Chapter 1

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

I roll over in bed. This is the 15th alarm this morning. If I wasn't such a heavy sleeper then it wouldn't be such an issue. I look around my dark room. Only seeing the light from the alarm clock. I hit the button on the top, turning it off. I feel around for my lamp. The bright light hurting my eyes when I switched it on. Today is moving day. Although I don't know if it will help. My aunt is being moved to the hospital a few towns over. They claim to be the best. If that doesn't work then I'll knock on UA's door until Recovery Girl shows up. Maybe I'll even see All Might. I roll my eyes. He is probably to good to be true. Maybe hiding something. I slid out of bed, making my way to the big metal door. Ok let me explain. I have two room. One for my stuff and one to sleep in. It's because when I sleep things break and fall over. My lamp is drilled down to my night stand, and sometimes that doesn't even help. Oh, did I mention that my room is actually an old freezer in an old warehouse. It keeps people safe from me. My quirk scares me, but I can't let it control me. My mother died when I was young, and I never met my dad. My aunt takes care of me, well I'm taking care of her. About a year after she took me in, she started getting sick like my mom. She is in and out of the hospital. That's what I was told anyway. She is all I have. Even if I can't remember my past or my mother, I believe her. She starts to get better when I'm away for long period of times, but when I come back it's worse again. I fear it's my quirk, but I have no proof. She doesn't like to talk about my quirk. She tells me I'm special, and leaves it at that. I walk over to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror. Even though I sleep like the dead, I'm still tried, and look like hell. I can't remember my dreams, if I even dream. I quickly start the shower. Once I get stuff moved, I have to find a job. All of my aunts savings are almost gone. And having to buy a place that has a big walk in freezer isn't cheap. We actually found a small house that once had a restaurant in it. I guess to much money on the freezer and not enough on the food. This place is going up for sale, so hopefully the money will go to the hospital bill.

After a long day of moving, I hit the new town looking for a job. I have to have money for food, so anything will work. What am I qualified todo, nothing. Will I still try, yes. As I walk around no one is hiring. They say maybe in a few months, but nothing. Just my luck. I was about to give up for the day when I saw it. A small little store on a corner, going down a dead end road. A little sign reads 'Help Wanted'. I took a deep breath. My nerves are on edge. I can do this. Easy. I grab the door handle, frozen. I haven't had a job were I would have to talk with people a lot. Mostly I have done odd jobs. Literally once I got paid to clean this girls cats litter box. It was $20 a week for 9 months. Good money, but I never had to see her, except on payday. I see someone looking at me. Fuck. I pull open the door. "H-Hi... I saw your help wanted sign."
"Fill this out." She handed me a paper. Grabbing it, I give her a smile. I then walk over to a small table. I guess they have food here you can heat up and eat. Cool.

She takes the paper. I was about to leave. "Wait." I turn back.
"Can you start Monday?" She asked.
My jaw dropped. "Yes! I can!"
"Good. Be here at 11, and wear green."
"Thanks you! I promise you won't regret this!" She gave me a smile. I quickly ran out the door. I got a real job! Yes! I pull out my phone. It's a crappy flip phone, but it's cheap and it does it's job. I quickly send a text to my best friend. I don't hang with her much, but she will always text me. Kimberly Zoomvell. She is currently a senior at UA. She has this awesome quirk of blinking. Anywhere she thinks off she can just appear. If she wanted to she could think of a location and be there in half a second. She can even take people with her. It's a great quirk for sneaking out.
U- hey got a job
K- omg
U- I'm going to work to the bone. Need that money 💰
K- are we still on for my bday in a few weeks?
U- I'll request it off
K- good


It's 1pm now. The uniform is so bad. I got a few large pollos tops. Green of course. Pair it with come black leggings or jeans. It's still bad. You can't even see my curves. It's such a bad look. But I'm going to rock it. Forever. I was showed everything within and hour of being here. Now I'm running the register waiting. There is one lady looking at a few magazines, and her kid in the candy aisle. I heard the little chime of the door. I look over. This man walked in. He had on a yellow suit that was way to big, and his eyes were sunken in. He had a very angular face. He didn't have eyebrows, and he looked as if he doesn't eat. Not to mention he was hella tall! He was slouching, but he must be over 7ft! Once I realize I was staring, I looked away. He walked by without saying hi, he quickly went over and got a thing of soba. Maybe it's lunch time for him? I look at him again. His back was to me. He had this wild blonde hair. I always thought I fell into the stand of types. Tall, buff, handsome.... but looking at him. I think I'm more of an irregular girl. His feature, his height, I'm in awe. I want to touch him. He is perfect. He is definitely more handsome then I thought was even possible.  'How can I stop young Midoriya from breaking more bones?' A males voice rang in my head. Shit. Claim down. It's just the stupid quirk. Don't listen in. Don't look at him! I take a sip of my drink. I look over the the lady. 'I think I need a boob job.' I spit my drink out. Shit. Everyone turned to me. Even Mr. Mysterious over there. Shit shit shit! Think of something fast. "DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN BUY ALL MIGHT UNDERWEAR OVER THERE FOR ONLY $5.99!" Wow! Did I have to shout that! And why did I say underwear! Omg. They all look at me like I had three heads. I did the only thing I could think off. I used my quirk to levitate a pair up over the aisles. "See!" I squeaked out. I heard the kid laugh. The man just kinda looked embarrassed. He quickly grabbed his soba and came up to pay. Wow. Worst day ever. I scanned it in. "$7.99" I gave a smile.
He shook his head as he looked down looking for his change. Kill me. He handed me the money. For a second, his fingers touch my hand. Even if it was just the passing of money. I felt this rush of energy. I wanted him to touch me again. Instead, he grabs his food to leave. "Have a nice day!" I shout as the door closes. I wonder what's his story...

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