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This chapter is dedicated to Mystical_princess14  for all your beautiful votes and comments.
She also has nice books on her profile.



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I couldn't believe my eyes but no doubt it was real.

I couldn't meet up to his gaze, I could tell the type of thoughts running in his mind.

I snatched the phone from him and deleted the video immediately before yanking my bag off the table and and running out as fast as possible.

Out of his house, straight to my car.

I got in and drove ad fast as possible, faster than I'd ever driven before, like I was running away from reality. Uncontrollable tears already  streaming down my cheeks.

My sight was getting blurry as my hands clenched tightly to the steering wheel. I know it is risky driving with disturbed vision at such high speed.

But I could care less...

Death seemed like a better option...

The guilt is damn haunting me.

I parked roughly in the driveway before rushing out of the car and running towards the door. I pushed it open and got in.

A few steps in the sitting room, I could notice my family in the dining in the dining room.

He was there.

All their gazes locked towards me, each of them holding the same emotion.


I ignored all of them and found my way up the stairs, straight to my room.

"Stella! Stella!" I heard someone calling from downstairs but it was too late.

I got into my room, locked myself and drowned myself in tears.


It was a Saturday, I was lying face down on my bed. That's how it'd been since Thursday.

I didn't talk to anyone though I kept on hearing knocks on my door. My phone was switched off and completely far away from me, I'd also ditched school on Friday.

The fact that someone knows was killing me slowly.

Who could it be?

How did the person find out?

What if the video had gone viral and everyone knows?!

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