Kimberly's Mystery Lover

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POV: Mystery

I hold my phone. Hands shaking. My earphone reads the message to me. 'Please send a picture.' I can do it. Just a picture. But what if she doesn't like me! Just do it. The worst that will happen is I'll take a picture of the table. Or she thinks I'm a 80 year old man in my bedroom with my hands!!!!!! I slam my face on the table... actually into my soda.
"Geez. This girl really has you a mess." Says Mei Hatsume. "You got soda on your face."
I lift my head. "Maybe I wanted it there."
"Either way. Hurry and eat already. We have to get to more inventing of my babies!"
"Fine." I take the napkin off my lap, and clean up my face. I then take my phone and hit the button on the side. "Open camera." I hear in my earphone. 'Do you want the camera. Say yes or no.' "Yes." I take a deep breath. I lift the phone, and click the button. 'Picture taken.' I hit the side button again. "Send picture to FanficQueen." 'Sending picture to FanficQueen.'  I did it.
"Oh wow. She is definitely going to fall in love with you now."
"Yeah. You sent her a picture of your tall blond bodyguard Haru."
I dropped my face back into my soda. "Why me!"
"Well maybe she will like you. If she likes green and yellow haired blind kids."
"You no help."
"As a support course member, I'm always here to help. Especially other support course members."
"You just want to make more support items."
"And your just using me because I'm a top support course student of the third years."
"Tell me how you do it without seeing!"
"Ugh! My life is the worst."
"Fine. I'll be a friend for 5 seconds then you tell me your ways. You plan to get eye surgery to see, and you want to have this girl be the first thing you see. Yet you are nervous. And you sent the wrong photo, and are definitely not her type."
"Where is this going."
"Do you remember how you met her. Why you fell for her?"
"How could I forget. I think about it almost everyday."
"Well once you meet her again, you have something to talk about."
"That isn't helping me."
"I never said I was good at being a friend. Now let's go. I want to watch you work."
I grabbed my cane, and my tray. I made it over to the trash. My mind is elsewhere. Last year at the sports festival, I met Kimberly. She had so much energy, and really just wanted to have fun. She didn't care about the standards. She did what she wanted.
Most sport festivals, the hero classes take out general studies, or support course fast. Then it's just them. Proving who is the best. Even though I'm blind, I requested to participate. I had to show off what I could make. I also wanted to impress my uncle... but that didn't happen. Humor impresses him... All Might is his god, but don't make that joke. I got punished once for it. I was 6. Yeah, I wasn't going to do anything impressive. The first challenge was a way to weed people out. About 1/4 of the students got tails. The goal was to have a tail once the time was up. There was 20 minute timer above Mr. Snipe. I didn't have a tail. I was going over the list of what I had for inventions. Trying to find one that might help. Only one. But I can't use it until I have a tail. I could hear the noise around me. I hear someone shout.
"Watch out!" Suddenly I was moved. "Whoa that was a close one."
"What was?"
"You almost got hit by a flying chair." She paused. "Wait are you blind?"
"Um yes."
"That's so COOL! Oh, I'm Kimberly. And we have to move." She grabbed my hand. At first I thought we where just standing there.
"Are we going to move?"
"We are. I can blink us to different locations. So we don't get hurt."
"But what about the tails?"
"Oh. Just take mine."
"I can't do that. You have to.."
"I can get another easy. Your support course right?"
"Yeah but."
"Hey now. Yeahbutts live in the woods."
"Here." She let go of my hand. Then I felt her tie the tail to my gym pants. "See. Now is there a way you can stay away from people?"
"Yeah. I have my invention that...."
"Great! Let's use it."
"Yeah. Your prime Real estate right now."
"Oh. Ok." I grab the small disk I had hanging on my side. I set it on the ground and hit the button. The small disk expands and becomes a base to stand on. A bubble should come around us, then legs ejected from the bottom, pushing us up into the air. "This shell should keep us safe, and being off the ground will give us an advantage."
"Sorry but I have to bounce."
"Wait?! Why? Your safe here."
"Yeah, I am. But I see some other students that aren't having luck fighting the hero course students. So I'll help them, so they can shine."
I couldn't see it, but I could tell she was smiling. At that second my heart started to race. She didn't care that she could lose. She wanted to help others. I reached out for her, but she was gone. I'm not sure what just happened. Did this girl really make my heart race. Do I have a crush?! It was only a few minutes after, that someone attacked the legs of my invention. Thinking fast on how to stop them, I ripped the metal panel off of the metal base. It's what's holding me up, but if I take the fat wire and the bubble wire, I can add an electric shock to the legs. Doing this will short the shell. If I had used a larger power source that wouldn't have been a problem. I pull out my tool kit, and grab the knife. I slit a wire, and then moved over to the thin wire. At first it was working fine. I could hear them below, angry at how fast I was. Suddenly my platform started to shake. I'm sure there is a kid that can make the air shake, and I can't keep my balance. I fall backwards. I took a deep breath, expecting to hit the ground. I was probably a good 25ft in the air. When someone caught me mid air.
"You just love living on the dangerous side don't." She giggled.
I could feel my face burn. I quickly cover with my hands. "Why didn't you leave me for dead?"
"That's not very hero like. Unless I'm going villain. Ohh, all black, with a taste for blood. I could murder someone.... Hey. Stop distracting me. I can't think of that right now, but I'll write about it later."
She put me down finally. "I-I'm not sure what to say. T-Thank you."
"No problem, your pretty light anyway."
Then the buzzer rang.  She left. I tried to ask a question but to no answer. She leave fast. I heard after that first round more support and general studies students passed. They had a small game, but I didn't play. A new rule was put into play not to help your enemies. Kimberly shouted she would do it again. I didn't pass the next round. But I did get to use a few of my inventions. I heard Kimberly made it to third place in the end. I sat in the stands. Unable to see, but couldn't get Kimberly out of my head. Her hand was soft, and she smelled like grapefruit. She obviously has a big heart, and cares for everyone. Maybe I should find her, and thank her. I stood up, ready to go, when it hit me. I never told her my name. I froze. She was being nice to everyone. Your not special. I started to doubt everything. So I didn't. I never spoke to her again. And yet I always hear of her. I haven't told her yet, but I'm the only student that makes upgrades to her hero suit. Little weird, I'm not sure.

"Hey! Are you going to help me today or not?!" A females voice shouts.
End of flashback
I shook my head. Mei Hatsume still wants me to show her stuff.
"Oh! Sorry. I got distracted."
"Yeah yeah yeah. Now she me how that pulse cannon worked!"

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