Chapter 31

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POV: Your Aunt

A nurse helped Y/N come into my room.
"Page me if something goes wrong." The nurse said as she leaves.
"Y/N, are you ok?"
"Just a a headache and a b-bit dizzy." She was slurring her words.
"Look at me." She tries to lift her head. Suddenly we lock eyes. "Your eye... Shit." I turn away from her.  She lunges forwarded. Falling to the ground. "Shit! Nurse!" I don't have much time, I have to get out of this room. I start to pull out all the wires I have in my arm. A nurse comes in.
"What are you doing?" Then she saw Y/N. "Oh my. We are..."
"No, we need to get out of the room now. Something bad is about to happen. Leave her."
She was confused, but she listened. She helped me get out of bed and exit the room. "Close the door. No one can go in or out." I should of stayed, I feel weaker already.


"Lele, tell me what happened."
She was crying. "Well she said she had a headache, and was getting dizzy. I sat next to her, and was trying to make her smile. She looked up at me, and her left eye was glowing. Red. I was so scared. I ran."
"I know this is tough, do you feel alright?"
"My quirk is being funny, but other then that I'm fine."
"Ok. How about you go home now. You two can hang again tomorrow."
I look across the room. Young Y/N was crying too. She was feeling better, but at what cost. If Lele didn't break that eye contact, things could of been worst... like it was for her mother.

"This is ridiculous, I'm going in." A males voice said, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"No! Just a few more minutes..."
He opened the door and walked in. I couldn't see what happened, but there was a loud noise. I rushed in. He and Y/N were on opposite sides of the room, almost as if they where thrown. I rush over to Y/N. Nurses rush over to the doctor.


I sit up, I just saw rainbows in a dark area. I look around, my head isn't hurting, and my dizziness is gone. I feel different tho. I look to my side, and saw my aunt.  I look past her, and saw a man being taken out of the room. No! I didn't, did I? I felt tears going down my face. No!
"Y/N, I'm sorry."
"Did I... Did I...?"
"I'm not sure." She leans in and hugs me. "If I had just stayed, it would of been me."
I sat there crying. I'm not sure what happened, I can barely remember getting in the bus. I just remember feeling sick. "I didn't mean to hurt him."
"I know sweetheart."
A nurse came in, and helped my aunt back to her bed. My aunt tells her something, and she leaves. I walk over to my aunt. "Can you tell me the truth now? Do I take quirks."
"I will tell you the important stuff. If I tell you more, it might cause you to jump."
"Never mind that. When you where little, you saw your mother's death. You wanted to stay by her side. She was looking at you, when your left eye started to glow. She didn't break the eye contact. Seconds later she was dead, and you where flying across the room. You told me about how you felt heavy, and more to you. You also said your pain, and dizziness were gone when you saw darkness and the rainbow. From that day on, you had your mother's quirk. Then later in life, it happened again. Your best friend at the time. She was hanging out with you when you suddenly got sick. Once your eye started to glow, she ran. It scared her. Less then a day later, you and her where affected again. She told me a few years ago, you where walking down the road, when pain hit her, and her vision started to go. Then you both went flying. She lost her quirk."
"I don't remember any of that."
"I know."
"When I saw your eye glow, I was scared. I was scared it would kill me, like it did your mother. If I had taken it, the doctor would of been alright."
"No. It's not your fault. It's mine. It's my quirk, and I can't control it!" I can't stop my tears.
"I don't expect to have my quirk very much longer anyway. I already feel weaker, I'm sure you took some of it."
I lean over and hug my aunt. Crying. I'm a monster! "Am I.... evil?"
"No! Your not evil!
"What if I take the quirk of others? What if I take the quirk of the man I love? What if I'm destined to be evil?"
"Something happened that made you use it. Your mother's death triggered it. Something triggered you to take a quirk."
"I don't know what tho! Everything seemed so normal today."
"Just breath. You need to get cleaned up for work now."
"My eye isn't glowing anymore is it?"
"No, your beautiful E/C eye is back."
We stayed in silence for a few more minutes. I finally got up to leave..... "Everything is changing so fast.... Can you tell me what quirk I got from my childhood friend?"
"Astral Projection. I know you haven't learned it very well yet."
"I need to become stronger. So that I can control my quirks. So that I don't hurt anyone I care about again." I wipe my tears.
"Just don't forget to be happy."
"I won't." With that, I left. I don't know what my new quirk even does, but I can't afford to use it until I'm ready. I also need to go back to my old ways. I need to keep the people I care about away from me.

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