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Y/N = your name
F/N= first name
L/N= last name
Y/A/N= aunts name
Y/M/N= mothers name
It might be set in the POV of your aunt, but when it asks for Y/N it's you as the reader, not your aunts name. This is the only time you will read as the aunt.

POV: Aunt

I sat down on my couch. Taking in a deep breath. Its hard to do good when quirks are so new. You never know what someone can do until you get ready to fight. Its late. I should go to sleep.
*knock knock*
I look at the door. Who would be stopping by at this time of night. I slowly got up, and make my way to the door. I grabbed the handle, and turned. There was a woman on the ground... no that's my sister. I rush to her. Helping her up. "What happened to you?" I help her inside.
"Shhh. It's ok. I'm here." I help her to the couch. I go and get some water. "Drink up." Her hands were shaking as she took it. She looked like death. She was skin and bones. Around her wrist were black and blues. Her dress was torn, and covered in dirt. The last time I saw her was about a month ago.... Where is Sho, her husband.
"How about you take a bath. We can discuss this.."
"No! I have to hide. I have to run."
"W-What happened. You can tell me."
"S-Sho, he is, he is... dead." Tears started to run down her cheeks.
"I'm not safe. I'm not safe." The tears came poring out. The little hiccups and the shaking that comes with crying follow.
"Is someone after you?"
"He took my Sho quirk. He took it."
"Sweetie, quirks can't be taken."
"He did. Then he... then he."
"We need to go to the police with this. Tell me first, did he touch you." She hugged me, hiding her face in my shoulder. I pat her back. "Everything will be ok." I look at the clock. This man, took everything from my sister, and she was still scared he was coming for her. I feel so worthless, not being there when she needed me. I put my hands on her shoulders. Pulling her away from me. "I'm going to get you some food. You need to eat. Then we will go." She nods her head. If he really is after her, he will track her here. If we want to run, she will need her strength. I head to my kitchen, and make a small plate of food. Once she was eating, I go to my room. I grab my bag. Packing clothes, books, everything. I filled two bags. I raise my hand, staring at them. They shrink to the size of a grape. I change my clothes, and put the bags them in my pocket. I bring a new outfit out to my sister. I helped her get cleaned up, and changed. I packed a bag of food, and grabbed all the cash I had saved. I shrink them too. I should be able to get us out of town before I need to resize everything. I grab a piece of paper, and scribble down a note. Leaving it on the table. I grabbed some blankets and wrapped my sister up. "I need you to relax, sleep if you can. I'm going to shrink you too."
There was fear in her eye, but she agreed. Shrinking human are a little difficult. You can either make them small, or big. Or in a different way, shrink their muscles to a skeleton, or inflate them to a bodybuilder. I focused, as I raised my hand. By wrapping her up, I made it easier to shrink her. I watched as the ball of blankets, slowly went down to the size of grape. Just like all the bags. I put her in my other pocket. I look around at the home I came to love. This is it. I'm saying goodbye forever. Tears finally started to fall down my face. I exit the back door, and hopped the fence. I cut through my neighbors lawn, until I heard shouting. Fear took over, but I have to know. I decided to climb the house to get a better view. I see this man, standing over another man.
"Tell me! Where is she? Or your death wont be so nice."
"Beat me as much as you want! My quirk doesn't aloud me to die!"
"Hmmm." It happened all to fast. The standing man grabbed the downs man face. This glow came from him. He dropped the man. "Immortality sounds like fun." Suddenly he pulled out a gun and shot the man he just attacked. I wanted to help, but he was looking for a girl. I couldn't let him see me. He just took that mans quirk, and he would surely take mine. I duck, waiting for him to leave. My heart was racing. He touched my sister, he wants her. Did he take her quirk. 'I still have my quirk sister.' Rang in my head. I let out a breath. Good. I look out again, and saw him heading down the road towards my house. Please don't come home early. I whip my face, and start to move again. It's not safe here. We need to keep moving. We will go to the train station a few towns over, but that means I have to walk until them. I still have to sure he doesn't have any friends hiding in the dark. Someone that powerful must.

Two days of traveling. We are near. Near safety. I just hitchhiked a ride into town. A small town near the mountains. This was the town we grew up in. The family home is still a great walk up into the forest. There we will be safe. I made sure to not leave a trail. It was around 6pm now, so everything is still open. My nerves are shot. I head over to the general store. The owner are family friends going back centuries. I make my way over to the register. Waiting. "Hello sweetheart, how can I help you?"
I looked up, looking her in the eyes. "Hi Auntie."
Tears came down her face. "Is it really you Y/A/N."
"Yes, and I brought Y/M/N." Tears coming down my face.
"Oh my, it's been years. Come here give me a hug." I go around the register. Hugging her. "Do you still own my parents house?"
"Yes, yes we do." She whips some of my tears.
"Can we stay there?"
"What happened to those husbands you both got?"
"Sho is dead. There is a man after Y/M/N."
"Why didn't you go to the police?"
"He can take quirks. I don't think the police could do much there."
"I've never heard of that, but quirks are so new."
"I'll explain more later. I have to make sure Y/M/N is ok. She has been pocket traveling."
I reached into my pocket and pull out the ball of blankets. Holding her in my palm. "See." Her little arm came up and started to wave.
"How did she get so small?"
"My quirk."
"Can you turn her back?"
"Yes. If you can come by tonight or tomorrow. I'll explain everything then."
She goes into the the room behind the register. "Here are the keys. I'll try to be over tonight with Gin."
"Thanks you."

Some months later.

Screams came running through my ears. "I'm trying!"
"I CAN SEE THE HEAD! ONE MORE BIG PUSH!" The next thing I knew, there was a tiny baby in my arms. Tears going down both of your faces. I start to clean her up, and wrap her in a blanket. "It's a girl."
"Let me see." I hand her over.
"She looks just like you."
"Good. I couldn't of stand it if she looked like that vile man."
"What are you going to name her?"
"I think, Y/N. It suits her." She said. I smile at my sister. I'm an aunt.

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