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About two months later.

It was time to watch Roxie leave.

Trust me, it was hard.

I didn't want her to but I know that I'll be selfish of me to even think of that because the dream of every kid detained here was to leave...

....Leave here for good and try to catch up with life once again and I doubt Roxie was an exception even though she acts like she completely comfortable with it.

I'm sure she still craves for her home.

There's no place like home and in the past few months, that statement made complete sense to me.

I miss home.

"It's okay Shawty, you're acting like I'm dying or something," she said, breaking the overly tight hug.

I ignored the fact she called me 'shawty', I was just so afraid to loose her.

"I miss you already...are you trying to tell me that you don't even miss me one bit?" I asked.

"I do...I do, but I'm not gone forever. I want to believe we'll still meet again. I'm still around anyways...still in the state...still in the discussions of your school mates...still in Kelly's brain and ofcourse still a follower on your Instagram page," she spoke out quickly.

And she's stupidly right.

"It isn't just the same as you being here, Rosie...I don't want to sound selfish but I wish you could stay more," I whined.

She carried her bag(which contains her stuffs) and slung it over her shoulder.

"Right? It would have been a choice but I have other things to take care of plus I have a sister who has been waiting for this day for a good nine months...I won't forget you though and I'll try to keep in touch in any way I can, okay?" She said before pinching me softly on the cheeks and I gave a small nod.

Sometimes, I even forget that I'm older than her.

"Be cool and be a nice girl when I'm gone, don't cause any type trouble because I won't be here to have your back. Your mouth is too sharp too, make it blunt a little so that you won't get gang beaten, I have a number of people that just dislikes me for no reason but don't let them hit on you...I bet they're still scared of you so don't let them have their way. Be friendly but be harsh when you need to, you can't be a complete goody-two-shoes because not everyone respects that. Lastly, don't ever call me Rosie again...ever.." she said and we both laughed.

Probably going to be our last laugh together.

She finally walked out through the cell door and the officer waiting locked the door after her.

They both walked away but not without a glance back and wave from Roxie ofcourse.

Atleast I had just a month to go. I already knew this day would have to come eventually but it was harder to experience it.

I'll try not to miss her too much.

But in less than a minute, I'm already failing woefully at that.


'...I won't forget you and I'll keep in touch in any way I can...'


Maybe not, but in the last three weeks, they have been.

And I felt a bit bad....and lonely.

I know I had a few other friends and quite a number of enemies too but none of them ever really affected me like Roxie did.

Maybe she has forgotten about me.

'Shut up, she's just been busy,' My inner mind scolded.

But it wasn't just her, Timothy too has also not been around for like the past five weeks too.

'Shut up bitch! He's busy, besides he's still having a hard time with everything that had happened in his family,' My innermind scolded again.

Yeah. My sub conscious is a strict one.

The bell rang indicating the end of the lesson period and it was lunch break meaning that we'll have to head to the cafeteria for lunch.

I packed my things and started making my way towards it. The smell of the pasta would have made me want to throw up a few months back but it wasn't the same anymore.

I feel like I've gotten used to the life of a juvenile.

But I just had a week to go, a week to get the hell out of here and I can't wait.


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