Chapter 20

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The picture is of your outfit. Granted I don't know your skin, hair or eyes color. But this is the look we are going for. Or you can make up your own look if you don't like it. And yes I used the Love Nikki App to make it.


Work is so boring! Nothing interesting happens anymore. Maybe I should get a new job. I look at the clock. 4:15. Great. It's so slow. I check my phone for any messages. I see one from Kimberly. I look at it. 'We are coming to bug ya.' I check what time she sent it at. She sent it at 4... Who is we? I grab a box of lighter, and start to put them away. Wait does she mean...?! I heard the chime for the door. In came Kimberly, and Tōgata. "Kimberly, you brought Tōgata with ya."
"Yeah.... Hey where's the bathroom?"
"Back room."
"Cool." She left.
"So you hang out with Kimberly now."
"Yeah. Hey listen about earlier. It seems like Kimberly was trying to set us up, but I have a feeling your not into that idea."
"What gave you that idea."
"Well you didn't sit with us at lunch."
"Yeah. That would be a give away there."
"It's probably for the best tho. I should focus on my training to be a hero." He smiles.
"That seems pretty important." I grab the mop, and start mopping the aisles.
"But hey if you ever want to train let know."
"I already train with All Might. I hate training. It isn't fun."
"It's not supposed to be." He laughed.
Kimberly hurry up. He leans on a shelf next to me.  "Well is training fun for you?" I heard the door chime.
"Yes, and no. Being naked gets boring after a while.... What would you do to make it more fun."
"Hmm. All Might never asked for my opinion." I scratch my head. "Well maybe do some yoga, then dancing. Music always make everything better."
"Imagine All Might doing the downward dog."
"Oh that would be priceless."
I heard  coughing. I then hear the door chime again. Without thinking I dropped the mop, and run to the door. Toshinori was crossing the road! He stopped by! "I'll be right back!" I then ran out the door. "Hey! Where are you going?"
He stopped and turn. "You seemed busy."
"It was just Tōgata. Kimberly is in the bathroom."
"Out of all the times I came here, I've never seen you have a conversation with anyone."
"Um hello. I always had one with you."
"I saw you talk with him this morning too."
"I'm not into him if that's where your going."
"I told you to be with people your age."
"Yes, and like I said I don't like them."
"I don't like seeming you with them."
My heart stopped. "R-Really?"
"I have to go."
He starts to walk away. "Maybe you could text me."
He stopped. "See ya Y/N."
He left. I stood there. He doesn't like seeing me with them. My eyes go big. "Kimberly!" I shout as I ran back into the store. There she was talking with Tōgata. I grabbed her hand. "Back room. Talk. Now."
"Ok." We enter the room. "Whats up?"
"He is getting jealous."
"What am I going to do? I won't see him again until Monday!"
"Well what are his hobbies?"
"Does he do stuff on the weekend?"
"How will this help?"
"You show up where he is with a date."
"He likes the movies."
"Good. Now we can't use Tōgata, but maybe he has a friend that will fake date you."
"Are we serious right now."


"Wake up!" A loud voice shouts.
"No!" I pull the pillow over my head.
"We have to go to the movies."
"Kimberly it's to early for this." I roll over.
She rips the blankets off of me. "Well do you know what time he is going to be there?"
"Then we are going and watching all of the movie that are showing."
"That's going to cost money."
"My mom sent over $300 for us to use."
"I told her it was for your first crush. She wanted details. I said no I need the money I'll tell you later. I got $300 to work with."
"I love your mom. Maybe I should be her bestie." I smirk.
"Hurtful. Now I have a date for you for every showing".
"No you didn't."
"I did. We have to met Ben there in 30 minutes."
"Yes so dress cute."
"Like what?"
"Hmmmmmm." Kimberly then ran out of the freezer, and to my room. I lazily followed.
I entered my room, and saw clothes everywhere.
"You better have a cute look." I have to clean this later.
"I'll have to get something of mine." Suddenly she was gone. A few seconds later she was back. "Put this on now." (Outfit at top.)
"What? I have to shower."
"Well put it on once your clean. Now go."

We have watch 3 different movies. We are waiting by the wall. Ben was here, Lin was here, and Zayn just left. I'm waiting for Milo to show up now. I hope he isn't as touch as Lin was. Always wanting to hug me, or hold my hand or leg. I hate this. Kimberly suddenly waves to this tall man. He isn't as tall as Toshinori, but he is taller then me. He is also tan, and he have muscles. He has a shaved head, and green eyes. He is an attractive guy, I'm just not attracted to him.... sorry not sorry.
"Milo, this is Y/N, Y/N this is Milo."
"Hi." He smiles.
"You look very nice."
"What movie we watching now?" Kimberly asks.
"Do the comedy."
"Ok." She left to get our tickets.
"Maybe we could hang out after this. Maybe catch a bite to eat." He suggested.
I looked past him, and saw Toshinori walked in. Shit! I do the first thing I could think of. I grabbed Milos shirt, and pulled him to me. Kissing him. I heard a cough. He pushes me up against the wall. His hand starts to travel up my leg. I quickly end the kiss and slap him. Of course he was confused. "Pig!" I then walked over to Kimberly. "I don't think Milo is going to work." I kinda set him up for failure.
"Well I kissed him, and he tried to feel me up."
"Why did you kiss him." I point my eyes behind us. There was Toshinori ordering his tickets. "Oh."
"Yeah. I don't know if he saw, but I did it."
"I Hope this Comedy is Good!" Kimberly said kinda loud.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm seeing if he is going to go to the same movie as us." Kimberly then grabbed my hand and lead me to the showing room.
"Are we going to sit in the back?"
"Sure." She looked behind her. "I'm going to the bathroom tho."
"I can come with you."
"No! I mean, stay here and wait for me." She smiles.
"Ok." She left. I opened my box of candy. M&Ms. Suddenly someone sat down.... I turn to see Toshinori.
"What are you doing?" He asked
"Watching a movie."
"I mean with that guy."
"Oh him. I was trying men my age. I didn't think you would show up and see tho."
"Your here to get to me aren't you?"
"I'm here to watch a movie."
"You told me you thought movies were expensive that's why you don't ever go."
"Kimberly is paying."
"I was going to leave. Then you slapped him. Your not dating him."
"No I'm not. I'm single."
"You look good."
"Oh this old thing. I just threw it on." I dropped a few M&Ms, and they fell down into my dress. He then just got up, and left the showing room. 'I want to take it off.' Rang in my head. I couldn't stop smiling. Finally Kimberly came back.
"So what did he say?"
"Did you actually go to the bathroom or did you wait outside?"
"The latter. Now what did he say."
"He wanted to see if I was still single. Then he told me I looked good. He then left in a hurry, but I might of heard his thoughts."
"Tell me!"
"Before he let I said, This old thing. I just threw it on. When he left he was thinking how he wanted to take it off. I also have some candy in my bra."
"Oh! My heart! I ship you two."
"No more."
"I know.... But when he does that. Fuck the laws! Go and fuck him!"
"I speak the truth. Everyone wants to see it happen."
"Who is this everyone you speak of?"
"Hahahahaahahahahaha let's watch the movie now."
"Right." I can't believe that I'm actually getting under his skin. "Hey, tomorrow we should go to the beach."
"Yes! Did you mention that to him."
"No, but a wrong number text might work." I smile. I think I'm going to the dark side. Welp.

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