Chapter 12

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I don't know what that letter could say, but it better be the fucking map to the family fortune. Now it's time to face hell. I sit in the back seat of Midnights class, for a whole 10 seconds. "Miss L/N, please take a front seat. I'm going to teach for half the class, then I'll give you book work. We will try to catch you up to the rest of the class fast." With that, she started to tell me all about this William dude. I don't see how this will help my quirks.
Once it hit 9:30, I was at the fun part of the day. Dealing with All Might and his exercise plan. If the other classes won't bad enough, now I have to do stuff. I stop by the locker room first. Once I was all set, I headed over to the teachers room. I knock. Out he came with a clipboard and a stop watch. "I see your already to start this plan." He smiles.
"What's first, a 5mile run?" I smirked, knowing I was joking.
"Actually we are doing a 10mile run." I collapsed. "Y/N, are you all right." He bends down and helps me up.
"I'm already dead. Leave me for the vultures!"
He laughs. "How about we do 1 mile instead." He gave a small smile.
Once I was on my feet. "That sounds way more manageable." We make our way to the field outside. It was hot outside. "It just got hotter out here now that I'm out." I smirked. Waiting for a comment. He coughed a little.
"The sooner you get the mile done we can do other stuff."
Right before I start the run, I turn to him. "Oh other stuff. I get ya. You got the good drugs on ya." I ran after that comment.
"I meant more exercise!" He shouts
I run backwards for a second. "Your not going to share!" I shout back. I then face forward, and continue to run.
"Not with you!" He shouts.
I run backwards again. "Oh snap! I got burned by the All Might!" I turned forward, and continue to run again. I could hear his deep laugh behind me.
After 15 minutes of running. I was almost done the mile. I saw end in sight. I pushed through. "Well done Y/N!" All Might praises me.
I fall onto the grass. "Land!" I was hugging the ground. "I can't tell if I'm still running or not!"
All Might did his deep laugh again. "Tomorrow I expect you to do it in 13 minutes."
"Tomorrow I expect to be hit by a bus!" I laughed into the ground.
"Ready for the next workout?"
"Yeah know, if ya do have any of the good stuff, nows the time to show it."
"Here's a bottle of water." He throw it to the ground next to me.
"I knew you where holding out!" I quickly took the cap off and started to down it. When there was nothing left, I look him dead in the eyes. "Your my dealer now." I started to laugh and roll on the ground.
He coughed a little. But didn't laugh. "Ok. Now I need 50 pushups."
"One second, let me just cut off my arms real quick."
"Should we do 20 instead?" He questioned.
"Ha, your funny." I got into the pushups position. "One!" Then I fall to the ground. "Wow. Killer work out. We done."
"Come on you can do more then that. Can you do more then that?"
"Let me try again." I try again. But I couldn't get my body off the ground. After trying a good 30 seconds. I gave up. "No."
"How about some sit ups?"
"Oh I'm way better at sit up."
"Ok, then do 20 of them."
"Yeah, here I go." I got into the position. I did it once, twice, three time, four.... the fifth time, I couldn't go all the way. I was pushing it. Until I fell flat on my back. "Wow, new record."
"When was the last time you worked out?"
"Nice joke."
"How old where you?"
"Probably like 12."
He shook his head. "We might need to met up more if you ever plan to control your quirks."
"Hey, I did amazing."
"I'm going to have to rewrite your fitness plan."
"Oh fun."
"What are you doing tonight?"
"I have work, but if ya really want to take me out to dinner we sell hot food." I smirk.
"T-that's not what I meant." He was trying so hard to keep his smile.
"Riiight." I laid on the grass looking at the clouds.
"Ok, lets see what we can do next." He starts to look at his clipboard.
"That cloud kinda looks like a bunny."
"That cloud." I point to it.
"I don't see it."
"Your not even looking. Get down on the grass and look up."
He starts to look around. "This is crazy. Now how are you at weight lifting?"
"I'm pretty sure I have to train my mind too, so trying to see things that are not there is a brain exercise. Like how that cloud is a chair."
"Are you going to answer me?"
"I'll answer if you look at the clouds."
"That is not how this is going to work."
"That cloud kinda looks like you."
"Really?" He looks up.
"No, but it made you look."
"Ok, lets do some stretching. That probably won't be to hard for you."
"Oh I'm very.. flexible."
"I don't want to know in what context your putting that in."
"Am I too much for the big All Might to handle?"
"You know that game... that marry kill one."
"I would kill you."

Once training was done, I headed to the lunch room. I got a nice big bowl of salad. All Mights orders. And I sat down next to Kimberly. "So I drove All Might crazy today."
She spit her chocolate milk across the table. "Why?!"
"It was fun." I couldn't contain my smile. "Also, He is not into jokes."
"What did you do?"
"Well, lets just say, All Might voted to kill me." I couldn't stop laughing at that one.

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