Chapter 10

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After crying for what felt like a lifetime. I texted Kimberly to get over here. Within seconds she was in front of me. "What happened?" She kneeled down, putting a hand on my shoulder.
"I have a fucking crush on a teacher at UA." I cried some more.
"Really. What did he look like?"
"His friend said his name was Toshinori, he is a tall man, with blonde hair that is messy, and is very thin. People have even called him a skeleton."
"I actually think I have seen him walking around the school before. But I don't know what he teaches."
"Great, I'm going to start school and have to see him at least once a day. He is going to hate me once he finds out."
"Hey, in a few months you will be legally old enough."
"Do you think I'll be out of school by then." I rolled my eyes.
"No. The fact that your in the dark, with a little light from the windows, tells me you already had a breakdown."
"Yeah I did."
"Soo, you like them thin ay?" Kimberly jokes.
"It's not about the looks... it's about what's inside."
"Yeah because you lookin 25 and single, but really a 17 year old mess."
"If he is a teacher, that must mean he is also a hero. Which means his didn't know he was going to break the law and have a chance to lose his hero license. What if I ruined his life. He was already seen leaving the bar with me. That's it. I'm going to move. I'm not going to UA."

One week later- Monday
"How did you get me up today?"
"I pop to your room and dumped water on you."
"How did you get me to get dressed in this uniform?"
"I took all the clothes from your house. And left that as the only option."
"How did you get me to come to school?"
"I grabbed your hand, and popped ya here."
"Why am I here?"
"It's your first day!"
"Can I go back to sleep?"
"No." With that she grabbed my hand and lead me through the gate. The past week I have been crying in my bed. I told work it was my aunt, but near the end of the week I had to go in. I did the bare minimum. I wanted to stay home today.... but little Miss Perfect over here had other ideas. I can't believe I was in bed and upset for a whole week. You would think I had been in a very serious relationship that had just ended, but no. She walked me over to the office. We saw Present Mic.
"Heeeeellooo ladies! What can I dooooo for you!"
"This is F/N L/N, she is the new part time student." Kimberly spoke with confidence.
"Riiiight!" He grabbed a few papers. "Principal Nezu gave me this yoooouuu!"
"T-thanks." I grabbed the papers.
"Fill those out by the end of the day, and pass them in. Yooooou will need to discuss with your homeroom teacher when you can take the Math, English, etc tests! Other wise, this is your schedule! Each teacher has at least two free periods a day. So you will be with these teacher training your quirk and learning about how hero's are. Only 3 classes until noon, Monday tho Friday! If you need anything your homeroom teach is Mr. Aizawa, but feel free to ask any teacher!"
"Sound happier." Kimberly elbowed me.
"Thanks you." We quickly walked off. He is too loud in the morning.... I look down at the paper. Wait, it said I have modern hero art history with Midnight first. Then I get homeroom. Then for several hours I'm with All Might doing Heroics! "At least I can leave by noon." I look down.  "I hope they told the teacher I was coming so early."
It's about 1o:30am now. Midnight and Aizawa weren't very happy I was taking up their free time. Mr. Aizawa give me some important information about my mind reading, and was even able to stop me from destroying his laptop want I got flustered.  He said that happens because what I normally use to read mind is coming back out as a wave of energy. Which means it can knock stuff over, or fry anything electronic. I never knew that. I held off on telling him the other stuff. One quirk for now. Now I had to go to All Might. He was in the teachers room according to Aizawa, and probably didn't know anything about this. The only thing I'm worry about is if Toshinori is in the teachers room. What if he sees this outfit and think I'm coming as like a role play call girl! My face burns red. I haven't seen him since that night. Why didn't I ask him. Why did I throw myself at him like an idiot! I could see the door. I have to knock. I take a deep breath. I tap the the door. Nothing. It wasn't loud enough. I try again. A little louder. I wait. I hear a chair move. I play with the hem of my skirt. Looking down. The door swings open.
"Hello..." All Might stood there for a second, then slammed the door in my face. I hear a weird sound.
"Um, All Might."
Through the door. "Hello there young Y/N! What is it you would like!"
"Um, well I'm here for H-Heroics class. I'm guessing Principal Nezu didn't tell you either."
"Are you a student here?" Still through the door.
"Well I'm part time. It's kinda hard to explain through a door."
"Yes, one second." Still through the door.
I roll my eyes. What? Does he have food in his teeth or something? Why is he hiding? Maybe I look hella cute in the uniform and he can't control himself. I shook my head. I'm crazy for thinking that.  "You good?"
Suddenly the door opens. "Yes. Let's go outside and talk about this course." He pushes past me, leading the way. Man he looks good in that suit. It kinda reminds me of the one Toshinori wears when he gets his soba.  He stops by the locker room. "Put on your gym clothes please." Once that was done, we head outside, and find a bench under a tree. "This should be good." I look around. There was a class outside across the field. It was a very sunny day, with a light breeze. I sat down. He leaned against the tree. "First what is your quirk."
Man right down to it. "Um well I guess Principal Nezu didn't say that either. I have a kinda strange quirk."
"You can read minds right, and levitate objects. Does it mean you have a mind quirk of some sort?"
My heart almost stopped. He is just as clueless as I am. "I don't feel they are connect like that... Maybe they are just different. Maybe that why I struggle to control it? But there is more."
"I'm not fully sure on this one but I think I Can astral project myself too."
His eyes go wide. "Why do you feel like that?"
"Well when I sleep, I sleep like the dead, but I'm never rested. I can't remember my dreams, only one dream. In that dream I was walking around. And there is proof that I did. I can't control it tho! It only happens when I sleep!"
"Tell me, do you feel like you can take others quirks?" My eyes widen. I have been saying that for years. I thought it was strange how I got so many quirks. Maybe he isn't as clueless as I thought..... Maybe he actually knows my true quirk. Or at least why I have so many...

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