Chapter 11

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He should know all that I know then. All that I think I know. Maybe then he can tell me what I was cursed with for a quirk. I look at him. With pain in my eyes. "When I was young. My mother was sick. Always sick. She could read minds. When she past I was there. Then I started to read them." I'm such a bad child, I was there for my mothers death, and I can't even picture her face. I can't remember any of it. "I never met my father, so my aunt took me in." I felt tears in my eyes. If my aunt said this is the truth, then it must be. "After a year she got sick. Same like my mother. She had saving so she could go to the hospital. She is always in and out. I needed food. I had to work. I quit school, never going to high school. I had too. I fear I will take her quirk.... But there is no proof, if I even can take them. If I end up with her quirk I don't know what I would do!" My face was wet with my tears. Suddenly, a big hand was pressed to my face. A thumbs wiped my tears.
"Don't cry. I'm not good with emotions and helping people with them. I'm better with fists." All Might said.
I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around his neck. I hugged him. He was stiff. Then he put a hand on my back.
"Thank you. I really needed a hug. I keep fucking things up, and I'm scared."
"Why do you say that?"
"I'm 17 years old, and just started high school part time. My only family is in the hospital, probably dying. I can't control my quirks. To top it all off, I have a crush on an older guy I can't be with."
He stiffen again. He pulled away. "Well we can help you with most of that here. For the crush, just try to forget about him." I saw pain in his eyes.
"Ok. What should we do first?" I wipe away the rest of my tears.
"Good question! Let's start with a plan for how you will strengthen your mind and body!"
"Yes! You need to eat healthy, and not stray from it!" He smiles. "Also you need to train and build muscles!"
"Great! Three things I'm crap at!" You smiled. Mocking him, his energy in his words and his smile. 'Great this is going to be tough.' His voice rang. My smile left. Not even All Might thinks he can help me.
"D-Did you just... read my.."
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean too. It just happened!" I look down.

POV: Toshinori

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean too. It just happened!" She looked down. The breeze blows her hair. The sun shines right on her. She looks sad yet so beautiful... "If I'm to much to train, I can just leave."
"Wait! No." I shook my head. "The thing about your mind reading is you get only a part of it. You miss out on the stuff before or after." She raised her head. Hope in her eyes. "You must have missed the part where I said they are using the field right now. We will have to train elsewhere or with them!"
She smiled. "Ok. That makes since."
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I'm glade she didn't hear the rest. Otherwise I would have to explain myself. "Let's do some laps around the field, we can just join them."


Once lunch time came, I was so sore. Now I have to go to work. Kill me now. At least I can have lunch at the school with Kimberly. All Might is showing me were to go, when this green hair boy ran up to him. "All Might, I had a question to ask you?" He said.
"Yes young Midoriya?" All Might answered. I took it as my time to leave.
As I walking into the lunch room, I saw hundreds of students eating. I spotted Kimberly across the room. Then it hit me. 'Young Midoriya!' I have hear that before. That name. Who said it..... Toshinori! That first day. At the store. He was thinking of ways to stop Midoriya from breaking into homes...  no... Oh! Right, from breaking bones! But I haven't heard anyone else refer to students as young something. Hmm. Kimberly walks up to me.
"The food is that way silly. You can't ate the table." Kimberly teased.
"Hey... I think there is something I'm missing."
"Yeah food." Kimberly handed me a tray.
"How often do you see Toshinori here?"
"Like never. Only entering the school, the teachers room, lunch some days, leaving. I don't even know what class he teaches or who his students are."
"I barely know anything about him. But what teacher is so invisible that no one sees he except for at certain points for the day."
"Well this is a school for heroes, maybe he has another form or a costume.
"Yeah... I could ask his students?"
After we got food we were on our way to the table. "That green haired boy. He knows him."
"Why are you so sure."
"I accidentally read his mind that first day, and he said his name. Then today when that kid went up to All Might, All Might said his name. Air-go that kid knows them both."
"Are you sure there isn't more then one person at this school with that name?"
"Ya, but I bet if I asked him, I could read his mind and find out the truth."
"Girl you sound crazy. Are you sure your ok."
"No, I ran like a hundred laps before lunch. I'm not ok. But I could get over Toshinori by finding out all of the bad.
"You sound like a stalker."
"Shit. Well maybe I could ask All Might on everything he knows."
"Yeah because a student asking about a teacher personal life. It kinda sounds like red flags. He would have to report it."
"I hate my life." I dropped my head to the table.
"How's your aunt?"
"I'm supposed to go see her after school. Then off to work." The last time I was there tho she had a seizure. But Kimberly doesn't need to know that.
"Fun. Tell her hi will ya."

I arrived at the hospital around 1. I saw my aunt writing something. "Hey, what are you up too?"
"Y/N, please sit."
"Ok, what's this about?"
She sighed. "I'm writing a letter to you, but you can't have it until you need it."
"Need it? What do you mean?"
"There will be a time in your life I wouldn't be there for the answers. I know this is hard to understand but it's for the best."
"Are you... dying?" I felt tears in my eye.
"Probably sooner then later, but this note isn't for after I past. It's for when you get lost in your mind."
"Why can't you give it to me know?"
"I fear that it isn't that simple. I don't want your life to change more then it has. I love to see you grow and make friend, even relationships, but.... don't let them get attached to you. It will make it harder in the long run."
"I don't get what your saying! You don't want me to be happy!"
"No, I do. It's just you won't remember them."
"Tell me them!"
"I can't. Please let's change the subject."
I was speechless. What does she want from me?! Why can't she tell me?! "I need air." I then left.

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