Chapter 40

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POV: Toshinori
(His side of what happened.)

I was driving home from the police station. A lot of shit is going on. I look at the clock. It's 9:01 pm. I didn't expect it to take so long.
'A Phone Call Is Here! A Phone Call Is Here!' Played through my car. Who would be calling me? I hit the button on the steering wheel. "Hey...." I hear screams.
"You seem to be very special. Tell me, how many quirks do you have?" A males voice said.
"G-Go suck a nut!" It was Y/N.
"Bitch! Just for that." He spoke again.
I hung up. I pulled over, and ran into an Ally. I became All Might, and jumped. I look at my phone. She isn't far. I see fire over there. That has to be where she is. I land, making the ground shake under me. "It's fine now. Why? Because I am here!" I saw this man over someone. It has to be Y/N. He turns and looks at me. Suddenly fire came from his mouth. It wasn't to hard to miss. I start making my way closer. He was panicking. He looked down, and shot a fire ball at Y/N. I hear her scream. Smoke was everywhere. I'm pissed. I punched him. Shit! To hard. I couldn't see Y/N. "Are you all rig...." I froze when I saw her. The smoke cleared. She had her legs up, an arm between them to cover her mid section, then an arm cross her chest. Only by doing this, she was looking so hot! Her breast were practically popping out. I really have to cough now.
"DON'T LOOK AT ME!" Her face was going red.
I turn my head away. I can't let her stay on the streets like this. She is affecting me, what would she do to others. She is covered in burns. They aren't to bad, but still. I have to take her home. I look down at her, and pick her up. I press her to my chest. I can feel her breast pressed against me. Her breath was warm too. I cover her as much as I can. "I'm taking you to your home."
"Thank you."

I opened her front door and let her down. She quickly put a coat on that was by the door. It was long enough to cover her. "Your coved in burns. You should go to the hospital."
"They aren't to bad. I'll live."
"You don't want them to scar." I hate seeing her with scars.
"I thought I told you not look at me. How do you know they are bad?"
Shit! Well it's kinda hard not to look. "Would you have preferred I left you on the street like that."
She sigh. "No. Just don't be checking me out now."
I already do, this isn't going to stop me. "I have to go and find that creep now. Do you need anything else before I leave?"
"I'm good. Thank you again."
I left, closing the door behind me. I'm expecting a phone call any second now. I quickly jumped off. Now I have to find where I parked my car, and get that villain. Oh when I find him.


I look down at my phone. I see the little button to call. I have to call him. I need to. Maybe he could come over and cuddle me. I let out a deep breath. I hit the button, and waited.
'Hey, are you ok?'
I smiled. "Could be better. I wanted to explain what happened."
'Are you at least safe now?'
"Yes, actually All Might showed up and saved me."
'Your not his biggest fan now are you?'
"Shhh, don't tell him." I giggled. "But something did happen. I was wonder what you where doing?"
'Trying to find where I parked my car at the moment. Why? What's up?'
"Is there anyway you could come over after?"
'Of course.'
"Good, I could really use a hug."
'I'm a little bit away. Can you give me an hour?'
'Ok, Ill see you soon.'
"I'll be waiting."
We hung up. Then it hit me... "Kimberly is going to kill me!" I grab a pillow and shoved my face into it. I then grabbed my phone and texted her. Come over.
Seconds later she was here. In her muppets PJs. "You look like shit."
"Well I was attacked a few minutes ago."
I roll up my pant legs, and showed her the burns. "I went for a walk, and a dude that spit fire balls decided I was a good target."
"Are you cover in these burns?!"
"Yup. Oh, and that new dress, it's gone."
I could see the dots above her head as she took in what I said. "Wait! What do you mean it's gone!"
"He burned it off of me. Leaving me in my underwear."
"I didn't even get to wear it."
"I'm ok." I roll my eyes at her.
"If you weren't hurt right now, I would be beating you with that pillow."
"Thanks. So yeah. I'm kinda just chilling here trying not to hurt more. I put on these lose soft clothes so I wouldn't hurt."
"Wait... How did you get home."
"I don't know if I should tell you. You did just threaten me with a pillow."
"But you love me."
"Please." She gave me a big smile.
"So a certain hero actually showed up. And saved me."
"The truple game is strong." She leaned in over to me. "Your telling me, All Might showed up, and saw you in your underwear."
"I was so embarrassed."
"So tell me, has Toshinori seen you in just your underwear?"
"Your not going to keep track of this."
"I mean All Might likes you, and now he has seen you in your underwear. He probably went home to beat it."
"Your not funny!" My face was red.
"Toshinori probably does it to you too.  How often do you kinda tease him. But you haven't done the deed."
"There is a reason for that. Like that fact it's Illegal."
"That's an excuse. But now it's in your head. Two dudes that want you, both of them holding their...."
"Shut up!" I toss the pillow at her. My face is probably burning more then my burns are.
"Ok ok. So are you going to let those burn scar or are you going to go get treatment."
"There not that bad. I have a first aid kit that should have burn cream. I'll be fine."
"Where is it? I'll get it for ya."
"No need."
"Oh my god! Your man is coming over. Isn't he."
"What makes you say that?"
"Well the fact you are willing to sit in pain. You want him to take care of your burns."
My face was red again. "No."
"That red tomato face says otherwise."
"Maybe, so what?"
"I see. You feel bad that All Might saw you in your underwear. So know you want to show Toshinori all of it."
"That's not true!"
"Your hoping you can pick up where you left off earlier."
"Shut up!"
"My sweet little Y/N is finally going to take my advice. Your going to become this dirty person, and fuck his brains out."
"You can go home now."
"Why, you want to get ready for a night of no sleep and a lot of moaning."
"Why did I call you over?!"
"Because you love me."
"That line is getting old and fast."
"Fine, I'll leave. But details." She came over and gave me a hug. "Bye girl."
"Bye." Once she was gone. I looked at the time. About 20 minutes left. I'm still red like a tomato tho!

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