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This chapter is dedicated to TomiGrace_xx.
Thank you for giving this book a try❤


I pushed the locker room door open without warning, silently praying that I wouldn't see anything I ain't supposed to right now.

But what I saw was worse than that, it was Cheryl, she was almost half naked, clad in just bra and jeans that were already hanging low, her face red swollen like she had been beaten up with Daniel trying to force himself on her, it was so bad that I could rarely catch a view of her petite frame.

But she was still struggling.

The other guys didn't seem to care, some doing their own personal business, some watching and finding it amusing while some, including Luke was holding Cheryl down.

Almost all eyes were on me the moment I barged in.

This is really weird.

"What are you doing here?" Luke spat at me but I chose to ignore him, there was a main idiot here.

"I thought you're man enough," I said loud enough for the broken fool to hear.

Like he knew he was the one I was talking to, he looked towards me and let go of her but two other guys still held her from moving.

"I'm man enough," he blandly replied.

"I don't think so, a real man doesn't beg for sex or force it. Are you sure you're what you claim to be?" I said.

His jaw clenched and his hands balled into a fist.

I flinched internally but I know I shouldn't back down. I was here now, there was no going back.

"So by that, you're referring to Lan right. I'm sure he showed you how much of a real man he could be. Oh really, it was nice seeing him perfom everything I tought him on you," he said.

Laughter bursted around the room.


Regret was setting in.

Low self esteem.



A feeling I can't even describe.

He just had to.

But yeah...I started this. I wasn't just going to back down and cry my eyes out even if that was what I was urging to do.

"Are you sure, you were the one that tought him, because he was way smoother than this," I replied.

There was a look of surprise in his face.

I was surprised too but I knew I couldn't keep on being hunted and hurt by my past anymore.

I can't let people see it as my weak spot.

"See who's gotten fiercer," he said, sarcasm dripping in his voice.

"Ofcourse, and see who's getting more pathetic with each freaking day that passes by. Just accept that you've lost. Not everything has to go the way you want it and if you claim that you love her the way you do, you wouldn't be doing this to her!"

"So what do you think? You want to take her place...I won't mind," he said, coming closer to me with slow steady steps.

Every nerve in my body wanted to step back and just run away!

But I stayed still. Without even moving a muscle.

He got close to me, where I stood just in front of the door. He stretched forward till his face was a very few inches away from mine.

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