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This chapter is dedicated to Rhodaawopetu for being such an amazing friend❤


Atleast, Kelly had already been discharged from the hospital, but my mom insisted that she couldn't resume school till next week because she still needed to recover fully.

Home was doing fine for me but some other part of life was still hard to comprehend.

I couldn't still get the fact that Lan wants to have something to do with Roxie out of my head.

Him, his bestfriend and the gang has been on a low lately and I couldn't help but feel like something was wrong.

But ofcourse, I don't care. I believe that they're just getting worked out because of the match tomorrow. I mean, it was going to be their very last in highschool.

Roxie and I were kinda in talking terms now but I couldn't just bring myself to talk about Lan or their sudden friendship.

She's warned me about meddling into her relationship with people and I didn't want to cross that line...again.

It was really hard. I mean I'd told her about my issue with Lan, so why the hell would she still want to have something to do with him.

It felt so...wrong.

'But you did have something to do with him even after what he did to your friend back then'

Yeah. Guilty as charged.

I waited in the parking lot for Ivy. She had been the one picking me up since the beginning of this week.

I know it might be a bit stressful for her but she never shows it. Infact, she acts like it's actually fun for her.

I spotted the car a few miles away.

A few seconds later, she had already parked nearby and I quickly walked towards her.

As I got closer, I could hear the loud music booming from it.

I opened the door and got in.

"The music is so loud!" I screamed.

"I know!" She screamed back.

"It's very annoying!" I shouted again.

"Your problem!" She shouted back as she ignited the engine and started driving out.

"I already have a head ache and it's making me sick!" I yelled again due to the loud music and she turned off the music immediately.

"Hey...why did you suddenly turn it off?" I asked.

"Isn't that what you want?" She asked back.

"That's what I want but not what I expected," I replied.

She didn't say a word for a while.

"I have some pain killers with me," she suddenly said.


"Don't you have a headache?" She replied immediately.

"Hey, it's actually not so serious, just a bit tired from school and stuff that's all," I replied.

"You sure?"

'Yeah...oh..is that why you turned off the music?"

"It's not like I want to see any of my sisters sick again," she replied.

"Awww...so sweet," I said, trying to pinch her cheeks.

"Stop it," she said, trying to dodge my touch.

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