Chapter 34

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I want to explain something. I added time between the events. In the Anime, class 1-A does the internship a week after the sports festival. It lasts one week, day 3 ( according to the wiki) is when the Stain fight happened. So in the past few chapter Y/N noticed there was less people in the school, it's why. 😁. Also, I'm mean. But more will be explained! I swear. So don't kill me over this chapter.


Once I was ready, I met up with Kimberly in my living room. She smiled, then took my hand. Suddenly we where in the woods somewhere. "Ummm, no."
"Yes. Now I want to see what you can do."
"First tell me why we are in the woods."
"Because you can use your quirks here, and fight me."
"Well what's the first steps to combat?"
"Ok. So take a stance like this."
Kimberly showed me the basics, then had me try using her quirk with them. I was blinking all around. This is actually fun. Once time was up, I blinked myself to the school. Well to the bathroom at least. Kimberly appeared right after me. "I feel like I learned so much!"
"You did. But now you also have to start remembering everywhere you go. Then you can use that area again later. We also have to get you a superhero suit. Have you thought of what you would look like?"
"Ummm?! No!"
"Ok, try thinking up a few things, then later we will visit the Support class to get it set up."
"Is it weird I thought training was fun?"
I sigh. "Well time for boring learning."
"Sorry I can't help more, I'm needed off campus." She winked.
"Hopefully they don't work ya to hard." She smiled before she left. I went into a stall, and changed into my uniform. I grabbed my tie, and started to walk out of the bathroom. Only have to tie the tie, and I'm ready for class. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, when I bumped into someone.
"I'm sorry."
"No I should be sorry..." A males voice of which I knew said.
I looked up, and saw Toshinori. "Oh, hey."
"Hey." He looks at my tie....
"Oh, I had training this morning. So I had to change into my school uniform."
"Oh, cool." He looks behind him than at his papers. "I have to go."
"Ok..." He quickly left. I know we shouldn't be seen talking, but still! Ugh. I walk over to my locker, and hear people talking. Something happened in Hosu? I don't know, I'm not really listening. My first two classes go by like normal. Kinda. Mr. Aizawa and Midnight seemed distracted today. Could it have something todo with what happened in Hosu? I hear my phone ping, and I look down. A smile on my lips.
T- 'You have tonight off right?'
Y/N- 'Yessss. Why?'
T- 'I have to tell you something Important.'
Y/N- 'Ok.'
T- 'Can we met up around 5?'
Y/N- 'Definitely.'
T- 'See you later.'
Y/N- 'I'll be waiting.'
I put my phone away, and start to head to the locker room. I wonder what he has to say. Is it good or bad? I hear more girls talking about this Hero Killer when I enter the locker room. I really have to ask what happened! I quickly get dressed, and make my way to the weight room.
I saw All Might waiting for me. "Hi."
"Hello. So I have an idea for this class."
"Let's start with using your quirks."
"Oh fun."
"Yes. Need to know if you can use them at the same time, do multiple things with them, or if they are just one thing."
"So do you think I could read the mind of 5 people?"
"I'm wondering if maybe it's not mind reading but telepathy."
"We know you can lift different things no matter the weight, but it isn't always easy. We know you can do objects or humans, yet we don't know if it's only one or the other. Can you lift a car and a person at the same time, or will you have to choose?"
"I never really thought of it that way."
"We also need to get your astral projection working. Then we can see if they too can use your quirks."
"Ok then! Let's get started!"
"First, let's see how many things can you left at once?"
"You think I know that?"
"No, but we will figure it out." He dropped a dumbbell on the ground. "Levitate it."
"Easy." I bring it about two feet up. He then dropped another one. I bring that one up two feet.
"Good." He then put all 38 other dumbbells on the floor. Fucker that's impressive! Holding all of them at once! "Now try all of them."
"I got this." I start bring them up, one at a time. I felt this pain form in different places. It was like the same pain I had that other night when I scratched myself. I ignored it. Once I had seven dumbbell up, I stopped. My heart starts to beat. Loud. It was like the room was black, and all I could feel was pain. Pain coming from my upper left side. I heard everything fall. I hit my knees on the ground. My eyes are big. This pain. The only thing I can hear now is my heart beating. Suddenly the darkness takes over....

POV: Toshinori

I watch as Y/N stop levitate the dumbbells. She was holding seven in the air. She was frozen. "Hey are you ok." Nothing. Suddenly I notice red was coming from her clothes. Is that blood? Everything fell. It was loud, but she didn't react. "Y/N?!" Suddenly she goes down on her knees. Then to the floor. I rush to her side. What happened?! I pick her up, and rush her to Recovery Girl. Once she was in a bed I was told to wait outside. I was panicking. Why was there blood. What happened. Did she accidentally hit herself with one? No I would have saw that! Of course I deformed from All Might. Suddenly Recovery Girl exited the room and start to hit me. "Why are you..."
"How did she get hurt! It was something you did. Just like with Midoriya isn't it! You pushed her!" She seemed mad.
"What happened to her."
She stopped for a second, and pulled out her chart. There was an outline of a person. Then there was seven red lines in random places. Then there was a big circle on the upper left side. "She needs surgery. I need you to stop panicking out here! I don't know what caused it, but I need time." With that she went back into the room. Leaving me out here.
I knew she has a very similar quirk to All for One. But is there something I missed? ....... I can't think straight! Could there be more of a connection between them? Ugh! The woman I love is in there in pain, and I can't do anything! She needs surgery. What happened to her that leads to this! I need to do something! I can't just stand here! If only Midoriya wasn't on the job internship this week, or in the hospital in Hosu. Fuck!


I opened my eyes, and saw white all around me. Where am I? I hear beeping. I turn to see a monitor. I heard talking. I tried to sit up, but my side hurts. My hand immediately covers it. I look down. I have an IV. I look at my hands. I don't have the scratches anymore. My mind is going crazy. "Hello."
The voices stopped. I could hear footsteps coming towards me. The curtain gets pulled, and there was All Might and Recovery Girl. "Your awake!" All Might seemed relieved.
"She needs more rest. I'll let you have 5 minute. And L/N, try to be more careful." Recovery Girl said.
I nod. She closed the curtain when she left. All Might sat down next to me. "How did I get here?"
"Something happened when you were using your quirk." He was shaking. "You started to get these scratches or cuts on random places."
He let out a deep breath. "Your spleen ruptured. You had massive internal bleed."
"M-My Spleen?"
"When I saw you fall, I rushed you here."
"You believe my quirks did this?"
"Will this happen every time I use my quirks?"
"Just when you go over your limit."
"Is it like Mydoriya and how he breaks bones?" Shit, why did I say that?
"How do you know he breaks his bones?"
"Oh, I heard someone say he broke his bones a lot." I look down. "So for now I can only do two at a time?"
"That's what it's looking like." He looked hurt.
"Where you scared?" I looked back up at him.
"I don't want to lose you."
My face starts to burn. Um what!? His hand comes up and moves some hair from my face. This is awkward! "Um All Might." He is looking at me with Lust filled eyes. They remind me of Toshinori... "I have a boyfriend." I whispered so Recovery Girl wouldn't hear.
Suddenly his face goes red.  "I-I didn't mean it like that."

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