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This chapter is dedicated to VeraDavid5
Thank you for your support❤


My name is actually Rosie but I changed it to Roxie myself."

"Why the heck would you do that? Rosie is such a cute and sweet name, I mean...rose is such a beautiful flower," I retorted.

"That's the thing...it's too 'cute and sweet', I'm not cute and sweet...and roses are definitely not my thing, I would go for a bundle of dollars anytime," she replied.

"OMG, Rosie..."

"It's Roxie! Don't let me knock all your teeth off," she playfully threatened and I bursted into laughter.

"The fuck! You sound just like Kelly right now...she doesn't like her middle name," I said inbetween my chuckles.

"See who's talking...Cowry..." She said sarcastically.

"Hey! Mine's different...my middle name sounds really weird plus it reminds me of cows and I don't have anything to do with those smelly animals...except eating them though...but Kelly simply hates hers because it sounds girly. Sometimes I even wish we could switch, who would want a name that sounds 'Cow-y' when she can have a name that sounds 'girl-y'. I mean, isn't it normal for a girl's name to sound girly?" I blurted out quickly, trying to make a point.

"Is that so...well then, I think I love Kelly already," she said.

"Oh...really? You wouldn't love her for long though. When you get to know her closely, you'll see how annoying she could be with each day that passes by. Trust me...she could be a pain in the ass..." I trailed off.

"Hmmm...luckily for me, I've got no ass, B," she replied.

"You're kidding me."

"I mean...my sister says I'm annoying all the time, so if I'm annoying, then, being annoying should be a normal trait...since I think I'm normal," she continued.

Is she even hearing herself?

"Weirdo," I scoffed.

Several weeks had already passed by and the more time I got to spend here, the more I get to know about her, her sister and her late parents.

They had been through a lot.

We were presently squeezed on one of the beds in the middle of the night.

I normally slept on the down bunk bed while she was above me.

It had to be that position for a while because I still couldn't get the fact that the bed here was five times smaller than the one I had at home.

I usually roll and find myself on the cold floor, especially during my earlier days.

Imagine I was on the upper bunk bed...

But right now, we were curled up on my little bed since we both couldn't catch any sleep.

I couldn't sleep and she couldn't sleep so we decided to can't sleep together.

"So how about Timothy?" She suddenly asked and my nerves were suddenly alerted by the question.

"Why do you ask?"

"Nothing...just wanted to know how the little guy is doing?" She said and gave me a wink.

A wink I could see even in the dark.

"Stop...it," I said, using my fingers to pinch her arm.

"Awww!" She groaned in pain.

After the conversation between Timothy and I on my birthday, she was curious about it when I got back.

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