Chapter 38

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Yes, this is going to be dirty. Yet not an actual lemon. Sorry not sorry. Also, can we just take a moment for the SpongeBob meme.


Ok new topic... "I brought you a yoga mat. I hope Green is ok."
"Yeah, green works." I walk over to the counter, and grab the two mats.
"You didn't go and buy it did you?"
"No, I took it from Kimberly. She has like 5 of them. Never really uses them tho."
"If we move the coffee table, we can set up right there."
"Ah sure." He grabs it, and moves it to the side. And there goes my heart. I truly love this man. Even little things like that make me love him more. "You can search YouTube right on the tv, or if you have it on your phone you could connect it."
"TVs can do that now! I've been living in the stone ages for too long."
He chuckles. "The new TV I got you does this too."
"What! Here I am just watching late night tv when I could of been watching conspiracy theories!"
"If that's what you want to watch then yes."
"Well I know what I'm doing later." I roll out the mats.  "Ok, how we pull up YouTube on this thing."
He hands me the remote. "Hit the mic and sat YouTube."
"Voice control remotes. Have they thought of everything! What's next sex robots?"
"Have you been under a rock?"
"Your joking right?"
"Don't tell me you own one."
"I don't own one."
"That's a relief. I definitely can't compete again a robot."
He coughed up some blood. "Let's get this yoga done and over."
I hit the button the the remote. "YouTube." The  app opened. I clicked on the search bar, and enter yoga for beginners. "Ready?"
"Yup." I hit the video. Then got ready. Everything went fine, well Toshinori was checking me out a lot. I don't mind tho. At the end of it all, I think I did more yoga then he did. But I got to spend this time with him so I call it a win.
"Ok. That's it for the yoga."
"Yes, already."
"Are you going to hang out for a bit?"
"I have to change, but I did plan to stay if you will have me."
"What's wrong with what your wearing?"
"I'm not going to hang out in my yoga clothes. Don't worry tho, because I brought something with me." I bend over to roll up the mats. "I'll just go in the guest room to change."
"I'll go and change too." As he walked by, he slapped my ass. I straightened out fast.
Half of me was shocked, the other half was turned on. "Hey!" I quickly slapped his ass before he got to far away. "How do you like it?"
"Definitely prefer the other way." He then went up the stairs. I grab the mat, then head over to counter. I set them down, and grab my car bag. I entered the guest room and got changed. Simple but cute. I add more deodorant and spray some perfume. I check my hair in the mirror. Good. I grab my shoes, and brought them out by the door. I put my bag back on the counter. I hear Toshinori come back down the stairs.

( I have a problem I know, but this is your outfit

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( I have a problem I know, but this is your outfit. Yes I use the Love Nikki app to much.)

