Chapter 15

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We jogged over to this small little cafe, called 'Smellin Coffee'. "I keep forgetting I'm new to the area. Do you come here a lot?"
"I'm not a very good cook, so most times I try to catch something healthy to eat."
"It's this healthy?"
"Well Ahhh, it's on the board of a heart attack."
"Then I like it." I smile.
We enter, there was two people already eating at the bar. All Might leads me to a booth. "Am I aloud to get a milkshake?"
"You should be trying to eat healthy." He looked at the menu.
"Right. Water it is." I look around the menu. Eggs sound good. Oh but the dessert sound great.
"Do you two need a second? Or ya ready?" An older lady asked.
"Hello there Martha. I'm good, but I don't know about Y/N."
"Oh I'm all set. Can I get an omelet with bacon, and a glass of water." I hand her the menu.
"I'll take my normal."
"So All Might. Are you on a date with this fine young woman?" Martha asked
My face starts to burn. I look out the window.
"No, she is just a friend."
"Ok, but one day you will bring in a date." Martha states.
I guess it would look bad if he said I was a student. It's my fault tho, we probably shouldn't be seen out together or people will start to talk. She walks away to put in the order with the chef. "She really wants to see you in a relationship."
"Everyone does."
"So why are you single?"
"Y/N, you can't just ask that."
"Ok. It's just strange that the All Might, is single. Look at you, your built like a truck. You of all people shouldn't have an issue finding love." Martha came over with our drinks. He takes a sip of his. "I should set ya up with someone." He spit out his drink.
"I think not."
"Why not, it would be fun. Do you like them older or younger. Male or female?" I smirk.
"I'm not playing this game."
"It's not a game. So you like the older men. I can work with that."
"I never said that. I'm not into men." He takes another sip of his drink.
"Are you sure. You never get hard looking at the Rock or something."
Out came his drink again. His facepalms. "Change the subject or no breakfast."
"Ok ok. But I'm putting that on the list."
"There isn't a list."
"There's a list."
Martha comes back to two big plates of food. "Just eat." He rolls his eyes.
The food was amazing. "This is really good."
"That's why I come here."
I look at his plate, and see he has hash browns. "Ohhh those look so good. Can I try them?"
"Your hash browns! Can I try them?"
"I guess so." He goes to grab the plate, but I just take my fork and stab a few piece. "I was going to slid some to your plate."
"No need." I ate them. "Those are so good."
I reach over a stab a few more off of his plate.
"What we friends." I ate them. "That means your food is my food."
"No it doesn't."
"It's in the book of friends."
"We are not friends."
"That's not what you told Martha."
"Yes but."
"I could alway tell her I'm your girlfriend...."
"Fine. Your my friend."
"Cool, can we get dessert?"
He facepalms again. "No."
"Dessert for two?" Martha appears, and asked.
"No we are good."
"You sure...... I'm thinking that milkshake sounds pretty good." I smile.
"One milkshake for two coming up."
"No, no." He point at her and me.
"I guess if the Symbol of Peace says no..."
"Fine. Get the milkshake, but I'm not having any of it." He shake his head.
"Yes!" I smile. "One strawberry milkshake please."
"Coming right up sweetheart." Martha says.
"I hate you."
"I know you love me. I am the best around." I thought I saw him blush before he turned to look out the window.
"You wish."
Suddenly Martha came back over with this huge milkshake, with two straws. "Enjoy." She said as she walks away.
My eyes were big. This looks amazing. "You  sure you don't want some?" I ask.
"No. I don't need a milkshake."
I grab one of the straw with two fingers and my thumb. I take a sip. "Yum." I take a bigger sip. Slowly drinking it. I see him looking out the window, but he keeps doing quick glance at me. I stop drinking it. I take a dollop of whip cream. When he wasn't looking at me. "Hey All Might." He turns, and I plop the whip cream on his nose. "Boop." I couldn't stop from laughing.
He chuckles.
"I wasn't expecting that." He grabs a napkin. Going to wipe it off.
"Don't waste it. Eat it."
"Come on. It tastes so good."
"How about you continue to drink the milkshake." He wipes off his nose.
I stick my tongue out at him. I move the straws, and take a sip from the cup. "So good."
"You have some whip cream on your nose now."
"Oh." I cross my eyes trying to see it, I then stick my tongue out to try to reach it.  I finally used my finger to swipe it down.
"Stick with the straw."
"Fine....." I look at the clock behind him. My eyes go big. "Shit! It's already 7:23!" I jump up from my seat. I turn to see him throwing some money down on the table. We exit. Just to find it's raining outside. I hold my drawstring bag over my head. "Great."
"Here." Suddenly I was scooped up into his arms. "Hang on."
Still shocked, I wrapped my arms around his neck. Suddenly he jumped off the ground, and we were in the air. "Shit!" I scream. My eyes go big. I have never been up so high and the town below us was so small. Some rain hit my face, but not as much as what hit All Might. I feel this energy. I feel safe in his arms, just like with Toshinori. I frown, I miss talking with him. I want to explain what happened. He must think I'm crazy. Would he even want to talk to me? There was a thump, and I felt like we stopped moving. I slowly remove my arms, he releases me. The rain still poring down on us. "Where are we?" I ask.
"The schools roof, now let's get out of the rain. We head in. He looks at me, then turns away. "I-I think your tank top got wet." He states.
I look down, my white tank top was soaked, and completely see through. My sports bra was out to party. "Shit!" I use my bag to cover. "I'm going to get change for class. Thanks for the food and the ride." I wave as I run to the bathroom. So embarrassing. Once I was in the bathroom stall, I pulled out my phone. I enter a new number. 'Hey, I want to talk to you. I feel like I should explain everything. Please hear me out. -Y/N.'

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