Chapter 36

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I hear Recovery Girl enter their room. It must be morning. She pulled the curtain, and saw I was wake. "How are you feeling?"
"I hurt a little."
"Well one more treatment and you should be fine."
"Cool." Being alone in this place all night made me think of my family. Is it strange for my aunt to live in the hospital? I feel like I need to see her now. I look around the office. "I'm sorry if this is rude, but do you have any family? Like kids?"
She looked sad. "I did a long time go... Why do you ask?"
"I miss my aunt." I look down. "Actually I think I wish my family in general. I can't remember my mother's face....
"I can't help with that.... Do you ever talk with your aunt to kept her memory alive?"
My aunt refuses to talk about her. I shake my head no. "She doesn't like to bring up the past."
"I see... Well your all set to go home and get a fresh outfit."
"Ok." I grab my phone and send Kimberly a text. I grab my bag, and wait. Kimberly appears.
"Ready to go?"
"Yup."  I grab her hand. Next thing I knew, I couldn't believe my eyes. My jaw dropped. I'm speechless. "Where are we?"
"Your living room."
Now I'm crying. My hand covers my mouth. "All these flowers! Sunflowers and forget- me- nots!" I look around the room. They cover my living room. There must be a couple thousand flowers! "Is that a new Tv!" I try to make it across the room. The old broken one was gone, and this new 48in was there.
"I was wrong about the truple, it's not All Might, Toshinori, and you, it's Toshinori, you, and me."
"He is all mine. I'm not sharing." I made it through the flower. "Ok. I can't be distracted, I need to get ready for school." I open my bedroom door. On my bed was a box. It was wrapped too, and had a big ass bow! "I'm scared to open it." Kimberly popped over.
"Do it!"
"Is all this excellent really good for me?"
"If you don't open it I will."
"I'm going."
"I want a boyfriend now." Kimberly said mostly to herself.
I open the box. There was a smaller box inside, wrapped too. Then a hat. Not just any hat. No, it was a blue basketball cap, with feathers all over it. "For my hat collection." I couldn't help but smile. That conversation feels like a lifetime ago. I look to my shelf, where the All Might hat sat. I then start to Unwrap the small box. The second I saw an Apple, I set it down and walked away. "I can't except that! It's to much!"
"That is it!" Kimberly goes over and picks up the box. She saw the Apple too.  "Shut up!"
"I can't. He literally spent to much."
"I think I need to have my spleen ruptured."
"This isn't a joke! Literally he is a teacher how can he afford any of this."
"Well maybe he has money from when he was a hero. You saw his house."
"I should call him and tell him it's to much."
"Or you could read the card."
"There a card?" I quickly grabbed it from her. I rip open the envelope.

Dear Y/N
I know this seems like a lot, even tho you told me not to get you anything, I couldn't help it. You deserve the world and more. I was just going to get one small thing of flowers, but then I thought I should get you one for everything I love about you. Then I went crazy. I hope this made you smile, because I love your smile. I'm braking so many rules, but I can't help it anymore. You drive me crazy, and I just wanted you to know.
Love Toshinori
Ps. I hope your not allergic to the flower.

