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This chapter is dedicated to Choco_lateefah. Thanks so much for your support.

And also for writing such a good book too😁
It's titled 'Unrequited' y'all should check it out if you haven't💙💙



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Roxie Johnes


"You?" She asked, snapping me back to reality.

"I'm Stella....Stella....Stella Downer," I almost stammered in reply.

"So you're really Stella? I've heard so much about you...you attend Ashton High right?" She asked, surprisingly amused.

Is she being for real?

"Yeah," I replied, a bit surprised by the newfound information.

"I've always heard about the strong, confident Stella that always stood tall and made things go just the way she wants them to...I'd always wanted to be like you to an extent that I stalked your Instagram page," she said before taking a good look at me.

What the heck is happening?

Roxie Johnes stalking my Instagram page?

She completely behaved like she doesn't even know who I am?

"I know what you're thinking right now," she said before releasing a short sarcastic chuckle.

"I actually had a feeling you were the one...but c'mon, you look nothing like you used to and I was wondering what the hell a whole Stella Downer was doing here...in a Juvenile cell, I had my doubts. So what happened?" She asked.

"How long have you been here?" I asked her, trying to be as polite as I could so I wouldn't push the wrong buttons and awaken the other side.

"I dunno....a couple of months...I think four or five..." She has replied with a confused look on her face.

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