Chapter 25

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I walked into the weight room, just for All Might to turn away from me. "So what's the plan today?"
"Your late, again."
"Yes, sorry about that."
"If your not going to take training seriously...."
"I am. It was the Hospital. They called about my aunt. So I had to take it."
"Oh, ok." He still isn't looking at me. "Do you want to do that yoga again today?"
"Sure." I smiled. We got all set up, and started the lesson. He was behind me, I was leading. Today he was more quiet. Compared to yesterday he could do the moves... well he wasn't asking if he was doing it right. Did he learn that fast? "So what's your girlfriends name?"
"Umm, I don't have one."
"It's either that or your crushing hard on someone." He was silent. 'This isn't a crush, it's so much more.' Rang in my head. "You know I'll continue to bug you until you tell me."
"I'm not telling you."
"Fine. But watch what ya think."
"I do that every time you are around."
"You thinking dirty thoughts about me." I smirk.
"There's that big head again."
"Ready for downward dog?"
"No. That's one we can skip."
I roll my eyes. "Your the one that said we could do yoga again. So you have to do all of it."
"I don't have to do anything. I'm the teacher."
"Hey do I get graded in this class?" I stand up, and look at him.
"Um, yes."
"What's my grade looking like as of right now?"
"Well if I take points for you being late or being a smart ass, you probably be failing. But you do show improvement, not much but there is some. So your probably at a B+."
"You don't remove points for me bring a smart ass. I'm so honored. I knew you liked it."
"Maybe I should start."
"Then I would definitely fail. Because I love giving you a hard time."
"You do this for fun. I thought someone was paying you."
"Oh my, how did you find out. Did Kyle tell you?"
"Haha. Now back to the yoga."
"Did you know there are some yoga classes held where you are naked. They call it naked yoga".
"Why did you tell me this."
"Just imagine looking at the person in front of you. All you see is ass. Then they fart."
"I'm worried for you."
"Good." With that I turn back to my mat, and move on to the next move. After we finished the yoga session, he had me run the mile again. Everything was normal... Once I made it to the cafeteria, I saw Kimberly and waved to her.
"I refuse to be in the story until chapter 35!" She yells running away.
Everyone was looking at her. Weirdo. Then my phone pinged. I didn't even know the sound was on. I look at it. There was a message from Toshinori.
T- 'Your next day off is Thursday right?'
Y/N- 'Yes, but I can always ask for time off if needed.'
T- 'Well you said you wanted to look at the kittens and be there right?'
Y/N- 'Yes!'
T- 'Well a shelter just called me, and told me someone dropped off 15 kittens earlier today. Was wondering if maybe after 3 you wanted to go look at them.'
Y/N- 'It's a date.'
T- 'You sure? We can wait until Thursday.'
Y/N- 'I'm as sure as Kimberly is weird.'
T- 'Ok. I'll see you at 3 then.'
Y/N- 'Ok, but I can't promise I'll look normal.'
T- 'Ok.'

I put my phone down, looking at the time. I wish I had someone to eat with. But this also means I have time to see my aunt today too. I send work a quick message. I finish lunch, and start to head to my locker. My boss is requesting All Mights autograph.
Y/N- 'My Boss wants All Mights Autograph for me to get out of work.'
T- 'That made me laugh. He is in the teachers room if ya want to ask.'
Y/N- 'She wants 31 of the things.'
T- '31!'
Y/N 'Yes, several to keep, the rest to sell.'
T- 'Wow.'
Y/N- 'I'm on my way there.'
I quickly stopped by my locker, then went right to the teachers room. I knock on the door. I wonder if Toshinori is in there, maybe he is teaching a class now. The door opened, and there was All Might. "We aren't scheduled to train again until tomorrow." He chuckles.
"Actually I have a favor to ask."
"Well I need to get out of work for something very important, my boss said I could on one condition."
"What is it?"
"She would like 31 autograph from All Might."
He laughed at that. Yeah it's kinda outrageous. "I can do that."
"One more thing."
"She wants them on a picture of you."
"Of course. Well I don't carry around pictures of myself...."
"We could get them off of google."
"Sure. Wait right here and I'll be right back." He closed the door. I stood there waiting. This is so weird. I finally heard the copier go off. It was loud enough to hear through the door. Once it stopped. All Might was back. "These work?" He held out a stack of pictures.
"Yeah. But you have to sign them."
"Yes." He grabbed a pen. Then started to sign all of them. He then grabbed a vanilla envelope and put them inside. "All set."
"Thank you."
"Your welcome. See you tomorrow."
On my way home I stopped by the store and gave my boss the autographs. She screamed. Then literally 5 seconds later put them out for $75 a piece. I then went home and got changed. If I'm going out in public with Toshinori. I can't look like a student, and I can't be recognized. Hmmmmm. Kimberly said not to talk to her... ugh! I start going through my closet. Throwing clothes everywhere. Maybe this this would work. Oh! I have that trench coat too! With this and this. Ok. I don't need Kimberly to look hot. Actually I think this is Kimberlys dress... Shit! Oh well, I'm wearing it.

