Chapter 63

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Sorry for the long wait. Been very busy with work, and moving. I hope to update more often. I hope you enjoy this chapter tho.


After sitting around in the nurses office for ever. It was lunch time. My stomach growls. "You must be hungry. How about you go and get some lunch."
"Food would be perfect right about now." I got up, but stopped. "Hey, Recovery Girl."
"Yes child?"
"Why did you yell at All Might when it was my fault?"
She signed. "Well not that it's of any importance, but I hate seeing the students hurt. And seeing you hurt, it hurts me a lot."
"Why is that?"
"It's kinda foolish, but you remind me of my late daughter."
I look down. "Oh. I'm sorry."
"She was seven months pregnant with my granddaughter when her and her boyfriend got in a car accident. No one made it."
"That's terrible."
"Actually she was thinking about naming the baby Y/N. But she never got too."
"So seeing me hurt..."
"Makes me think about them. It was so long ago tho. If they had lived my granddaughter would be All Mights age."
"I'm sorry for asking. It wasn't my intention to bring up sad times."
"Sweetheart. The past happened. We can't run from it, even if it hurts. Those sad times are ways we can keep the memories alive. Although thinking of good times is definitely better. Enough of this. Go get some food."
"Right. I am hungry." I got up, and grabbed my bag. I exit, just to find All Might waiting. He was staring at the ground. He wasn't in his hero suit, but his yellow suit. Once he noticed me. He looked up. I smiled. "Hey."
"Sorry you got yelled at because of me." My heart is racing. Am I embarrassed from what happened?
"Don't worry. She just really cares. And I've had much worse." He scratches the back of his head. "But if I had done some sparing with you. You wouldn't have kicked me."
"Oh please. This is me. I do weird shit all the time."
He chuckles. "Can't argue with that."
"So you been out here the whole time?"
"If only. But I figured you would have to eat."
"Oh, I definitely am hungry.... Do you want to walk to the cafeteria together."
"Your not going to try an kick me again?"
I giggled. "What can I say. I like feeling how hard you are. It's a turn on." I then started to walk away. It took a second for him to catch up.
"You should be more careful how you word thing. I could have taken...."
"Oh no. I worded it right."

POV: Toshinori

"Oh no. I worded it right." She said.
Man this girl. She keeps me on my toes. The halls are empty. The bell hasn't gone off yet. Half of me wants to hold her hand. But I know I can't. The other half is wishing she wasn't in gym uniform. The school uniform is much more sexy on her. Hell I'm still dying to see more. I try to focus on the path ahead. But she is on my left. And I just want to give her all of my attention. The silence is making this awkward. I should say something. "Well it looks like you got out of training today..." I heard sometime fall behind me. I then felt hands grab my right arm. They wrap around it. Then something squishy press again me. My heart is racing now. I look down and see Y/N. She is blushing as she pulls my arm closer to her chest. I look away. "Miss L/N. This is very..."
"Oh please. You didn't mind my actions last night. I'm kinda sad all my marks are gone now." She smirks.
Last night. I turn behind me to see Y/N on the floor. "Shit."
"Come on. Let's get out of here. I have a craving for something only you can give me." She bites her bottom lip.
It took me a second to answer. "No. You need to go back. Wake Y/N up."
"After I have a little fun."
She grabs my collar, and pulls me down. She kisses me. It's full of passion. I can't help but push her back into the lockers. The load thud of our body hitting the metal doors. I pull away. "No you need.."
She gives a few quick kisses pulling me back in. This time we make our way to an empty classroom door. She opens it without braking the kiss. I pushed her in, and straight into the teachers desk. Ours lips are hungry. But we can't. I put my hands on her shoulders. And I push her way. We stood there breathing heavily. Suddenly I heard a chair scoot out from a desk. "YOU GO GLEN COCO!"
I slowly turn my head. I see a class full of students taking their finals. And Kimberly standing up at her desk with her hands in the air. My eyes widen. I want to cough. I can't tho. Suddenly the silent class all broke into chatter. Some asking if she was my girlfriend, others jealous, some just want to gossip with there friends. Where is the teacher?! I look down at Y/N's Projection. She seems calm. "Everyone please settle down!" They just ignore me. We have kept this silent for so long, and now it's out. I'm so fired.
"How many of you have watched tv, and seen a teacher student relationship?" Everyone froze. Slowly hands came up. All eyes on her. What is she doing. "How many have seen on the news of teachers being arrested or license being taken?" Again the hands came up. Is she going to play this off as an act? "Have many of you have or had a crush on a teacher. Hoping for something more?" A few hands came up. She has a plan.
I should say something. "The news plays it off as the teacher is at fault. That they should have known better." I look back at her to see if that was ok.
"Now an day's media and other sources have over sexual school girls, uniforms, and forbidden relationships. Making it hard for even the strongest of men to resist a beautiful woman."
Kimberly raises her hand. "So All Might was demoing this on an actual student?"
"Actually." I ran outside, and picked up the knocked out Y/N. I put her in a chair. "The student before you is actually a projection from her mind." Pointing at them.
"Besides being a very convincing act, I'm not actually here." She smiles.
I can't believe it's working.

I'm not supporting teacher student relationships. The only time it's fine is for a fanfic.

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