Chapter 44

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There is a method to my madness I swear. Also, I'm not sorry for anything.



I roll over in bed, looking at the red numbers. It's 9am. Why am I awake? Ugh. I crawl out of bed..... Wait. I spin around. Looking at where I am. When did I go to the freezer?! I start to pat my body. I'm not coved in burns! I grab my phone. The date read Saturday. Did I make up everything that happened? Because yesterday was Saturday... Everything felt so real. Maybe I'm going crazy.... I walk to the bathroom, and splash some water on my face. Maybe a quick shower will help me figured things out. I hop in, but the hot water was so good. It turned into a long shower.  I finally got out. I wrapped my hair in a towel, then wrapped another one around me. I was almost to my room, when my phone started to ring. If it's Toshinori I swear... I look down at it. It says Boyfriend want to FaceTime. I accept the call, but I throw the phone to the bed. I can't let him see me like this. This happened already.
'Hello... Why am I looking at the ceiling?'
Is this Déjà vu! We had this conversation yesterday! Or I mean today? And yet I want to go along with it. "I'm not ready for you to see me." I take my hair down and start to brush it out.
'I called to see your face, not your white ceiling.'
"I think it's more of an off white. Maybe I should paint it." I get my hair looking nice, and then I start with a little makeup. Nothing to fancy. Just eyeliner and mascara. I want my eyes to pop. I look in my mirror. Shoulders up, I look great. But I knew that. And I'll be going to see Kimberly soon for my dress. I grab the phone, and bring my face to view. I made sure not to show my shoulders. Neck and up only.
Toshinori was just smiling. 'There's your beautiful face.'
"Stop or I'll make you look at the wall." I was blushing.
'Do you wake up this beautiful?'
"Obviously. I am part goddess."
'Well I wanted to see what you where doing today.'
"Oh, I was actually planing on doing some training this morning. But other then that I don't have much."
'Your not wearing those leggings are you?'
"Leggings are comfy. And they make my ass look good."
'Oh they do....Either way.'
"At the moment, I'm not wearing them. I'm actually haven't gotten dressed yet."
His eyes go big. 'Oh.'
"You called right as I had finished my shower. So I'm only in a towel."
He started to cough. 'A Towel.'
I know what he will say. I know all of this, yet why am I still going with it. Why haven't I told him this happened yesterday! "Or am I." I bit my bottom lip.  I lowered the phone camera a little. Showing my shoulders now.
'I think I need to go back to the ceiling.'
"Ok." I tossed the phone back to the bed.
'Hey.' He was a little annoyed that I did that.
"Sorry. I can't get dressed with you in my hands." I remember I had him pick my panties. "But you could help me."
'How? I'm looking at the ceiling.'
I grabbed different panties then last time, and then the one he picked. I line them up on the bed. I them grab the phone and smiled at Toshinori, before I flip the camera. "Pick which one you think I should wear." Having the camera flipped means he can't see me, but I can see him. I could almost see him picturing me in them. I wonder if he will pick the same ones or not.
'You really do have a collection.' He mumbled.
He is taking to long. "5.... 4..... 3..."
'Wait! No I'm not ready yet.'
"2..... 1!" I flip the camera back to my face. "Which one?"
'Maybe you should model them.'
"Nice try. But if you want to see me in them, then you have to wait." Until later. I smirk.
'The black one then.'
"Good choice." I toss the phone again. He picked the same ones! Like am I crazy.
'What type of training are you going to do?'
"Probably some yoga, nothing to fancy."
'I love downward dog.' He smirked.
I started to laugh. You love to watch me do yoga. "Do you even know yoga?"
'Yes actually. I have done it a few times.'
"Your not like All Might and complain the whole time, are ya?"
'I'm not the greatest at it, but I won't complain.'
"Cool, then get ready. We will do yoga together."
"You heard me."
'I don't think I did.'
I grab the phone again. Bring my face to view. "I'll be over, and we will do yoga together."
'How are you getting over here?'
"I'll have Kimberly drop me off."
'How did I get wrapped into this?'
