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This chapter is dedicated to toxicity1o1
Thanks so much for giving this book a chance.

Unedited chapter🙁


"It feels like I've not been in school for ages. I fuckin' miss this place! I'd never imagined saying that, but it's true!" Kelly screeched on our way to school.

Ivy volunteered to drive, Kelly was seating beside her while I tried to get comfortable in the backseat.

"And Roxie's in our school now, I'm so excited to meet her too. All my friends too," she continued, that's how it had been since the beginning of the car ride.

The rest of the car ride was quiet apart from Kelly's rambling. I had told Ivy about what happened on Friday night but I didn't know if it was the cause of her sudden quietness but it was the cause of mine.

I was so indescisive, so confused.

One part of me was getting soft enough to release all the grudge I held against Cheryl but I didn't want to.

She hurt me badly, I didn't just want to forget about all of that!

And Roxie too, acting all strange, at one point, she's completely harsh, cold and care-free about others and at another point, she's so caring and crying her eyes out.

We got to school and we got down immediately so Ivy will head to her school in time too.

"Don't overstress yourself, okay?" She said to Kelly who nodded like she was a 2 year old before looking towards me.

"And that goes for you too."

"Yeah...sure," I replied.

We exchanged waves of goodbyes and she zoomed off faster than the speed of light.

Ivy and her driving speed is something else.

We walked inside and Kelly walked over to where her friends were while I headed straight to class.

Some people were staring at me with every step I took and I know that it had to do with what happened on Friday.

I entered the classroom and noticed Roxie already sitting on her seat, staring at a book on her desk but I could tell that her mind was somewhere far away.

It was a bit weird because Roxie doesn't come to class early. She gets to school and hangs out in the hallway with a few friends and gets to class when the bell rings or sometimes when the first period lesson had already gone halfway.

I made my way to my own seat which was beside hers and my presence snapped her back to reality.

"Hey, anything wrong?" I asked.

"No..no, just trying to read...that's all," she replied faintly.

"Dude...the book is up side down," I argued.

"Oh," she said suprisingly, looking down to the book, just to find out it was upright.

"It's not true," she retorted.

"Yeah...but it shows that you weren't even reading it," I argued.

"Okay...fine, right. I wasn't."

"Then, tell me what the problem is," I persisted.

"I was just thinking a few things over," she started.

"Like what?"

She took a deep breath and looked at me.

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