Chapter 59

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He turned and went back into his room. I followed, and stood in the door way. His back is to me. Wait! Is he only in boxers! He grabs a shirt. "Wait, why are you covering up?" I whine.
"It's rude of me not too. You are a young lady."
"A young lady that likes the view." I mumble.
He chuckles, then put on some sweatpants. He then walks by me, and heads down stairs. I follow him. It's dark. I never turned on any lights, so that makes sense. I stare at him. Take off the shirt man! Take it off! Fuck this dream. I never have dreams, and the one time I do...
"What the fuck?" He turns on his kitchen light, and picks something up off the floor....
IS THAT MY KEY CHAIN OF KIMBERLY HAIR! Wait, that's where I woke up... THIS ISN'T A DREAM! "Oh! Did you get Billie Jean a new toy! Hahaha." Oh my god, I'm awkward.
"I've never seen this before...." He sets it down on the counter. He then turns and adds water to his coffee maker. "But earlier you said this was a dream. And I would be the projection."
"Oh, that's just some projection humor."
"Of course." He chuckles. He then turns towards me. "Are you wearing my shirt?"
Ok. He believes I'm a projection... Has he talked to my projection before? "Yes. It's comfortable." I have to find a chance to leave...
"Even as a projection your poisonous to me."
IS HE FLIRTING WITH ME! "Is there a problem with me wearing it? Because I could take it off?" I get close to him.
His arm came around my waist, as he pulls me close. "I don't think as a projection you can..."
Shit. That would make sense. "I only tease."
He sighs. "It's only been a few days, and I miss touching you." He leans in, and kisses my neck.
Dam! He knows me so well. I'm putty in his hands. "Then why did you end it."
He pulls away from my neck. And chuckles. "So you don't believe it was because of your age do you?"
"I don't."
"It's my way of protecting you. Even if it hurts. I have to stay away from you."
"I told you, I was in. That means even if I get hurt."
He kisses my forehead. "I know." He finally lets go, and turns to the coffee maker. "Do you want a cup?"
"I probably shouldn't." I turn, and walk towards the living room. I sit down on the couch.
He turns, and leans his back on the counter. He sips on his coffee. "Why does someone as young and beautiful as you like me so much?"
"Is that a crime?"
"No, not really."
"Then don't worry about it."
"You must of had someone in your life that liked older men."
"My Aunt always dated older men, so maybe I learned it from her."
"How much older."
"She dated this one hero. He was in all yellow, and could jump really high...." Wait, how do I know that. In the last few years, I've never remembered any of her ex boyfriends. She has been in the hospital this whole time.
"Hmm, that sounds like a hero I know, but he hasn't dated anyone in a long time." He comes over and sits down next to me.
"What's his name?"
"You probably don't know him."
I know his name...... Brand Toetoe... No. "Gran Torino."
He spit out his coffee. "Did you just say... Wait." He got up, and went upstairs. This might be my only chance to leave! I got up, and ran to the counter. I grabbed my key chain. "Did he look like this?" I turn around, and there he was, a photo in his hand. I put the key chain behind my back.
"Let me see." I smiled and walked over. I take the photo. It appears that there was another person in the photo, but it's ripped. I look at the man in yellow. I stare. I don't recognize him, but he does fit the description. I could of sworn he was taller.... "Do you have a younger photo of him?"
His face goes pale. "Younger?"
"Yes. Was he ever taller?"
"How old is your aunt?"
"She is pretty young."
"Was she in diapers when she dated him?"
"Ok. I have another photo. Wait here."
He went upstairs. Sorry, but I have to go now! I pop back to my room. I let out my breath. He didn't see. So my cover as a projection wasn't blown. But now I have questions! Like has he talked to my projection before? How did I remember my aunts ex? Oh, and most Importantly. How Do I Deal With The Fact That He Misses Me?! I grabbed my pillow and screamed into it. Ok. I just have to make myself irresistible to him! And stop flirting with All Might. Easy. And now he knows I wear his shirt to bed.... Ok. I'm taking this off. Instead of wearing it, I'll have it on a pillow, and I'll just sleep in my underwear.


I hear my alarm go off. I roll over, and hit the button. Five more minutes! Now the alarm on my phone goes off. I take the pillow, and put it over my head. It isn't working. I sit up, and grab my phone. I hit the snooze button. Fine. I'll get up! I make my way to the kitchen. I make myself cereal. After a quick shower, and getting ready for the day; I left the house. I decided to walk. I stopped and got some Ice Coffee. I'm so sleepy! Once my coffee was in hand, I made my way to school. So much has happened in such a short time. I have to focus. No more flirting with All Might. And I need to step up my training. I rub my face, then take a sip of coffee. Don't stay up half the night pretending to being a projection! I walk into the school yard. Suddenly there was a loud explosion. Then a burnt Kimberly was next to me. She coughed. "Note to self. Don't piss of Bakugo."
"What did you do to piss him off." I yawn.
"I tried to take some of his hair."
I burst out loud laughing. I had to hold my sides. "Why would you do that?!" I'm so tired, I'm laughing like a crazy person.
"Well, I figured I would get you a few hair key chains. So you have something for when your physical happens."
"And you thought this Bakugo was a good choice?"
"No, I was taking hair from all of class 1-A."
"Well from the sport festival, they all looked strong. So you need them!"
"Did you get Midoriya's hair?"
"The green one! Yes!" She hands me a bag of them. "Now the Invisible girl was tricking, but I convinced her."
"You convinced her?"
"I told her short hair is in, and I can cut it for free."
"That worked."
"Yes. Now try one out!"
I reach in the bag. "This one is empty."
She takes her phone and takes a picture of me. She then shows me. "Is it?"
I look. All I see is my uniform, the bag of key chain, my books, and coffee floating. I drop the key chain. "Was I just!"
"It's a passive quick. You can't control it like you do for mine. As long as you touch that empty key chain, you go invisible."
"Are you telling me, if I get a hero suit, I'll have to have it go invisible with me?"
"Either that or you strip down like the girl in 1-A."
"No thank you!"
"Try our another!"

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