Chapter 33

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The image will be explained more at the end. Sorry not sorry.


"Ok! Now the reason I brought her." Kimberly has a very creepy smile right now. She takes my  right hand and puts it on Miley's shoulder. "Y/N, can you hold this pen."
"Sure?" I reach out with my left hand. She dropped the pen into my hand......

It was almost as if the world slowed down just for this. Kimberly seems so excited, yet I don't even know why. The second the pen touched my hand, it changed. It was no longer a pen, it was a rock. "Shit!" I dropped the pen.
"I knew it! You can copy quirks." Kimberly started to dance around the store.
Poor Miley was all confused. "No no no! I don't want to copy quirks! I don't want quirks!"
"Can someone explain..." Miley was so lost.
"You blinked us! You where thinking of your man!" Kimberly points at me. "I didn't do it, and this proves it!"
"This proves nothing!"
"I can get another person over here."
"You sound crazy."
"You better believe it! Now this is big. How long do you have it. Is it like that first year. In class 2-B? Or is it different?" Kimberly was going off on her own.
"I'm sorry about her. She is like a puppy. Excited easy." I look at Miley.
"Why is she so excited tho?"
Tell her I have multiple quirks or tell her something more believable. "I was quirkless before. Or so we all thought. I guess I can copy."
"Did they check your toe?"
Oh why more questions. "Yes. It developed as someone with a quirk, just nothing ever showed up. Until now anyway. Which I was happy before."
Kimberly can back over. "Miley, I'll take you home now."
"O-kay..." Kimberly grabs Miley hand, and they both were gone. Kimberly came back with a big smile.
"I'm pretty sure, you are going to be more powerful then All Might!" She was skipping down the aisle, throwing anything with All Might on it in the air.
How did me trying to stay away turn into her making a mess?! "I have to clean that you know!"
"Who cares! You are literally the coolest person I know!" She then pushed over a shelf. All the glass coffee cups came smashing down.
"No, that's enough!"
"Yeah I think I got carried away..... But look at you! You are the Queen of Quirks!"
"I don't want to be the Queen of Quirks! I want to be normal, and quirkless. Oh, and to top it off, I WOULD LIKE PEOPLE TO STAY AWAY FROM ME!"
"Oh, no. I'm not staying away. I tried that before. No go."
I grab the broom, and walk over to the cups. "I'm trying to keep everyone safe. You might not care if I take your quirk, but if I take anyone's else's, I'll feel more like a monster!"
"Your not a monster. If you were, you wouldn't be terrifying. You would be like a fluff puff ball. More people would find you cute."
"Kimberly, no one is going to want a hero that steals quirks. Everyone will look at me like a villain." So if I become a hero, I'll only use one quirk. If being the key word."
"Why wouldn't you become a hero?"
"A list of reasons. One, I don't have a name, no costume, and I mostly have done work out. Nothing really for my quirk. I can still barely control it, and I don't have any combat training."
"Seriously? All Might hasn't done combat training with ya?"
"He said I could get hurt."
"What's it to him, Recovery Girl can fix ya up."
"Being a solo class, it isn't like I have others to compete with."
"All Might is kinda a bad teacher."
"I wouldn't go that far...."
"Well we need to get you a costume."
"Oh, he is even taking away my morning training."
"Ok, that's it. We are going to train what he doesn't."
"Yes, every morning."
"Your killing me."
"Hey, I might not a be a teacher, but I have learned a lot. I can show ya whatever he doesn't."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes! I'm Coach Kimberly! I'm going to whip you into shape!"


My alarm goes off. I hit the button and roll over. I felt someone next to me. I open my eyes and turn on my lamp. "Kimberly? Why are you in my bed." I start to stretch.
"I'm making sure you get up."
"Yup. Now out of bed!"
"Ugh!" I climb out of bed, and make my way across the freezer. Kimberly follows.
I stop. "Why?"
"Touch me, then blink to your bathroom."
I roll my eyes. I tap her shoulder, then thought of the bathroom. Nothing. "Umm, it didn't work."
"Try holding on to me?" She was unsure.
I grabbed her hand, and thought of the bathroom. Suddenly we where in my tub. "It worked!" She was so excited.
"Can you use it now without touching me?"
I thought of the kitchen, but nothing. "I think I have to be touching you for it to work."
"Well that would get annoying...." She scratches her chin. Suddenly she snaps her fingers. "This might be extremely gross, but go with it." She pulled out one of her hair. And handed it to me.
"Um, no."
"Try it."
"Fine." I take the single hair. And thought of my kitchen. I suddenly was on the counter top. "Whoa! It worked!"
Kimberly walked in. "So as long as you touch them, you can use their quirk. And touching them is kinda loose, because you can touch parts that are no longer attached to them."
"Ok, that's cool. But I'm bound to lose this single strand of hair."
"Oh, I got an idea for that." She was gone. When she came back, she was holding her hair, and she now had a pixie cut! "Here."
"Your hair! Why would you cut it all off?!"
"So you can use my quirk whenever." Now put half in a ziplock bag, then we will make some of it into a key chain. You can then have it on your suit to use whenever."
"This is so gross. They are going to call me hair girl."
"Now we are not going to tell All Might any of this."
"Wait, why?"
"Well as you must know, the final is coming up soon. So he will have to test your quirks. Aka, you don't tell him, and blow him away with your new skills."
"I don't think I could keep this from him..."
"Don't worry, everything will be fine. I'll even collect a few others hairs for ya."
"Oh, what if we get All Mights hair, then you can beat him up with his own quirk!"
"How about we focus on training right now."
"Yeah, it's for the best. Just remember, I'm don't have a teaching license, so yeah."
"Your going to get me killed."
"No I'm not. Now get ready." She pushes me out of my kitchen.

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