Chapter 19

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Bare with me. Good chapters are coming.


Shit shit shit! That hand is one of two people. Either Toshinori is jealous, or All Might is pissed because I skipped morning training. I'm ready to die in a hole now. "Kimberly... Save me!" I shout. As I start to run.
"Why are you so dramatic!" She shouts.
"Because I skipped training! I'm running now so I don't have to run 15miles later!" Suddenly I ran into something. I close my eyes ready to fall back onto the ground. Instead I was caught. Keeping my eyes closed, I took my hand, and started to tap out what was holding me. Wall like thing... neck like thing. Face like thing. Finally I grabbed the long upright hair at the top. All Might. "Shit."
"Open your eyes and stand up." His voice was deep.
"No thanks. I don't want to have this conversation right now. In fact my first class is soon." I tried to escape his arms without opening my eyes.
"Kimberly why didn't you save me!"
"He is to fast. Now have have babies." She said it in an evil tone. But it scared him enough he let go of me.
I ran over to her, grabbing her hand. "Go go go!"
Next thing I knew, we where in the girls room. "See I saved you."
"After the fact. You scared him by saying babies!"
"You know, school is way better now that your here. Also, if you don't want to fake date Tōgata  I'll do it for ya."
"Ohhhhh, so you were hopping I would hurt him so that you could make it better."
"Kinda. I didn't really think it through. You seem to have a type of blonds with blue eyes so I tried."
"Thanks. Why don't you just ask him out."
"No way. I'll stay a safe distance away trying to push others towards him."
"One day he will ask you out."
"How about we talk about how you can't hide all day. You will see All Might."
"Really? Because I was thinking of dying my hair, getting contacts, maybe try life as a new person."
"You know you can't do that."
"I just need to get the quirk that changes my look."
"No, it's obvious he loves to spend time with you, so just do it."
"Use him to make Toshinori jealous!"
"Fine, class is going to start soon, so you better be ready. He will find you."
"Could you like take me home first."
"Fine. I'll go to class."
"Good." She exits the bathroom, holding open the door for me.
We stop by my locker then to hers. She walks with me to my first class.... I turn around and start to walk away from my first class. "Nope."
"I told you." She grabbed my arm, and dragged me over.
Outside of my class with Midnight, was All Might. Waiting. "Y/N. Are you done running?"
"I'm trying to run now, but Kimberly is stopping me."
"Listen All Might sir. I spent the night at Y/Ns house last night. Girl stuff I don't expect you to understand. This morning I stopped her from leaving." Kimberly said.
"Now you save me with words! Blinking would of been better."
"Oh. Well if that's the case, we will discuss more exercising routines later." He didn't look at us. "Enjoy you classes." He then walked away.
"It worked. Girl talk more often!" I grabbed her shoulders and started to shake her.
"It was the truth." She started to laugh.
"It was! I completely forgot already. I was actually having fun running from him."
"Ok, now go to class." She pushed me through the door. There was Midnight. Doing papers.
"L/N. I have a quiz for you. Then book work."

