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This chapter is dedicated to Saritti3456. Thanks for checking out my book and for your votes❤



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I was in the kitchen, trying to cook up something for dinner, Ivy went out with her friends while Kelly was asleep upstairs.

I couldn't tell Ivy about Zach, I'd already made enough mess for one day.

For one week.

The noodles were already on fire, I tried to slice the onions before I heard the doorbell ring.

Who could that be?

It couldn't be Ivy, she would have just walked in, none of us had used that doorbell in a long time and besides, it was barely 5:30pm--to early for Ivy to be home.

I cleaned my hands with a napkin before heading for the door. A few metres away from the door, the bell rang again.

"Coming!" I yelled before taking a few steps and pulling the door open. It revealed a face...

A face I'd last seen six years ago.

A face I never wanted to see again.

I wanted to close the door on him...

"Cowry," he called, that was my middle name and I hope he realizes how much I hate it.

"Please, let me in," he stated.

"Why?! You don't deserve to be here! You can go back to wherever you came from! We don't need you anymore!"

"We can talk about this."

"Talk....talk! There's nothing to talk about!"

"Is your mom around?" He asked, his voice still as calm as ever.

"Stay away from my mom, you've done enough damage already," I spat.


"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" I interrupted.

He looked away and ran his hands roughly through his jet black hair--just like mine--now, I feel like I should pull out every strand of my hair, I didn't want to have any form of resemblance with him.

"What can I do to get you to listen to me?" He asked.

"Leave!" I shouted before banging the door close, right in his face.

I felt tears well up in my eyes as I recalled the day he'd left, he'd gone without a reason and now, he wants to come back with an excuse.

Just like that. After six damn years!

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