Chapter 3

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As he left, I felt something warm roll down my cheeks. Then a loud bang scared me. I turned around and saw the microwave was smoking. Shit. I quickly unplugged it. I carried it outback, and called the number to the owner. She could hear my voice shaking. She asked, and I played if off like it was my aunt. She told me she was coming in so I could go home. Normally I would have fought it, but I have never been hurt like this before.

Once I get home, I work on more unpacking. I left my aunts stuff in boxes against the wall of her room. I even did up the new bed all nice. The last time she came home the Doctors said she needed a certain bed to help her back pain. We ended up buying all new mattress for all three rooms. If she ever comes home, the room at least has her stuff and a place to sleep. I want to see her, but I'm too scared.  I unpacked the living room, and hung up some curtains. My second bedroom was so fun to set up. I set the bed in the center, and hung a mirror on the wall. I put my clothes in the closet and the board games on the top shelf. I align all my shoes below it. I had to rebuild my bookshelf. It wasn't hard, but it took some time. I start to fill all my books on it. I look around the room. Right, that corner would be great for my vanity. I run to grab it. I unpacked my makeup and hair supplies. I open my laptop, and lay on my bed. It's nice to have an actual room. My Facebook was blowing up with this attack. I click on the link. At 12:30 All Might appears on scene. The class 1-A of UA were at the U.S.J. When a group of villain appeared. They called themselves 'The League Of Villains.' Only one student and two teacher got hurt, and a lot of villains got arrested. After a few hours I saw the time, and decided I should go to bed. I go to my freezer bedroom, and close the big door. It's dark, so I can sleep in peace. I close my eyes. Thinking of what had happened today. I was still upset, but up until know I was busy and didn't get to think of it. I let out a deep breath, and decided I will let sleep come over me. Knowing I'm safe from hurting people, and people hurting me.
I open my eyes to see a busy road. The cars are moving fast. I'm on the side of the highway. I start to walk along the side of it. It didn't take long for me to see there are some houses. As I walked by, the street light started to pop. Sending sparks flying. I crossed the road without looking. I hear a car slam on the breaks. I look to see the car stopping inches from me. I raise my hand, and started to bring the car in the air. I can't stop myself. I bring it above my head and let go.

I sat up. Sweat rolling off of me. I'm breathing hard. Did I just. No, I don't remember my dreams. Then why. I reach over to my lamp, but I didn't feel it. I couldn't even see my alarm clock. I grab my phone, and walk carefully to the big door. I open it, it lets a little light in. I see my lamp is smashed and my alarm clock is across the room. Whatever happened, wasn't good. I heard sirens. I quickly look out the window. A few cop cars drove by. I look to wear the where they were going. That side of town had no lights. Like the power was shut off. Did I have something todo with this. I was shaking. Tears roll down my face. I don't want to be bad, I just want to live a normal life. If I could remember my past... could I be Evil?

After last night I didn't sleep. People came in and out of the store, all talking about what had happened. No one knows fully, but I do. They said the drive crashed into nothing. When the car hit whatever it was the entire side of town lost power. They said once the police arrive they moved the car, but there wasn't any sign that he hit something. The man had been hurt and was in critical condition. People keep saying a new villain is here. I try to hold myself together. My whole shift went by very slow. He never came.

It's been a few days. I limit my sleep. Scared I will cause another accident. The newspaper claims the man was awake. He said this girl was in the road, and lifted his car in the air on top of herself. She had this H/L H/C hair, and had on gray shorts, and a blue tank top. She was also bare foot. It just confirmed my original thoughts. Somehow I did it. It was slowly eating at me. I heard the door charm. I look up. He finally came back.
"Listen, I'm sorry for how I left last time." He scratches the back of his head.
Half of me wants to scream. Half wants to cry. Then a very small part wants to hug him. In a low voice. "It's ok, I crossed a line." I look down, my h/l h/c hair fall to my face.
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah, just going through stuff."  I watch him go over to the soba. I haven't talked to anyone about it. I'm scared they will have me locked up. 
"New microwave?" He asked.
Oh yeah, ya know I broke it after you left last time. Thanks for breaking me. "Yeah it broke." Maybe I could practice my quirk and learn to control it. Then I won't become a villain, I could even try to be a hero.... but let's be real. I just want to be normal. I was so in thought I didn't even see him come to the register.
"Oh! Sorry." I scanned his food. "$7.99"
He hands me the money. 'Am I the cause of her pain?' His voice rang in my head. "H-Have a nice day." He gives a weak smile.
"You too." The second he left I felt my face heat up. I might be so focused on me, I didn't even know it was hurting others. And he thought I was upset because of him. Wow. Well technically I am... He will never talk to me again.

Today I'm going to smile and be positive. Although it's tuff to be positive when there is no one that stops by! I think this store is the deadest place on earth! Like really, graveyards get more visitors. There was a chime. I look up with a smile. "Hey!"
"You seem happier today." He smiles
I love his big smiles, they go eat to ear. "Yeah, I decided to try to make other want to smile."
I watch him walk over to the Soba. "I just started reading this book, and it's amazing."
"I'm more of a movie type of person."
I hear him hit the buttons. "I love going to the movie theater, but it can be pricey."
"I try to go at least twice a week, otherwise I own dvds I'll watch."
"You into romantic movies or like comedy?"
He brings his food up. With a smile. "Anything really."
I scan it. "$7.99" He hands the money.
"Well, have a good day."
"You too!"

It was nice having yesterday off. I visited my aunt, but the visit was shortened due to a seizure. I actually watched some movie on my laptop. I heard the chime, and looked up. "Heyyy!" I dragged it out.
"How was your day off yesterday? Spend it with your boyfriend?"
"Ha, I wish. I'm a single Pringle." I smile. He goes over to the microwave with a smile on his face.
"Really? So what did you do then?"
"I had to go to the hospital. My aunt told me I had to tell her how the new job was."
"It was until I had to leave." I look down. I don't want to hurt her, yet she keeps requesting I visit.
"Did something happen?"
"She had a seizure.. she been having them a lot."
"I'm sorry to hear that. You do seem close to her."
I smile. "She is my only family. I want her happy... I want her healthy."
I heard the buttons beep as he hit them. "So how are you liking the job?"
I giggle a little. "Well you see I got this one customer that is obsessed with soba."
He smiled. "Oh no, lock him up for good." He chuckles.
"And ya know I'm very good at embarrassing myself and probably others."
"I don't think the others mind." The microwave beeps telling us the food is done.
My face heats up. "Oh, I watched a movie yesterday."
"Nice, What did you watch?"
"Oh, it was an older movie I found online. 'The day the Earth Stood Still', it wasn't bad."
"That is a great movie." He smiles. He puts the food down.
"$7.99" I said before I scanned it.
"Are you sure." He chuckles.
"Oh let me see, Nope it was $7.99. How could I not know that. I sell it everyday." I giggled.
He hands me the money. "Well, have a nice day."
"You too."

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