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I pulled up in the driveway of my home, I had to walk back to the club to get my car.

I wondered how I looked walking in broad day light with a large top, big shorts and an oversized pair of flip flops, not to mention the remains of last night's make-up and the fact that I wasn't putting on bra.

I looked insane.

I got out of my car, not forgetting the bag containing my stuffs. I'm a bit glad that his house wasn't so far from the club.

I walked into my house, it was so unexpectedly quiet. I wondered if anyone was home but I knew the door would be locked if no one was home.

A farmiliar aroma of steak pie from the kitchen hit me and it equally means a certain 'someone' was around.

I dragged myself upstairs and as I was about to enter my room, I heard voices from the room at the end of hallway and the room door was slightly opened.

That door is almost never opened.

I opened my room door to get in before I heard a rare but farmiliar voice from the other end.

"Stella Cowry Downer," I hated my middle name!

I turned to see my mom, standing in front of the door to her room.

"Mom?!" It came out more like a question.

I already knew she was probably around, but to see her standing a few metres away from me was a whole different case.

She walked back into her room, and it only meant one thing.

Follow her.

I mentally braced myself before dropping the bag containing my stuffs infront of my door and walking towards hers.

I walked into her room, Ivy was sitting on her bed, Kelly was standing with hands crossed behind her and head hung low. My mom, Stephanie Rosa Downer was standing firm but ever confident in her perfectly tailored trousers accompanied with a perfectly tucked black shirt.

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