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This chapter is dedicated to Maryleslie3 for being such a loving friend and always pushing me to move foward.
Thank you dear❤


Anthony Roger Downer (Stella's dad)

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Anthony Roger Downer (Stella's dad).


My dad and I are just like similar magnetic poles that can never attract.

I don't know why all guys have to be ass-holes including the matured ones.

"Please can we talk?" He asked me.

Anthony Roger Downer, I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore. I wonder why we still bear his last name.

I looked away, my face as firm as stone. I felt Kelly's hands on my arms, rubbing it slightly. I looked at her and into those expectant dark brown eyes of hers.

"Fine," I replied.

My mom turned to leave and signaled for Kelly to follow her. They both left and it just remained the both of us in the sitting room.

Him and I.

"Let's sit," he said, motioning to one of the couches. I did as he said and tried to make my self comfortable on one it, as far away from him as possible.

"What the fuck do you wanna say?" I asked, my face as firm as it could be.

He scrunched his face, I knew he had a problem with my rude statement but it's not like he could do anything to me.

He took a deep breathe.

"I'm sorry," he surprisingly said.

"Sorry? For what exactly?"

"For everything....Stella, for everything," he replied immediately.

"I know that I've made a few mistakes--"

"--A lot of mistakes..." I interrupted.

"Yeah....a lot, but I really want my family back.....I want my children back....I want to see y'all grow and--"

"You already missed that dad.....We've grown....big enough to make our own decisions and one of them is that we don't want you around! We've lived a lot of years perfectly without you.....we'd already watched one other grow without a father! So there's no point having you around anymore!" I spat at the top of my voice. I can't really tell what made me talk like that but there was this growing anger inside me.

I can't just stand him! We couldn't just have a normal conversation! What was he even still doing here! Having him here and seeing him everyday is just like adding fuel into the fire of my problems!

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