Chapter 7.5

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This is a chapter that might start to give more of an understanding to your quirks. Bear with me, the good shit will be in the next chapter. Evil Author 😈😈

POV: Lele

I was washing the dishes, when I looked out the window to see Kimberly coming up the walkway. I quickly turn off the water and grab a towel.
"Mom! Dad! Anyone home!" Kimberly shouts from the front door.
I run over to her and give her a big hug. "You could pop by more often you know."
"It took me seven different blinks to get here. My head hurts!"
"Long distance still giving you trouble I see."
"Well Happy Early Birthday my Baby Girl!" I give her a kiss on the forehead.
"Mom! I'm not a baby anymore. I'm turning 18!"
"You will always be my baby."
She rolls her eyes at me. "I can't stay long."
"Y/N and I are going out to movies and dinner."
"Oh how has Y/N been. Is living way out there ok for her. They can comeback whenever."
"She is fine. Actually she texted and told me she met All Might today. Oh and she has this crush on a dude. I haven't met him yet, but she really likes him." A smile formed on my face. She use to love All Might. She and I would joke about one day meeting him, and winning his heart.... "Mom! I'm still talking."
I shake my head, and look at my daughter. "Sorry sweetheart, was thinking of my childhood."
"Oh you can think about it, yet you won't tell me anything from it."
"I hope you don't ever have to go through what I did."
Ugh! Fine, keep your past from your only daughter."
"Maybe when your older."
"Oh! I need some things from my room." She walked down the hall.
It feels like just yesterday, when Y/N came back into my life. I hear Kimberly going through all of stuff.


"I wish you could go to 9th grade with me." I look down.
"I wish I could go to normal school." Y/N said.
We are walking around town. This is the last free night before I start high school. We are trying to have fun. "Look!" I run up to the window with a bunch of TVs on display. "It's that new hero. Over in America!"
"All Might!"
We stare up at the TVs. "How old do you think he is?"
"I think they said he is only 22."
"We are 14, so he is only 8 years older then us."
"One day I'll be Mrs. Might." Y/N said with a big smile.
"Not if I met him first." I stuck out my tongue at her.
"Hey, no man get between your friendship. Bestie for life." She gave me her pinky.
I hooked mine with hers. "Besties."
"He is like butter and I'm the toast."
"Because he's smooth and can spread all over you?"
"Look at him, he was sent to this earth to make you girl go crazy."
"I agree, but I won't use food to show it." I laugh at her.
"Imagine what's and average day is like for him."
"Kicking butt, and knowing every girl wants him."
"The kicking butt sounds like so much fun."
"We could try to become hero's too." I suggest.
"Being a hero would be so cool. You would be the best at it."
"No I wouldn't. I can't even work this second me very well."
"You can Astral project where ever you want! You are going to be the best. Maybe so good, All Might will see you." Y/N smirked at me.
I push her shoulder. "Yeah right." I look back at the tv. "Let's go to your place. I know your aunt would love to have us cook dinner."
"Best idea ever! You sure your parents would be cool with that Lele?" Y/N asked.
"Oh yeah." She starts to run. I'm not as fast as her. She was at the crosswalk. As I came up to her, suddenly there was this beating in my head. I could barely see, but I see Y/N is also affected. Then this wave pushes me back. I fall. I lost my breath, and was trying to breath. I look up to find Y/N was thrown into the road because of it. I try to speak but nothing happens. She wasn't moving.  I heard a car slam on the breaks. A car horn. Then shouting. I see this man get out of his car, and go to Y/N. I finally was able to breath right. I felt different tho. "Y/N!" I manage to shout. I see her start to get up. I crawl over to her. She was holding her head.
"My head is killing me."
"What are you doing in the road! Come on get up." The man grabbed her arm, and forced her to stand. "Move!" She stumbles over to me.
"Lele, what happened?"
"I-I don't know. Let's ask your aunt." We lean on each other for a little bit. Once we found the path that lead to her house in the woods, we were walking normally.
"Lele, I feel....different." Y/N never took her eyes off the path.
"Me too. Almost like I'm missing something big."
"That's strange, because I feel like there is something more to me."
"Hmmm." We finally saw the little house, and made it to the door. She opens it. I follow inside. "Hey, I'm going to get a drink." I point to the sink.
"Sure, I'm going to see my Aunt. Ask her if she might know." I watch her look around. "I'm going to check outback." She exits the door.
I fill a cup, and drink the whole thing. I hear Y/N shout. I quickly put the cup down, and ran outside. I looked around.  But she was no where. "Y/N!" I noticed the grass was down in one spot as if someone was laying there for some time. I look around again. "Y/N! Where did you go?!"

"MOM! Have you seen my box of shoes?!" Kimberly shouts, ending my memory.
"Are they under the box of clothes?!" I replied.
"I'm coming!" I let out a breath. As I walk down to Kimberly room, I can't help but feel sad. That day was the day I lost my best friend, and my quirk.

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