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Sport for the wait. Enjoy a quick chapter.

POV: Principal Nezu

I pour a cup of tea, and I look over a few papers. Suddenly there was a knock at my door. "Come In."
In walked Mr. Aizawa. "Sorry to bother you."
"Oh, it's no bother at all. What is it?" I smiled.
"Did you hear about the performance All Might put on?"
"No, I can't say that I have."
"A heard a few students talking. Saying they have teacher crushes, but what All Might said made them think. So I asked around. Around lunch, All Might came in during a test kissing a student. Then they told the class it was an act and not to do it, for it can ruin lives. Some students say they heard a loud noise in the hall seconds before they entered the room... Now what really got me, is this particular student spends a lot of time with him. Even outside of school. When he isn't being All Might."
"Would you like me to check the hall cameras?"
"Yeah...." he turns to leave then turns back. "Also Midnight told me she happened to saw them at a restaurant outside of town. They claimed they weren't together, but what's the chances they both went there at the same time."
"Thank you Mr. Aizawa. Is that all?"
"Yes sir."
"Ok then. See you tomorrow."
He left, and I turned to my computer. I pulled up the security cameras video. I checked all the hallways. Then I found it. I shook my head. I told him to teach her, not fall in love with her.....


I'm almost done. Just today and tomorrow. All I have to do is my written tests and my physical exam. Then I'm done! I'll have more time to work, and do stuff. Actually... I haven't been scheduled lately. Maybe I should call and see what's up? As I walked into the building, someone grabbed my hand. I look at them. Pink hair, no school uniform. A tank top and baggy pants. "Um excuse me?"
"Don't worry! This is will only take a second. We have to get you fitted." She seems happy.
"Yes! For a fantastic little baby!"
"Ok." She dragged me to the a room. I didn't get to the see the name of it. There was only a few people inside. One of the was Principal Nezu, with a hat on..
"Why hello Miss. L/N. I suppose you are wondering why you are here?" Principal Nezu spook.
"Well you see it came to our attention you haven't got any support items or even a costume. While we can't make a costume now, we can get you a few things that might help you today."
A smile forms on my face. "Really?! That sounds so cool!" A thought came to my mind. "Ah, but I don't have any practice with them... So how will it help?"
"You will have some time to use them before your tests begin."
"Oh awesome!" His hat seems funny. "Why are you wearing that hat?"
"Oh! This is so you can't read my mind. Does it work?" He smiles.
"Um, let me try." I focus on him. Nothing. I turn to the pink haired girl. 'I wish I made that awesome baby!' Rang in my head. I turn back to him. Nothing. "I think it's working."
"Oh that's fabulous! Aiya Sasaki is a great third year." He looks around. "Ah, where is she?"
"Oh! She said there was to many people around, and she wanted to work in peace." The pink hair girl said.
"Oh, thank you Miss Hatsume."
"So anything I can think of, they can make?"
"To an extent, but yes."
"Cool, let's get started then."
Suddenly the Pink haired girl called Hatsume was shoving different objects towards me. She had an evil look. She must really love making support items. "Oh! This baby is great for.."
At this point I started to tune her out. "Um Mr. Power Loader Sir, is there something that made could help me with my key chains?"
"It really depends on what you want it to do." He said.
"Well I need easy access to them so I can use them. Maybe like a dispenser of some sort?"
"I got something that will work!" Hatsume holds up a large thing.
"Ummm, maybe something smaller."
"To bad Miss. Sasaki isn't here, she might have something that would help ya." Power Loader adds.
"How about this!" Hatsume smiles.
I look down at my feet... where did I get those shoes? "Umm.." She hit a button, and I started to spin in circles. "AAAAAAAA!" I scream as they got fast.
"They might need some tuning." She adds. She hit the button again, and I finally stopped.
Everything was spinning. I stumbled across the room, and fell onto a pile of support items. I then vomited.
"Try something a little more simple." Power Loader tells Hatsume.
I continue to lay there...

POV: Toshinori

I sat down on in the chair next to his desk. He pours us tea.
"Some I'm a little late. I was need elsewhere." Principle Nezu says.
"It's fine sir, I wasn't waiting for long."
"Might I add you coat is looking good."
"Thank you, but we aren't here to talk about me."
"Y-Yes Sir."
"We run a top school with a great security. Do we not?"
"Yes sir! Probably the greatest in the country!"
"Do you know how many cameras we have?"
"No sir..." This is a strange question.
"We have a lot."
"A lot?"
"Yes." He turns his computer screen to me. It's black. "Tell me what you see." He hit a button. And it lit up with a bunch of squares of different camera recordings.... I Froze.

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