame like you!"
"I am not."
"You stopped being a hero. Don't make him do that too!"
"Wow. Sorry about her."
"Your where a hero? Have I ever heard of you?" He asked.
"You wouldn't believe me if I told ya." I bite my bottom lip.
"Try me." He smiles.
Y/N walks over to the boy. "I'm 10, how old are you."
"Um, I'm 16."
"Oh.... Have you ever thought of making your hair go up in the air?"
Her little face goes red. "Let's go!" She grabbed my hand and started to drag me away. Good thing I already gave him our hotel and last name. So he could call us.
"Slow down child!" Once away from the park. I saw she was breathing heavily. "Hey what's wrong?"
"Nothing! I just don't want to be in the park anymore."
"Oh my. You liked that boy!"
"Your first crush! Ok we are getting ice cream!"
"Stop it!"
"Oh no. No no no. Is that why you were scared, or why your face turned red?"
"Your a terrible aunt!"
"I'm doing my job right then." She rolls her eyes at me. "Now let's hurry. I'm waiting for a call."
"Oh got a date!"
"Maybe. That's if he calls the hotel."
"Ohhh, can I do your hair!"
"Probably best if I do it."
Later that night he called. We talked for probably 30 minutes before I had to go. Tomorrow we are going out to see the town.
"Hey." Y/N looked at me.
"What is it?"
"Are you going to remove that ring you have around your neck for your date."
I sat there for a second. This was my wedding ring. This was the symbol of love. Even if he has been dead for many year. "No, I will never take it off."
"Ok." She then rolled over in the bed.
Part of me still hopes I will see him again, but I also know I'm aloud to date!

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