Chapter 6

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T and Y. Could they be initials? Or are they lettering in the middle of his name. Last night I was up for hours checking Facebook. When I couldn't find anything, I decided to go deeper. The cringe, when I went through old social media accounts. Everything. I even checked for the location. I checked over a thousand profile pictures. He is not online. I would have felt like such a badass if I could have found him. Even sent him a message saying got ya! But nothing. He literally doesn't have anything. Maybe he is older then I originally thought he was. Maybe, maybe his name doesn't even have a T or a Y. And yes I even checked over all the Ty's I could find. I bet he knew I would check everywhere. He is probably laughing right now. Pay back is going to be a bitch. It was only 9:30 am. Every customer we had, I convinced them to buy soba. One dude even bought 4 of them. There was 13 out when I got here. Only one remaining. I look at the clock. Noon. I look out the door and didn't see him coming. I quickly ran and started the soba. The last one is going to be mine. Once the microwave beeped, I brought it over the register. On my way to the register I looked out the door. Yup he is coming on over. I grabbed a magazine, and pretend I didn't see him. The door chimed. Still looking at the magazine. "Hey."
"Hello." He makes his way to the microwave. "Are you out of soba?"
"What's soba?" I smirk.
"The food I get every day."
"Oh, you mean this." I side it into view.
"Why do you have?" He starts to walk toward me.
"Because you put me on a wild goose chase. Not so funny anymore is it."
"How did I put you on a wild goose chase?"
"This is no better detective then a girl that wants answers." I look him in the eyes. His blue eyes.
"What answers are you trying to find?"
"I checked. I checked a lot of different places. Your not online."
"Wait this is all over my initials."
"So they where your initials!" I point at him.
"Yeah, and how do you know I'm not under a different name."
Shit, everyone uses usernames now. "I didn't say I was done looking."
"Did you heat it up for me?" He points.
"Give me another hint."
"Excuse me?"
"You want this soba, I want a hint. A good hint."
"You know, I don't need the soba."
"You love the soba. You want the soba."
"Fine, you can find me online, if you know where to look."
"Where do I look?"
"Soba first." He held the money in his hand.
"$7.99" I said as I scanned it.
"I don't have my location set, and I'm not my profile picture. But my name is true. And I don't add just anyone."
"Oh such a great hint." I rolled my eyes.
"Those were key information. Your welcome."
He grabbed the food and started to leave. "Bye ya buttface!" I shout at him.
"Bye Y/N." He said as the door closed.

I did it again. Nothing. He is good at not being found. I literally can not find him. I went through everything. I called it quits around 2 this morning. I am dead tired. I need to wake up. I'm going to regret this. I turned on the radio again. It was only 11:30, I have time before he shows up. I had to stock the shelf's, but I did it in style. I got one cart done. Oh yeah. I went out back and grabbed another. As I exit the back room, the song 'Pour Some Sugar On Me' came on. My aunt use to play this all the time. I know the words. I start shaking my hips. "Love is like a bomb, baby, c'mon get it on. Livin' like a lover with a radar phone. Lookin' like a tramp, like a video vamp
Demolition woman, can I be your man?" I start to dance through the aisles. There was a cardboard cut out of All Might. I needed someone to dance with. I might of shake my butt next to him, or on him. I was having fun. I came out of one aisle, and did a few spins. I then turned to go down the hot food aisle. But I literally walked into someone. "Shit!" My eyes go big. "How long have you been there."
He gave a deep laugh. "Well, I watched you go into the back room, come out, and start a show."
My face starts to burn. "You could of told me you where here. I would have stopped."
"Why would I stop you from having fun?"
"I was signing and dancing like an idiot. I did a lot of stupid shit."
"You mean how you danced with the All Might cut out."
He saw that too. "I-I needed a dancing partner. I thought I was alone."
"Sure." He pulls his food out of the microwave.
I walk up to the register with him. I need to change the subject to where I'm not embarrassed.
"I have a question for you."
"Have you ever played Bang, Marry, or Kill?"
"No, I would never kill someone."
"It's just a game. I ask you if you would bang marry or kill three people. You answer truthfully."
"Ok. So I could ask you too but with different people."
"Yes, or you can use the same." I smile. "You start."
"Your just changing the subject off of you. But fine. Would you bang, marry, or kill .... All Might, Me, or Endeavor?"
"Wow, start out with a tuff one. Two top pro hero's and you. I would kill Endeavor, bang All Might, and marry you." Control the blush!
Blood came spraying from his mouth. "Why?"
"Well sorry to say, but Endeavor seems like an ass. I would have to bang All Might to see if he uses extra large or small. I would marry you because your pretty cool, and I wouldn't mind having you in my life everyday." Now I was blushing.
"Do you really think he needs smalls." He chuckles.
"I don't know, but if I ever bang All Might I'll let ya know. Now it's your turn. Would you, bang, marry, or kill.... Mt. Lady, Recovery Girl, or me." I look down smiling.
"Wow, um. That's an interesting group there. I would Kill Mt. Lady, don't tell her. Marry Recovery Girl, I'll never get hurt, and bang... you." He looked outside the window.
"Wow I make you hubby material and you make me the side chick." I giggled. "Do you have time to play again?"
"I should probably be going." He hands the money, and grabs his food. "Bye."
"Bye." I can live with being the side chick.

Yesterday I was so busy thinking of him, my aunt thinks he is my new boyfriend. I guess if I don't stop talking about a guy... I heard the door. Looking up. Just some mom and her kid. "Hello." I greeted. They go off. Is she the one that wanted a boob job?
I turn back to the door. I didn't even hear it open. There he was. "Hi." I smile. "I got more ideas for that bang, marry, or kill game."
"Hey mommy look at the funny man." The little boy pointed.
I was in shock. "Yeah He is funny looking." His mother replied.
Ok that pisses me off.  "Hey! Keep you rude comments to yourself!"
"Y/N..." I turn to him.
"Do you not care that they are talking bad about you?"
"You shouldn't be worried about it."
"How can you say that! Your my friend, and I don't like people treating others bad."
"Have you looked at me. I'm disgusting!"
"You know it's not what's on the outside that counts. It's what's on the inside!"
"Your only being nice to me because it's your job!" He throw back.
I felt it again. My heart breaking. The only time I feel normal is when I talk with him. The only time I feel wanted. And yet here he is pushing me away. "You don't have to be an ass! I'm nice when I want to be, I don't care if it's my job or not!" I try to hold back tears. I know the woman is watching this. "You think you have it bad just because of how you look! Some of us are so damaged we that we wish we looked like you! Maybe then our life's wouldn't be so shitty!" That was my breaking point. I quickly ran to the back. The bathrooms are there. I cried. He doesn't know what I have been through, yet he automatically believes he has it worst!

*Warning* This is the time they got to know each other. Soon we will be meeting All Might and the drama that comes with all that. It might end bad, but don't worry, it will work out.

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