It was finally time to met up with All Might again. I hate working out. It's so much work. I changed into my gym clothes, and walked over to the weight room. There he was. Waiting for me. "So we meeting in here from now on?"
"Y/N, why did you run instead of tell me the truth."
"Wow tough question."
"It wasn't."
"Hahaha. So at first it was a joke, because I didn't know if you where pissed or not. Then it kinda turned into a game. I had fun running and hiding from you." I smiled.
"Can you tell me why your friend wanted babies."
"Hahahahahaha." I grabbed my sides as I started to laugh. Note to self, Don't tell Kimberly shit. "Soooo she has this thing in her head. She thinks my life is a fan fiction."
"Fan fiction?"
"Yes. It's where an author write about all ready made up characters or people. They don't own them, just their ideas."
"Where is this going."
"Kimberly is very sick. She reads to many of them. Welllllll, now she believes, that we are in one." I said the last part fast.
"And what is this fan fiction about us about?"
"How about I go run that mile now. Yeah ok." I start to exit the room.
"Y/N. Why are you avoiding my question?"
"I am not." Think of something.... "I just feel that you don't need to waste your time on something stupid that a teenager came up with."
"Do I have to repeat my question?"
"You know if you really want answers. Go download the Wattpad. Then search All Might and tell me what ya get."
"Your not going to give me a strange answer are."
"That's the best I can do right now."
"Fine. Go to the treadmill. Do one mile, then we will do quirk exercises."
"Ok." I start running. All Might stepped outside of the weight room. I wonder if he listened to me. It was probably a good ten minutes. I then heard a bunch of coughing. "Hey, are you alright out there?!"
"I'm fine. I just can't believe what I just read."
"You actually download the app?!"
"I wish I didn't."
"It only gets worse."
"Oh god why!"
"Maybe you should stop. Come in sit down."
"I literally spend everyday making sure people are safe, and sharing my knowledge with others. And people go out and write this stuff about me!"
"You can't win them all."
"They don't even know me! They are making up facts!"
"One says I'm 28 other say different."
"How old are you?"
"What the hell is a lemon!"
"Click on it at your own risk. It gets pretty bad." I'm trying so hard not to laugh.
"Oh my! Why did I click on that!"
"You have a lot to learn about the youth of today."
"They are disgusting!"
I turn off the treadmill. My mile isn't done, but I really want to see his face of horror right now. "Just imagine. Someone actually wish you would do that." I was standing next to him.
He turns to me. "Are you done already."
"How do I delete this evil app."
I take his phone and quickly remove the app. His phone looks just like Toshinori's. "Done." I hand it back.
"Ok. I suggest you take Kimberly to get help."
"She is to far gone."
"Ok. Let's work on levitating things." His face was flush. He literally looked ill. I can't believe he actually listened and looked up fan fiction about himself. So this bad day turned into a hilarious day.

After my training ended. I headed over to the lunch room. I grabbed my tray of food and was about to sit down, when I saw Tōgata sitting at our table. Nope. I turn around, and slam into someone. Dropping everything. I bend down to start picking it up. "I'm so sorry." Suddenly my hand touch theirs. This energy. My eyes shoot up. It was Toshinori.
"I should have been looking where I was going."
"No, I was the one that decided to change direction fast."
"Yeah but now your out of a lunch."
"I wasn't that hungry."
"Nonsense. I'm sure they will replace your food if we ask." He grabbed the tray from me. Taking it all with him. He dumped the food into the trash, then dropped the trays to be clean. He then went into the kitchen. I turn to Kimberly. She was giving me a thumbs up. Then started to make kissy faces. My face goes red. Suddenly Toshinori appears with two clean trays. "Here ya go."
"Thanks. So you get this amazing free food, and yet you always bought soba?" I smirked.
"Don't get a big head."
"Ok. I was just saying."
We refilled our trays. "Well now you can go sit with your friends."
"Oh I really don't want to sit with them today."
"Why is that?"
"It's a long story, but Kimberly really needs this time with Tōgata."
"Ok. Well then I'm going to take my food and good. Enjoy your day." He smiles.
"Thanks. And I hope you enjoy your day." I smile back. I did get to see him. What if he bumped into me on purpose?  I'm literally freaking out on the inside. Can't let anyone see tho. I sat down at an empty table and quickly ate my food. Once I finish, I ran over to Kimberly and dragged her away. "Did you see what happened."
"Yes! I can't believe that."
"I didn't think I was going to see him. Then there he was."
"Do you think he came looking for you?"
"I don't know. I hope he did."
"Oh you guys are like perfect together!"
"Soo how was your lunch with Tōgata?"
"Well I know I'm never going to get a shot with him. He was asking about you, and why you didn't sit with us."
"Well you did introduce us like you were setting us up."
"Yeah. I definitely need to rethink my plans."
"Oh. I have a bone to pick with you."
"What bone. We have a lot."
"You talked about babies. All Might asked me what it was about. So I had to tell him you think my life is a fan fiction. It was so awkward, I told him to search himself. He did. He is appalled by the fact people write lemons about him."
"This is bad?"
"Yes, because his face was white. He looked ill. You made me break All Might."
"I didn't tell you to tell him. You did that on your own."
"Ok listen. From now on, no more fan fiction talk. This is real life."
"Ok. If you say so." She rolled her eyes.
"I mean it." She stuck her tongue out at me. I did it back.

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