Chapter 62

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POV: Yukino

I knock on the door before I enter the room. I smiled. "How is everything today?"
She turned from the window. "I'm fine. Just reliving the past." She turns back.
"All good I hope." I used the hand sanitizer. "Could you sit on the bed?"
She didn't leave the window. Something felt off. "I'm dying." She finally spoke.
"Hey, don't say that your still pretty young."
She chuckles. "Yes my age is young, but I have lived a long life."
"Well living in a hospital for a few years will weigh on you."
"If only you knew." She was silent for a second. "I never even got to raise my daughter."
Oh, that's personal. Did she put her up for adoption or did something happen to her. "Well your niece turned out very well."
"I chose her over my baby. What type of mother would do that?"
She is holding something. Could it be the ring she has on a chain? "You made the choices you had to make. They couldn't of been easy."
"I've been waiting to tell her. She has the right to know, but it will change her whole world if I do." She paused. "This is finals week. Can we not disturb Y/N. At least not until after 3 on Friday."
"Sure..." I watch her rock a little. Then she sat down. Staring at me. Tears in her eyes. "Are you..."
Suddenly her face turned pale. Her eyes glazed over. Her hand moves to her chest. Shit!


Recovery Girl has been giving me a lecture. Oh this isn't what I planned. I sat there and took it tho. I'm not ashamed of what I did. Then she turned to All Might. "And You!" She shouts.
I let out a breath. It's finally off me. Suddenly she hit him in the back of the knee. Then once he was down she grabbed his ear and dragged him into the hall. Oh, tiny grandma got skills. I have a feeling he is getting it way worse then I was. My phone pinged. I looked down. A text from LeLe?

L- Already told Kimberly. But wanted to let you know I'm staying in town a few more days.
Y/N- Ok cool.
L- Work hard this week. I know you can do it.
Y/N- I broke my foot.
L- ......
L- Kimberly fucks up her hand, you break a foot. What next.
Y/N- I got it fixed. I just have to rest now.
L- At least tell me it wasn't a window that took you out.
Y/N- Better.
Y/N- I kicked All Might.
Y/N- Hey, I like his face too.
L- :P
L- I ship it.
Y/N- mother like daughter
L- I raised her well
L- A Mini me

POV: Lele

I hear the ding of the elevator. I put my phone away, as the doors open. I walk up to the desk of nurses. "Lele Zoomvell. I'm here to see.." A loud beep goes off like an alarm. I see nurses and doctors run into a room... My heart drops. Not 218. Someone shouts for a code blue. I turn shaking. My eyes wide. "No, No, No!"
I take off. I hear the nurse shout at me. But I have to see. I stand in the doorway, and see as the doctors and nurses work on her. Tears fall down my face. She had called me this morning. She sounded fine. Someone grabs my arm, and directs me to a chair. I tried to fight them. I was screaming out to her. Everything felt slow, and unreal. Almost like I was in a movie. Once I was in a chair, I start to calm down. Only everything is just silent. Like I see them moving around me, but no sound. The only thing I can hear is the sound of her machine. The flatline.
A muffled voice speaks. Slowly their words come in. "Mrs. Zoomvell. Can I get you anything."
I paused for a second. Then it hits me. "I have to call Y/N."
I pull out my phone. Once I flicked it on, a hand covered it. I look back up. "Mrs. Zoomvell. I know you want to call Y/N. But remember. It's finals week. She already asked us not to let her know of anything until after Friday at 3."
"So if she is dead your not going to tell her only family!" Angry boils out. Every word was like venom.
"She has been crashing like this since we got her. Unexpected and completely random. We just have to wait and see if she pulls out of it."
I take a deep breath. I don't always have time to visit. Of course I wouldn't know her norm. "Is she ok."
"Yes. Your sister-in-law is fine."
My sister-in-law . I forgot that how we played it. My husbands adopted sister. "When can I see her."
"As soon as the doctor gives the ok. Can you use a drink. Water, tea, or maybe coffee."
"Tea would be nice."
"I'll be right back."

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