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This chapter is dedicated to
Thanks for the support❤


Just trust me...

Roxie was already long gone with Lan.

By that, I mean like seven minutes ago, but I was still pondering on her words, trying to figure out what she actually meant by that.

Why is she so confusing?

Why is my life so confusing?!

"Stella--" I looked up to see a pair of girls I wasn't in the mood to talk to.

"I'm sorry if we pissed you off or anything, it's clear you don't look so happy," Tianna said.

"Yeah...I'm not so happy, what do you want?" I asked.

"I...we just wanna say we're proud of you...you showed how brave you could be...we all heard about what happened on Friday," Amber said.

Brave? I guess nobody knew how fast my heart was beating on the inside.

"Sure...thanks," I blandly replied.

"I'm serious, you...you actually did that for Cheryl of all people...it's...it's fascinating," she continued.

I just nodded in reply.

"Okay...I get it, you don't wanna talk with us, we're just pestering you. Then fine, we've tried to mend things with you...but no...you keep on pushing us away. What else do you want us to do to show you we're sorry. We all made mistakes but you're making it seem like we're so unforgivable," Tianna said.

I looked up at both of them.

"Tianna is just being a little impatient there, but please understand us..we..."

"Fine...I forgive you," I said putting my gaze back down on the book on my desk.

I figured out keeping grudges won't do any good, it'll only cause me harm, confusion and make my life so complicated.

So yeah, I'll let it go, I used them, they used me, they hurt me, they ask for forgiveness, I forgive them...End of chapter.

"Are you for real? You've forgiven us, so...so we're like friends ag--"

"We're not friends again...isn't it clear, we can't be friends anymore, a lot of things have changed. I forgive you, we can say 'hi' to each other when we cross path in the hallway, but that's it....nothing else. Nothing more," I interrupted.

"Oh.." Amber blurted.

"Yeah...I guess that's how it'll be, if time will heal...I don't know yet but for now, I'll love to keep my life simple and far enough from unnecessary drama," I continued.

"Okay..fine then," Tianna said, a small smile creeping on her face for the first time she got here.

She stretched her hand for a handshake and I accepted it.

I looked back at my book in a way that shows that we were done with the little conversation and I don't know if they got the gesture because I could still feel a presence standing at the front of my table.

"Anything els--" I looked up but noticed that it was neither Tianna nor Amber.


Super cute but hot Timothy.

"Oh," I blurted, trying to take in the shock.

My heart beating like crazy inside my chest. He doesn't need to take me this unawares all the time. I might die from a heart attack if he keeps on doing this.

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