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Stella Downer

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Stella Downer.......again😁


It was Saturday, it was beyond 12pm but I was still crouched on my bed with my phone beside me.

I was over thinking about everything.

But above all, I was waiting for 'his' call.

Maybe there is a good reason he hasn't called yet, maybe his phone is dead, maybe he isn't feeling fine, maybe something bad happened at home....

Maybe....just maybe!

I heard a knock on the door for the first time since last night. I didn't bother asking who it was.

"Someone is here to see you," I heard Ivy's faint voice from the other side of the door.

Who could it be? I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone right now.

"It's a guy," she continued.

A guy? Is it Lan?

I shot out of my bed with the speed of light, without even bothering about the fact that I was clad in just shorts and a simple shirt. I jumped into my flip flops and ran towards the door.

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