"Oh, I like that." I hear him say.
I turn around the face him. "It's new."
"You look so good." He comes up, and give me a kiss. "To good. Why are you with me?"
"I'm secretly here to destroy you. Shhh."
"I'm starting to think you are." He smirks.
"I'm doing my job right then." I walk past him to his living room. I grab the remote.
He comes up behind me, and wrap his arms around me. "What are you doing now?"
"I was going to turn off your tv."
"Leave it." He moves my hair, then leans in and kisses my neck.
I let a small moan escape my lips. I love his touch. I love him close to me. I crave for him. Why wasn't I born sooner. Having his body pressed against mine. "Toshi..."
"One of these days we won't be able to stop you know."
"I know, but until then." I could feel him sucking on my skin. I pull away, and turn to face him. I kiss his lips, then push him onto the couch. I put one knee on both sides of his legs. I kinda float above his member, but it doesn't take long for me to feel it.  I'm facing him. My hands traveled to his hair. I kiss him. His hands traveled along my ass. They go up my dress. They feel my panties. He squeezes my cheeks. I moan in our kisses. My temperature is rising. I'm craving him more. This can't go farther then a make out session. Oh but I want it to. Our tongues fight. I want him to win. I like the taste of him. I want to taste more. We finally separate, a trail of saliva connecting us. He then kisses my neck again. I moan. I start to rock my hips against him. I want to find out how big he is, just by what I feel he is packing. He is so hard. I make him that way. I'm sure he knows just how wet I am. He moves to another spot on my neck. He is giving me hickeys. I want more. I move my hand down. Maybe I can take his shirt off. I grab the Base of it. I start to rise it up. "Don't." He growls against my neck.
Oh shit that's hot! "Then stop me." I try again. This time, he pushes me down to the couch. My back resting on the soft cushions. He was on top of me.  His hands slide up my legs. "I wore the ones you liked." I bit my bottom lip. I could feel his fingers move across the top of my panties. He smirked. He then grabbed the skirt of my dress, and flipped it up. "Someone is a very naughty girl." He pressed his cover member to my core. He leans in, and kisses my lips. His hand comes up, and squeezes my breast. I moan. I wrap my legs around him. My arms go around his neck. I want to get closer. I don't care if it's wrong! We break the kiss. I look into his list filled eyes. "Toshi, are you sure you...." Suddenly the doorbell rung. We both froze. It goes off again. "Who the hell is that?" I question.
"Maybe they will go away?" He leans in and kisses my neck. Now they start to knock.
I sigh. "Just go answer it. It's killing the mood."
He gets up, and cross the living room. Man either it killed the mood fast or he has some fucking control. I can't tell if he is hard anymore. There is no bulge in his pants! Before he opened the door he looked at me, and pointed to my skirt. Shit! I push it down, and sit up. We don't know who is at the door. He finally opened it.
"Naomasa!? What are you doing here?!"
Shit! He knows them. I run and grab my stuff from the counter, then I run into the guest room. Because he knows them, they probably will want to come in, it will look bad if I'm here. I close the door to the room very quietly. I start going through my bag for my key chain. I have to leave.
"Did you just wake up? Your hair is a mess." I hear his friend say.
"It's always a mess, look at it. I can't do anything with it."
"Well, I've been trying to get ahold of you all day. But you haven't gotten back to me."
"I left my phone upstairs, I don't even know what time it is."
"I tried your home line but it didn't work."
"Sorry Billie Jean likes to unplug it."
"Billie Jean? Did you get a girlfriend?"
"No! She's my cat."
"You got a cat? And named her Billie Jean? Ok whatever. Either way I was wondering if you could come down to the police station as A..."
"Yeah! Just give me a second. I have to do something then I can head down."
"Ok, I'll see you there."
"Yes, have a good day now."
"You too."
Well I can't find my key chain. And he really didn't like Billie Jean, how rude. "You can come out now."
I open the door slowly. "It's safe?"
"Yeah. It looks like I have to head out now. Would you like a ride home?"
"Don't worry about me. I got Kimberly."
"I'm sorry for what just happened tho."
"Hey, he kinda came and stopped us from going any farther. You could say he was a cock block." I couldn't help but laugh at my own joke.
"But he works on the police force. So it definitely would of been bad if he saw us."
"Oh man, I wasn't even thinking of that."
I walked over to him, and pulled him down. I kissed him. "Just text me later ok." I smiled.
"Also go and get your phone, before you miss something else important."
"Right." He kissed me once more, before he headed up stairs.
I saw my key chain on the counter. I grabbed it and all my stuff, and popped home. I dropped everything on my bed, then popped over to Kimberlys. "I need ice cream." I sat down on her couch,
"Why hello again. Of course I have ice cream." She got off of her couch, and over to her fridge. "What type. Vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, rocky road, cookie dough, or mint? I also have cake, cheese cake, apple pie and brownies."
"Do you eat actual food?"
"Yes. Why do you want my left over meatloaf?"
"Got any alcohol? I have a story for you."
"I wish, but what's up."
She hands me a spoon and three different ice creams. I grab one and open it. I start to eat away. "Oh well I can honestly say I'm ruining his life."
"Well I got there, and I didn't see him. So I went upstairs. He was coming out of the shower."
"Ohhhhh! See the goods?"
"No, he was coved. But like a weirdo I ran down stairs."
"Next time just take off your clothes and jump on the bed."
"Well then he comes down stairs dressed. We talk it out, kinda. Then he tell me his tv has voice control. Which I compare to sex robots. Which is a thing! Then I asked him if he had one."
"Sweetheart, you have problems."
"Well we did the yoga, or more like I did yoga and he checked me out most of it."
"I'm not seeing how your ruining his life yet."
"I'm getting there."
"Ok ok."
"Well I bend over to get the mats, and he slapped my ass. So what did I do, I slapped his."
"Some men like that according to this one magazine."
"Well he goes to get changed and I go get changed in the guest room. I exit, and he comes back down stairs and it was like we entered some X rated movie. We were kissing, and it was getting crazy. I'm thinking we about to go all the way at this point."
"Did you?"
"Nope. Why? Oh because his friend that is a police officer showed up!"
"Wait he didn't get arrested did he?"
"No, I had to hide. Talk about a mood killer. Well either way, he was asked to come down to the station for something. I don't know. So yeah, I had to leave because his friend is a cock blocker!"
"Ohhh if we weren't training to be hero's I would say let's murder his friend."
"100% agree with you right now."
"Just let the ice cream fix it."
"I don't know if I should be embarrassed or pissed."
I sigh. "So what's new in the world of Kimberly."
"Well I gave up on Togata."
"I think him and Tamaki would be so cute!"
"Who is Tamaki?"
"Another one of the Big 3. So yeah, I moved on."
"I thought you would of been cute together."
"You would think that about any guy I like."
"Probably. But you deserve to be happy too."
"Thanks, but right now I'm focused on me. No man has caught my eye yet."  She smiles.
"At least your 18 now. You can legally be with who you want."
"New train of thought. Do you think the author will let me write a chapter?" Kimberly was dead serious.
What author? Oh goodness, just when I thought she was normal. "Um you would have to ask."
"I think she will say no."
(Of fuckin course I'll say no! You would turn my story into a three way Among All Might, Toshinori, and the main character Y/N! No thank you! Keep your Kimberly thoughts to yourself!)
"Fine! But I would of been good!" Kimberly shouts.
"Who are you talking too?"
"The author just yelled at me. Don't worry."
She fucking lost it! "No one yelled at you."
"Oh she did. She thinks I'll write a truple lemon."
"Kimberly. Sweetheart, are you off your medication."
"What? I don't have any?"
"Well you need some."
"Or I need to author to hear me out."
"We are not in a fanfic, and we never will be."
"Y/N, I hate to break it to you, but everything is not as it seems." She smiles.
"Ok. I'm going home. I can't handle you."
"Ok. Bye."
"Bye." I pop back home. Wow she is in to deep.

Ok, it was definitely more heated then it was supposed to be. But can you blame them! Hey! You go back! Kimberly I'm not having this conversation!
"It would be about anything. Like give me a chapter to do random shit in."
The only way your getting a chapter is if I don't know about it. So your not getting one!
"Sure. I'm not getting one."
Why are you rolling your eyes? Hey! Where are you going?
"I'm think about my take over!"
Your not getting one! Sorry about that. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. And I'm sorry about that one. She has a mind of her own.

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