Chapter 14

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POV: Toshinori

I need to clear my mind. Today training with Y/N was crazy. She accused me of picking girls up at the club. Technically the only girl I ever picked up was her. When I was 21 I never took them home, I just had a few drinks. Am I will say I was pretty dam good at the disco. Well that dated me. I'm too old for her. She is young. She should date others her age. I need to think. She is all over my brain. Working with her is not how I'm going to get over her. If anything, I'm starting to like her more. So I'm on the roof top. Looking for villains. Getting to punch someone will make this better, I hope.  It's probably only 11:30. I should go to bed, but my mind is wired. "Dude, why ya on this roof so late at night."
I stiff. I know that voice. I slowly turn around. There she was. Y/N siting on the roof next to me. She was in black shorts and a tank top.  "W-What are you doing here? How did you get here?" My face goes red. She looks like she is ready for bed.
She laughs. "Not telling." She stands up. "Is this where you look for the hot babes to take back to the Might cave."
"I'm not Batman. I don't have a cave. And no, I'm on patrol right now."
"Fuuun. Can I join?"
"You seem to have already." I look around the town below me.
"You need a sound track. Or a sidekick."
"No, I don't. Why are you here."
"Got board."
"Great, you really are haunting me now."
"Yes! Only it's my dream your in. Wait I'm having a nightmare!" She shakes her head. "I guess I can do whatever I feel like now that it's my nightmare."
"No, this isn't a nightmare. This is real."
"Right." She got up on the ledge of the building. Her arms out as she starts to walk. "If this was a dream, you would have been wearing a tutu." She turns on her heels, and starts to walk towards me. Still on the ledge. "But I don't remember my dreams so I doubt that would even matter."
"Get down from there. You could get hurt."
"I'm good. The look on your face is priceless. It's red." She turns again. Walking away this time.
I look away from her. This isn't how I expected to clear my mind. "I'm trying to focus."
"Your missing this dude rob that bank." She points.
I get up and walk over to her. I look out. Sure enough he was. "Stay." I jump over. It didn't take long to get him tied up. I grabbed him and brought him to the police. When I got back to the roof top. Y/N was still walking around on the ledge.
"Miss me?"
"Come on, you know I'm your favorite student." She smiles.
"How about you be useful and look for more crimes. I might have to change spots."
"If I had an iPod, I would be playing music to tune you out. Then I could just dance around on this roof top."
"Do you always leave home without shoes?"
I roll my eyes. Trying to stay focused. "I need silence." It's difficult to focus with her being so her. She drives me crazy, and I like it.
About 10mins go by. Then I hear her again. "Hey, All Might." I turn to her. "I just wanted you to know, your not to old. But I'm going to go now." She then took a step backwards. Off the edge!
"Y/N!" I run over to try to catch her. But I didn't see her. I looked around. But she wasn't anywhere.


I sat straight up. Sweat coming off of me. I don't know why I just work up. But I felt like something happened. My head hurts. I decided to get up and get some Tylenol. Once in the kitchen, I saw it was 12:45 at night. I felt this pain in my side. I lift up my tank top, and saw what looked like a scratch. It was deep, and bleeding. I didn't sleep very long, and I hurt myself. Ugh and I have to be up at 6.  I hope I can get some sleep. I stop by the bathroom and get a big bandage, then back to bed I go.

I heard the alarm go off. Probably for the 10th time. I sat up, and hit the button. I get up, and open the big door. I go to the kitchen, and make some coffee. I look at the clock, 6:00am. Good thing I set my alarms for 5:30. I was going to make cereal, but I want to see if he remembers. Sitting down at the couch, seeing the Tv is still broken. After sitting there for 5 minutes, I got up. I took a quick shower. I put on some leggings and a white tank top. I jog over to the park. I didn't see All Might, so I started doing some stretching. I was touching my toes when I heard a cough. I turn around to see All Might, with a red face.  "Hey. What took ya so long?" I look down at the time. It was 6:45 am. He was late by 15 minutes.
"Sorry, was up late." He looked away. "Were you up late?"
"I crashed at 10. Why?"
"So you didn't go outside around 11:30?" He looked puzzled.
"No. Why? Did you see me?"
"You can Astral Project right?"He looks down.
"Yeah, but I'm not sure how."
"Do you think she does her own thing when you sleep."
I think back to that night with my dream. I know it happened, and it was because of her. I can't let him know. "I don't know, probably." "Ok. Let's start our jog."
This time he was running with me. "So All Might?"
"What were you doing last night at 11:30?"
"I was on patrol."
"Do you do that every night?"
"Did you have fun?"
"Catching villain isn't fun. It's a job."
"Ok. You know running would be so much better if we had music."
"Is talking not good enough."
"You never run with me. I can't always shout to you." I would send you thought, but I might send to much.
"Right. Why don't you get one of those iPod."
"I can't afford it."
"Oh. Turn here." He points to a side road.
"Are we getting breakfast?" My eyes go big.
He chuckles. "Was unsure if you remembered. Yes, we are. There is a little shop over there that has great food."
All most like a date.... don't say that or you won't get food. "Yum." I smile.

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