57. (Final chapter)

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This chapter is dedicated to everyone that had spent time to read and support this book.

I appreciate all of you, those that had been mentioned earlier and those that I wasn't able to mention (I'm also sorry about that😭)

Thank y'all❤❤

Also unedited :/


"Pass the vegetables," my mom hurriedly said and I picked up the tray filled with chopped vegetables from the top of the kitchen counter and handed it to her.

Today is my dad's birthday, we haven't been able to celebrate it with him for a number of years now and we had so much plans for it but when we reminded him, he'd suggested that he didn't want a big party or anything like that, just dinner with family.

Dinner together might be a normal thing for other families but not really for mine because we rarely ate together or on the dining table even.

Mom and Dad comes home sometimes after dinner, Ivy usually eats in her room while streaming Netflix or doing whatsoever with her phone, Kelly eats in the sitting room, right infront of the TV or with her headphones over her ears.

As for me, I'm either out with friends but when I'm home, I tend to eat on the dining table....alone.

So yeah, it was kinda a big deal.

Timothy and I have been officially together for a while now. He asked me out like a week back over icecream.

Like, I heard two of my favorite things in front of me!

I informed my family and my close friends about it a few days later, Mom claimed that they've met a few times and he had brought me home once when I was drunk.

That made me blush out of embarrassment though.

My sisters were glad that I'd moved on from my stupid past, I also do wish Ivy would too.

And well Roxie,

Let's just say she'd been teasing me and trying to make me go deaf by her repeatitive statements of 'I told you so,' or 'I knew you two had a thing,' or 'I seriously dreamt about this, I think I should become a prophetess.'

So because of the reason listed above, Timothy and his family were also invited and so was Roxie and Rielle because according to my parents, they'll like to know more about our 'new' friends.

It was a little more of mom's but idea because she was clearly still uncomfortable about Roxie, finding out about her background and all, she claims that she's either dangerous or a bad influence.

But yeah, there's more to her than it meets the eye and besides, I perfectly know how to handle her already.

Kelly and Ivy were setting up the table while I helped my mom in the kitchen.

I'd never really acknowledged the need for a rectangle shaped dining table with twelve chairs till today.

It was around four in the afternoon and the dinner was scheduled for six in the evening so we needed to make everything ready before time.

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