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Stephanie Rosa Downer, (Stella's mom

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Stephanie Rosa Downer, (Stella's mom.)


I sat on my bed, curled up with my hands tight round my knees as I shivered to and fro...

It was killing me...

The guilt was eating me up inside!

I'm a fuckin' murderer!

It was 2pm but I'd already been home three hours ago. School had been called for an early closure today after a brief assembly because of Veronica.

Because of me.

She was seen later on in the bathroom by another female student and she'd been comfirmed dead.

A cold shiver ran through my spine as I thought of it.

Maybe I should have called for attention earlier.

Maybe I should have rushed her for medical attention.

Maybe I should have yelled for help. Maybe she would have survived.

But I couldn't, 'cus I was scared.

I'm still so scared, I couldn't get to tell anybody about what I did.

Not even my sisters, not even my friends, not even my mom.

I heard a soft knock on the door before the door opened slowly. Ivy poked in her head first before walking in.

I cleaned the almost dried tears on my cheeks as Ivy sat beside me.

"Kelly told me about it....about you and Daniel," she started.

Daniel and I?

No one else knew about it, I wonder how news travel so fast.

I nodded my head in response.

"I'm so sorry about that."

"No need to be sorry....he's an asshole," I retorted in a low voice.

"Yeah I know, all guys are stupid," she responded.

"I also heard about Nika," she continued after a few moments of silence and it brought a fresh set of tears to my eyes.

"I know you miss her so much, but don't be too hard on yourself okay? Her day had always been numbered, but if anyone had a hand in her demise, the police will find out and the person would suffer dearly," she said and I forced myself to nod in response.

Only if she knew...

I wonder how they'll react when they find out it was all me!

I didn't mean it, it just happened so fast.

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