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My hands were sweaty.

I kept on fondling with them and drying them on my gown simultaneously all the way to the visiting room.

What would I tell them? Where would I start from?

"You could start from the night you saw Veronica and your ex making out," My subconscious chipped in.

'Shut the fuck up...It's still never an excuse to kill an old friend!' I scolded my inner mind.

This is a proof that I'm going insanely crazy.

The door of the visiting room was opened. The room was  painted a bright blue colour just like the rest of the centre with about six tables with corresponding surrounding chairs around it with four officers occupying the four corners of the room.

My eyes landed on them--My mom and sisters.

They looked up at me immediately they noticed my presence.

What now? Were they disappointed in me? Were they going to leave me just like everyone else did?


It was Kelly. She stood up from where she sat and ran towards me before enveloping me into a tight embrace.

I was taken aback for a while before I equally wrapped my hands around her too. But tighter though.

We stayed in the same position for quite a long time and when we finally broke the hug, I noticed mom and Ivy were already standing a few inches away from us.

Kelly stepped aside as my mom came foward and placed her hands on my shoulders. She didn't say anything, she just looked at me straight in the eye.

It was freaking me out.

"Mom...I--" I was cut short as she pulled me in for a hug too with her hands running up and down my hair slowly but roughly.

"I'm just glad you're okay," she said before pulling out of the hug so that we can look at each other in the face.

"You know you scared me right? Why did you pull that stunt and then suddenly avoid your family huh?!" She shouted at me.

I was filled with joy.

Yes! Joy.

For the fact that they still care about me even after all that I'd done.

"I'm really sorry mom," I said, looking down at my feet.

"I know that I've done so many--" I suddenly felt someone hold unto my wrist softly.

"Why don't we go sit down first," Ivy said, her face beaming with smile towards me as she dragged me over to the table they were seated on earlier with my mom and Kelly trailing close behind us.

She pulled out a chair for me and I sat on it before pulling another one by my left and sitting on it. My mom on the chair by my right and Kelly, across the table right in front of me.

I felt surrounded by love.

"So...how have you been?" My mom asked.

"To be honest...this place feels a little uncomfortable," I faintly replied.

"...But I deserve it though..."

"Stop saying that!" Kelly shouted at me.

"...It's just the truth...I can't deny the fact that it's all my fault," I pushed on, using my palms to cover up my face.

Someone forcefully yanked away my palm from my face.

"You know what! You're just being too hard on yourself! You're already paying for your crimes anyway! She pushed you to the wall and she's obviously aware of the fact that you have anger issues...it's not like I was ever fond of that girl by the way," Ivy spat, saying the last sentence almost as low as a whisper.

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