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I never imagined.

I couldn't imagine that he would ever do this to me.

What was I thinking?

I thought he loved me. I thought he cared. I thought he really felt my pain.

I had been so stupid. He used my mental and emotional instability against me.

I fuckin' hate you Landor Jackson!

All I wanted was to see him perish!

That was all I felt but in reality, I was slumped in the closet, alone in my own tears.

Kelly had left me earlier, she felt like I needed space and solitude at the moment.

Everyone must have seen it. That was what they were all talking about.

That was what Daniel and Cheryl were talking about?

I feel like trash right now.

"'Cus you are," I heard someone reply my own thought.

When did I start blabbing out my thoughts?

I looked up from my position on the floor, I had been engrossed in my pain that I didn't even notice that people had walked into the room.

Amber and Tianna.

And I familiarized that statement as Tianna's.

I stood up from the floor and dusted my clothes before staring back at them.

"You even look like one right now," Amber spat.

"Now see who's the whore right now, sleeping around with guys, even with your friend's ex," Tianna continued.

"But you know that's not how it is!" I retorted.

"But that's how everyone sees it!" She shouted back.

"You're just so full of yourself, others will always find joy, trying to bring you down, Stella," Amber spat with so much venom in her tongue.

Was this really Amber talking, this is definitely not her.

She had a fake smile plastered on her face.

"I really thought you would have seen this coming....but seems like you were dumb enough to believe whatever that manwhore had to say. I'm way beyond disappointed."

"And you had the guts to call me a whore, atleast being a whore is better than being used, you didn't see any of these coming, did you?" Tianna mocked.

Does it mean they knew all about it?

"You knew all about it all these while? You know he wasn't being real? You knew it was all a bet?!" I shrieked, staring at them with so much pain within me.

"I thought we were friends...." It came out more like a whisper.

"Don't full anyone Stella....you never took us as friends! It's just a way of making yourself feel highly placed! You were just using us to remind yourself how powerful you can be! We were more like your side-kicks...not friends," Amber said, staring right at me, I could see all the hurt embedded in her eyes.

"You never cared about how we feel or what we have to say, everything always had to be about you! Everything always had to go your way!" She continued, her eyes already welling up with tears.

"You were in the spot light, you made things happen....people fear you...people love you, many hate you....girls wanted to be like you....guys wanted you but they didn't even have the guts to even meet you......that's the life you've been living....the life you love living in expense of others.....Oh....the mighty Stella has fallen!" Tianna spat loudly.

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