Chapter 39

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I sat on my couch. Holding a pillow as Friends played on the tv. I'm not watching it tho. I keep replaying everything that happened earlier. What if we had taken it upstairs? Would we have heard the door? Would I have gotten to see more? He's gotten to see plenty. Am I being to easy? All of these questions are running around in my head. Then I remember the feeling of his member pressed against me. What if I had undone his pants? What if he wasn't covered? I look at the clock. It's 8:47 pm. Should I call him? What if he regrets what happened? I look over at the flowers around me. What man would buy all these flowers and then regret being with a girl. A dumb one. But Toshinori isn't dumb. Maybe I should go to bed early. I don't think I could sleep even if I wanted to. Maybe I should call Kimberly. I look down at my phone. The last text she send said she was taking over. I don't want to know. I need to do something. Being at home is driving me crazy. Maybe I can go for a walk. Yeah. I'll do that. I get up and grab my coat. I just need to not think of it. Clear my head. Way easier said then done. I decided not to think, and let my feet take me. After about 10 minutes I was lost. I mean I brought my phone, so I'm not like in danger. I should have brought my key chain. Then I could of just popped home later. The streets are busy with people and cars. I hear car horns, and people on there phones. I saw an old lady with a pug walk by. Cute puppy I wanna pet it! Maybe I can convince Toshinori to get one? I walk by this Ally way, when I saw this bright light. I turn to it. My eyes widen. SHIT! There was a big ball of fire coming right at me. I don't have time to move. I'm going to die! I was so focused on it, I forgot I had quirks. Inches from me, it shot up in the air. I fell on my ass. Did I do that?!? I hear footsteps and laugher. I look back to the Ally. This man was coming out of it. He was laughing.
"I've never seen someone do that to my fire spit. Lucky break."
Now I'm a target! "I um!" Shit what are words!
"Trust me, I won't miss again."
Fear has taken over. 'She won't know what hit her. I'll aim for her head.' Rang in my head. Shit! He launched his next attack, and I rolled away from it. I quickly got up. He wasn't happy. 'Fine, I'll do a big one. She won't be able to avoid it!' I remember what Kimberly said. If you can't go to the sides, then go up or down. I took the risk, and jumped up. My foot hit the wall, and I did a flip to the other side. Shit I did it!
"You little shit! Can you read minds or something?!"
I'm not actually fighting him, I'm avoiding his attacks. Where is help. I look around. No one is near. They all ran. Where are the heroes! "How about you pick on someone else!" Why did I speak to him?!
"Why would I do that. You'll make a nice trophy."
My last hope is to run and hope someone finds me. I hate running, but thanks to All Might, it doesn't kill me as much. There was a few fire balls behind me, but then he stopped. Maybe I out ran him. Just then I was pushed to the ground. I look up, and see him over me. "Big mistake!" I scratch his arm. I then hoped it fucking worked, and used his quirk against him. I spit a fire ball in his face. He let go of me just long enough for me to get up. I quickly pull out my phone and start hitting buttons. I don't know who I called. Suddenly a fire ball hit my back, and was down. I screamed. It hurts! I look at my phone, and saw it read Boyfriend. Then the little numbers going up. He either answered, or I'm leaving a voicemail. I really hoped he answered. I can't hear him. Suddenly a hand grabbed my hair, and pulled me up.
"You seem to be very special." He licked the side of my face. "Tell me, how many quirks do you have?"
"G-Go suck a nut!"
"Bitch! Just for that." Suddenly my back was burning. I screamed. "I see you like the black set."
He is burning off my clothes! He turns me around. The cold ground hits my back. He was ready to spit again, when the ground shook.
"It's fine now. Why? Because I am here!"
He looked behind him, and saw All Might. He got up, and start to spit fire balls at him. My back was still burning and the ground felt so good. I'm also scared it I get up. Whats left of my dress might fall off. He was panicking. He looked down at me, and spit again. I scream. The pain of being burned. Suddenly he went flying across the sky. The smoke around me was thick. I felt cold. Shit! I'm in my underwear! I try to use my arms and legs to cover. Now it started to clear. "Are you all rig...." All Might froze when he saw me.
"DON'T LOOK AT ME!" My face was going 50 shades of red. How am I getting home? I can't walk around like this! Suddenly I was picked up, and in All Mights arms. I was pressed up to his chest. I could hear his heart beat.
"I'm taking you to your home."
"Thank you." I felt tears roll down my face.

POV: Unknown

I landed in a lake a few miles away. I don't want to stay in the open. I swim to shore, and quickly ducked into the darkness. I remember stories. Most villains know of the one that rules all Villains. The one that can take quirks. I haven't heard much about him, but I think the League of Villains will like to hear of this girl.


All Might opened my front door and let me down. I quickly put a coat on that I had hanging. It was long enough to cover my ass. "Your coved in burns. You should go to the hospital."
"They aren't to bad. I'll live."
"You don't want them to scar."
"I thought I told you not look at me. How do you know they are bad?"
"Would you have preferred I left you on the street like that."
I sigh. "No. Just don't be checking me out now."
"I have to go and find that creep now. Do you need anything else before I leave?"
He avoided what I said. "I'm good. Thank you again."
With that he left. I quickly put on some soft clothes. I then called Toshinori. All I did was scream in the phone. He deserves to know I'm alright.

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