I'm ready to go

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I'm ready to go. And I look like I can solve a crime. I hope Toshinori likes it. I still have an hour and a half before 3. So I'm going to pop by the Hospital to see my aunt. The bus ride was boring.  I walk into her room, she was watching Tv.
She turns to me. "Well aren't you all dolled up. Who's the man?"
"No man.... ok a man."
"He cute?"
"I think so. The rest of the world probably doesn't."
"Oh. Is this a serious relationship?"
"No. We are just hanging out. I know you don't want me getting close to people."
"Yes. So you came to see me?"
"I needed a girls opinion. Kimberly told me not to talk to her until chapter 35."
"Chapter 35? What is this another one of her fanfics?"
"She is in to deep."
"Well we all know that."
"I'm just worried I look bad. Does this coat make me look fat?"
"You look amazing. But if you want to be fat...." she raised her hand.
"You didn't!"
"I did."
I quickly ran to her bathroom mirror. "You made me 400 pounds!"
"I would say more 572 pounds but yes. That's what you would look like fat."
"Take it back!" I came back out to her.
"Oh you want to be a twig then." Her hand came up again.
"Your so mean!" I head back to the mirror. I think I look more like a skeleton then Toshinori! "I thought aunts were supposed to show love not make there nieces life hell!"
"Fine. Come back and I'll make you normal."
I step out of the bathroom. She raised her hand. "Somethings I hate your quirk."
"Just for that." Her hand goes up again. This time everything in the room was getting bigger.
"Nooooo! Please turn me back! Please!" I see lint that is bigger then me!
"I can't hear you when your tiny. You know how to get my attention."
I roll my eyes. 'Please make me big.' Now the question is if she got it.
"Ok. Since you said please."
The room started to go back to normal. "Thank you."
"Ok so what you doing on this date."
"Well I'm helping him find a kitten. A female so we can name her Billie Jean."
"Oh I like that song."
"Yes. From the song."
"I like it. So I have to ask, are you being safe?"
"Oh my gosh! Really!"
"I need to make sure. I mean you live on your own your hanging out with boys now. Should we get you on the pill?"
"Trust me, nothing has happened, and nothing will for a long time."
"All teenage boys want is.... oh no."
"Oh no what. No take that back."
"He isn't a teenage is he."
"Exactly what I didn't want you to say."
"What is up with the woman in the family and older men. How much older is he. Because I have dated man over 20 years older."
"First Ew. Second.... I haven't asked his age."
"Ohhhh girl. And you are going dressed like that. He better be a responsible and have a lot of control."
"Trust me. He has control."
"Good. Now go hang out, and be safe."
"I will."
Once my bus made it back to town it was already 3:24. I check my phone and saw a text from Toshinori, it read to met him in the park. I quickly made my way there. I saw him on a bench, so I quickly ran over. "Heyyyyy."
"Hey. You have a trench coat on?"
"Well I didn't want people to recognize me. Then the coat just looked so cute so I did that instead."
"What are you wearing under it?" He was eyes me up and down.
"I would say nothing but that would be a lie. I guess you will have to see later."
"Ok. I have my car parked over there. Are you ready?"
"You have a car? I always seeing you walking tho."
"I don't use it very often." He chuckles.
"Well let's go then." He walked me to his car. Then even got the door for me. "Thank you."
He went around, then got in. We start to drive down the road. He has one hand on the steering wheel, the other on my leg. "We should do yoga."
"Where did that come from."
"I was just thinking it might be fun to try."
"Do you know yoga?"
"Yes, but I would have one rule if we did it."
"It would have to be Naked Yoga." I bit my lip.
Of course that made him cough. "First you want extra credit, then you tell me you got turned on, and now your talking about Naked yoga. Are you trying to make me break more laws."
"No, I just like seeing your reactions."
"Your such a tease."
"Do something about it If you don't like it." I smirk.
"Do you act like this with other people or just me?"
"Just you."
"New subject. Are you excited to pick out a kitten?"
"It's your kitten."
"Your the one that will be taking care of it."
"We should stop and get her some toys, and food."
"How about we do that once we get her."
"She going to be our kitten. I might have to stay the night then."
He coughed, and almost drove off the road. He took his hand from my leg to quickly fix his driving. "Ok. Enough while I'm drive."

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