"You came into my store for soba. Now your stuck with me."
'Fine. I guess it won't be to bad. I'll go get ready. See ya in a few.'
"Byeeee." We end the call. Ok. I know exactly what I'm wearing. And I'm not going to ruin it. I put on my yellow sweatpants and my black tank top. (Image above.) I then grab my key chain. Next thing I knew, I was in Kimberlys bedroom. "KIMBERLY! Bring your new clothes!"
"I literally was just about to find out if Gray likes her or not. But no! Here you are making it so I can't read my fanfic." She set the clothes down.
"I have a date."
"Oh! This is so better then my story. Tell." She sat down on her bed.
"So I got a FaceTime call a little bit ago. Toshinori wanted to know what I was doing today."
"I'm so glade you got a new phone. You can actually do stuff like FaceTime now."
"Well I told him I was going to do some yoga today. Then he said he knows some yoga. So I told him I'm coming over and he can do it with me."
"I also had him pick out my panties."
Yes!" She started to jump on her bed. "Why didn't you start with that!"
"I know I would get this reaction."
"You don't need cute clothes. Your going to get there, and your clothes will be coming off!"
"Oh you have no idea. And no he doesn't have a dragon mating."
"Ok wait up. Did you just read my mind."
"Oh I almost forgot. I'm reliving today."
"Shut up."
I grab the dress from the bag. "Oh, I need your new green yoga mat."
"Ok. First off, How? Second off, why?"
"I don't know. I know things before they happened. I knew exactly what set he would pick. And I knew exactly what dress to get and the mat. It's kinda creepy."
"Is it like a new quirk? Can you like reverse time?"
"Haha. No it's not a new quirk and no I'm not reversing time. I just don't know. Maybe I dreamed it all."
She gets up, and gets the mat. "Well let me know if something changes."
"Right. And I promise I won't let the dress get burned again."
"Yeah.. Wait what?!"
I left as fast as I came. I grab a small bag. I put the dress in and some shoes. Also some perfume, and some deodorant. I grabbed the two mats. Ok. That should be good. I also know exactly where to pop. He is in the bathroom showering. So I'll go to the living. I then pop right there. I set my stuff down next to Billie Jean. I pet her head. "Good kitty." Ok, do I want to go upstairs now? I mean, do I want the risk changing anything. Well I already did that with telling Kimberly. So now I'm going up for a sneak peek. I'm terrible. I slowly go up the stairs. His bedroom door is open. I walk in. I look around. I see the bathroom door is open, and steam coming from it. Yup, he is showering. I turn around quickly to try and leave.
He saw me like last time. I turn around. He was covering his chest with another towel. The towel around his waist stops above his knees. His hair is wet. Dam. "S-Sorry. I was down stairs and didn't see you. In fact I'll go back down there." I quickly exit and run down the stairs. Omg why was I still So awkward! Why does he have to be so sexy! Maybe I should leave. This was a bad idea. But that would look really bad. What I do just come for a peep show. Well I did go up there knowing he was showering.... Play it cool. Maybe he won't care. Well he didn't last time so yeah. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Ok things just got real. He was in a black top, and had on these navy blue sweats that had a while line on the side.
"I'm sorry, I thought I had a little bit more time before you would get here."
"Well I did let myself in."
"There's nothing wrong with that. Next time I will close the door tho."
"But this is your house. You should have the freedom to walk around naked if you want to."
"With Billie Jean in this house. No. She already watches me eat."
I look over to her. She was now wide awake starring at him. "She likes you." Dam! Word for word it's all Same! Maybe we should skip yoga and go right to the dirty... wow I can't believe I just thought that! Kimberly has worn off on me. "Oh! Don't leave your phone upstairs."
"Why does it matter?"
"What if someone important tries to get ahold of you."
"Ok, I'll be right back."
Ok. I definitely need professional help at this point. I didn't think déjà vu could be so accurate! Ok. Focus on the yoga.... How can I do that knowing what will happen after!

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