Chapter 18

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With tears in my eyes, I look at Toshinori. Behind him, I see this kid kick a ball, and it's coming right at us. I grabbed his shirt pulling him away. By doing that, we end up falling. I look into his blue eyes, as the water splashes around us. My heart is beating fast. He looks at my lips, and I look at his. Can I be selfish once again, even for just a second. I lean my head up, I kiss his soft lips. He starts to kiss back. No matter what happens, I can't get him out of my mind. I am hopelessly, undeniably in love with Toshinori.... Even if I shouldn't be. There is this energy between us. We are drawn together. The kiss ended, and he started into my eyes. I could see Lust in his. "Toshinori?"
It took him a second to reply. "Y-Yes?"
"Could we get up and out of the water?"
His face was a little red. "Yes! Of course!"
He stood up, and offered me his hand. His hand engulfed mine. We stood there, water dripping off of us. "Toshinori... I know I shouldn't, but I..."
"I love you." His face suddenly goes bright red, and he turns away from me. "I'm sorry, I don't know where that came from."
I turn his face towards me. "I love you." I couldn't help but smile.
We stare at each other. His hand comes up, and pushes some hair from my face. "We should talk more in private."
"Y-Yes!" Did We really just confess our love while in a pond?!? "My house isn't far from here."
"Yes, I remember it."
We really shouldn't be out in public together. I'm in a school uniform too, so it looks bad. We made it to my house fast. "I'm sorry I don't have any dry men's clothes for you."
"I'm fine. Go change tho."
"I'll only be a second." I ran to my room, and quickly changed into a large hoodie and shorts. I exit my room. "Would you at least like a towel?"
"I really can't stay long."
"Oh ok...."
"Listen Y/N..."
"When I saw you earlier, two things came to my head. First, we have to end this. It isn't good...."
"Oh." I look down. It makes since.
"Second... How good you look in that uniform."
My face starts to burn. "I do not."
"I thought your work uniform was nice, but I really like your school uniform." He steps closer, eyeing me up and down.
"Toshinori..." I playfully give him a light push.
"I would be lying if I didn't say, I thought of a lot of bad things I could to you in that uniform." His hand brings my chin up. He looks down at me, then kisses me. It was a quick kiss. Once it ended he looked at me. "You make me question my morals..."
He has so much convince right now. I like it. "Don't change because of me."
He takes a step away. "How old are you?"
"I'm 17, I'll be 18 in a few months."
"Your young. You should be out with guys your own age."
"I don't want to be with any of them. I want you."
"You can change your mind. You don't want to rush things."
My aunt doesn't want me to get close to people, but I want to. I don't want to lose him again. "I'm in this for the long haul. I missed talking to you, I missed seeing you. I can't do that again."
"If your a student at UA, your bound to see me at some point. I will stop and talk, but that's it. I have responsibilities, I can't throw them away."
"I understand. Is there a chance that later on we could...."
"When your 19, and if you still want this relationship. I'll be waiting."
"I can wait." As long as I can see his once in a while, I'll be good. 'I don't want to say goodbye.' Rang in my head. He stood there. Waiting. I walk towards him. I grab his shirt, and pull him down. I press our foreheads together. "This isn't goodbye, it's see you soon." I then kiss his nose. This kills me.
"Yes, see you soon." We stayed like that for a few more seconds, before he left.
Suddenly my phone starts to ring. I look down to see Kimberlys name. "Hello?"
'I'm dying for the update! Please tell me you have something!'
"He loves me." I felt something warm go down my face. I started crying.
'I'm coming over.'


Kimberly ended up staying the night. I skipped on training this morning with All Might. I'm sure I will hear about that. Today is going to be fun. Not! Will I see Toshinori like he said, or is he going to avoid me. Kimberly throws an arm over my shoulders. "We could try to make him jealous..." She said with a smirk.
"Why would I want to do that."
"Then he will want you more. To the point he will ask you out."
"He isn't a teenager, he an adult. I doubt he will get petty like that."
"Well he told you to date men your age. Try flirting with one or two."
"No thanks. I thought you shipped us?"
"Oh I do, it's just I want it to happen now not later."
"Your crazy."
"So are you." She smiles. "So how where those tests?"
"Well considering you gave be a refresher on everything, I think ok."
"Hey, since I met you, I have never known you to actually go to school. So I had to give you everything I know."
"That's why your my best friend."
Suddenly she pulled me over to a group of boys. "Y/N this is Tōgata Mirio. Tōgata Mirio this is Y/N L/N, my best friend. Talk."
"Kimberly!" This is embarrassing.
"Hi!" He smiled.
"Hi." Kimberly was behind me, pushing me to get closer to him. I turn to her. "Hey, what's the..." I look behind her, and saw Toshinori across the way. This little sneak.
"Talk to him." She turned me back around.
"So are you in a hero course?" I ask.
"I'm part of the Big 3."
"What's that?"
"Y/N, he is one of the top students at this school. He is said to be the one that will replace All Might." Kimberly butts in.
"What? That's a thing?"
"Hahaha yeah, but I have a long way to go to get to that point." He smiles. I think he smiles more then All Might does. "What course are you in? I don't think I have ever seen you before?"
"Oh, I'm part time. Doing mostly quirk training."
"Cool. Must have a bad ass quirk if your doing training for it."
"No." I shake my head. "I can levitate things."
"Cool. What's the heaviest thing you can Levitate?"
"Well yesterday I Levitated All Might."
"No way! That's so cool!" His smile got bigger.
"Is it?"
"I bet you can't levitate me."
"Well I'm still practicing it...."
"Keep your clothes on!" Kimberly shouts. I had a face for horror.
"My clothes don't stay on when I use my quirk." He smiles.
"Oh." Kimberly are you trying to set me up with a stripper!?
"Hey, what's your number? We could always text. And if ya ever needs someone to train your quirk I'm free." Smiles again. I'm going to call him smiley.
Kimberly was right next to me. Trying to give my paper to write it down. Suddenly, there was a big hand on my shoulder.....

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