"What does it say!" Kimberly was jumping.
"Here." I hand it to her. I grab the hat, and bring it over to the shelf. Right next to my All Might hat. Im impressed that he even remembered. I hear Kimberly freaking out behind me. I can't even focus on her. I'm just in awe. I walk over and pick up the box. I finish unwrapping. It might not be the 11, but it looks like it's the Xr. I take it out of the box. It already had a (favorite color) case on it. I tap the screen. It was on to. There was a text from Boyfriend. My smile got bigger. I wiped some of my tears. I forgot I was crying. "Kimberly, how do I work this?"
"Oh like this."
The message was short and sweet. 'I hope you feel better beautiful. I love you.'
"How am I to go to school now."
"I don't now, you eyes are very puffy."
"Thanks, you're too."  What is she crying about?
I finally got ready, and put on some sunglasses. Yup. Because that doesn't look weird. Kimberly brought us back to school. I stopped by my locker, and by Recovery Girls. I had to return her gown. Every couple of seconds I pull out my new phone, and look at the text. Before I enters Midnights class, I quickly sent him a reply. 'Thank you. You shouldn't have. I love it tho, and I love you.' How am I going to focus now.... wait. Shit, how is training with All Might going to go. Should I tell Toshinori about that? Or would that be bad. He should now right? I quickly sat down, and tried my best to focus. But everything was in my head.
Classes almost zoomed by. I didn't get a reply from Toshinori. Now I'm more nervous. I'm on my way to my locker, before I go and face All Might. Maybe I should quite school. Would that be a stupid move? I mean I guess I've done it before. Ugh. I hate this. I want things to be normal. Maybe I was going crazy from pain yesterday and made it all up? Or maybe in a strange turn of events, Toshi and All Might are the same man. And he forgot he wasn't Toshi... I started to laugh out loud. Everyone was looking at me. I've gone crazy. If I thought they could of been twins was bad, that takes the cake. Maybe I'm still messed up from the events of yesterday. What's next Mr. Aizawa and Kimberly are the same person. I enter the locker room... I hear talk of this Stain? Well wash your clothes with some shout, geez. I make it to my locker. I should text him again. Let Toshinori know. I can't keep that from him. What would he do? I don't think he would fight All Might... Would he? Would he care? I would hope he would. The locker room was empty now. I just don't know. I enter a stall, and pull out my new phone. I look at it. Toshi got it for me. I unlock the phone, and go to the little green app with the phone. I tap on 'Boyfriend', and wait.
'Hey, I can't...'
"Toshi, I have to tell you something."
He was silent for a second. 'Ok. What's up?'
"Something happened yesterday, and I know I should of told you sooner, but I was so confused."
'What happened?'
"Right before I texted you that I got hurt."
"It sounds so stupid now, but I swear it happened."
'Hey, just breathe. I'm sure it's not too stupid.'
"I sound full of myself, but I think All Might likes me."
He was silent for a second. 'Well most people like you.'
"I mean like like me."
'What gives you that idea?'
"His actions yesterday."
'What did he do?'
"Well he moved my hair.... And he was looking at me like he was going to kiss me. Gosh! I sound crazy!"
'Your about to have his class now too. So your freaking out.'
"Well I was nervous to see him and have not told you. I wouldn't want you to think I was cheating."
'I would totally understand if you wanna be with him over me.'
"Hey, I told you I was in this. Your not getting rid of me that easy."
'I'm sure he didn't mean it that way. He has a lot of respect for the laws and you. Do you feel better now?'
"Yes.... Ok, I'm going to class now."
'Ok. I'll see you later.'
"Bye." I hang up the phone and wait. How did I get so lucky? Toshinori is amazing. Also I really have to find a way to keep All Might away. If I don't give him a reason to like me, then there will be no awkwardness. Yeah. I finally get dressed, and head to the weight room. I saw the doors in view. Only a few more feet... I turn around. Nope. I'm quitting school.
"Where are you going?" A males voice said behind me.
Shit. I could run. "I forgot.... my socks?"
"Was that a question or a statement?"
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"About my socks. No thanks. But if you insisted. They are miss matched. Ones green and one is white and blue." Yup, just be yourself.
"Good to know. Are you ready to train?"
"I should put on my socks tho. Smelly feet can be a number one cause of death if we don't do something about it now."
"You sound like a commercial."
"Maybe I plan to go into TV. You know, for the low low price of $9.99 you can get a pair of socks with your face on them."
"I'll add that to the list."
"You could also make your money back and then some of you sign the socks then post them online. Make sure you have worn them once tho." I need a new subject...
"Go put on your socks. Then come back."
"Right away, you won't even notice I'm gone."
I make it back to the locker room. I could use a drink. It's not the smartest thing, but I don't know if I can do this without liquid courage. Where would I get it tho! I'm at school. It isn't like the bars are open. I can't just pop in and out. Ok. I guess I have to do this on my own. Ok. I head back to the weight room. "So what we working on today?"
"Just going to start with our stretches, then go into the normal workout."
"Cool." Once I left my head, I wasn't as freaked out. Everything was normal. Maybe I made it all up. I literally told All Might that first day I met him, I don't go after what I know I can't have. He has known I had a crush. I'm sure he saw my hickey I had.  He respects the law, and he isn't going to break them. Not many would do what Toshinori does. But Toshinori doesn't have a reputation to up hold. How bad would it look if All Might was fired for dating a student. It would hurt him as the number 1 hero. Toshinori doesn't have to worry about that. Now I'm convincing myself that is ok for Toshinori to break the law. New subject brain! Now about the fact I have a new quirk, and I barely used it. Kimberly said not to tell All Might, but I want to. I want to tell everyone. It was so fun to pop around. I see why Kimberly does it so much. I look over to All Might. His back is to me. I start to notice this smoke! Is he smoking at school! Or is his body smoking. I look at the clock, there is literally 15 minutes left. Normal I have left by now. I stop what I'm doing, and just walk out. I can't deal with anything right now. I didn't even tell him I was leaving. I just let the door slam behind me.

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